1,789 research outputs found

    Learning Counterfactual Representations for Estimating Individual Dose-Response Curves

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    Estimating what would be an individual's potential response to varying levels of exposure to a treatment is of high practical relevance for several important fields, such as healthcare, economics and public policy. However, existing methods for learning to estimate counterfactual outcomes from observational data are either focused on estimating average dose-response curves, or limited to settings with only two treatments that do not have an associated dosage parameter. Here, we present a novel machine-learning approach towards learning counterfactual representations for estimating individual dose-response curves for any number of treatments with continuous dosage parameters with neural networks. Building on the established potential outcomes framework, we introduce performance metrics, model selection criteria, model architectures, and open benchmarks for estimating individual dose-response curves. Our experiments show that the methods developed in this work set a new state-of-the-art in estimating individual dose-response

    Counterfactual Learning with Multioutput Deep Kernels

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    In this paper, we address the challenge of performing counterfactual inference with observational data via Bayesian nonparametric regression adjustment, with a focus on high-dimensional settings featuring multiple actions and multiple correlated outcomes. We present a general class of counterfactual multi-task deep kernels models that estimate causal effects and learn policies proficiently thanks to their sample efficiency gains, while scaling well with high dimensions. In the first part of the work, we rely on Structural Causal Models (SCM) to formally introduce the setup and the problem of identifying counterfactual quantities under observed confounding. We then discuss the benefits of tackling the task of causal effects estimation via stacked coregionalized Gaussian Processes and Deep Kernels. Finally, we demonstrate the use of the proposed methods on simulated experiments that span individual causal effects estimation, off-policy evaluation and optimization
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