17,420 research outputs found

    Shape Modeling with Spline Partitions

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    Shape modelling (with methods that output shapes) is a new and important task in Bayesian nonparametrics and bioinformatics. In this work, we focus on Bayesian nonparametric methods for capturing shapes by partitioning a space using curves. In related work, the classical Mondrian process is used to partition spaces recursively with axis-aligned cuts, and is widely applied in multi-dimensional and relational data. The Mondrian process outputs hyper-rectangles. Recently, the random tessellation process was introduced as a generalization of the Mondrian process, partitioning a domain with non-axis aligned cuts in an arbitrary dimensional space, and outputting polytopes. Motivated by these processes, in this work, we propose a novel parallelized Bayesian nonparametric approach to partition a domain with curves, enabling complex data-shapes to be acquired. We apply our method to HIV-1-infected human macrophage image dataset, and also simulated datasets sets to illustrate our approach. We compare to support vector machines, random forests and state-of-the-art computer vision methods such as simple linear iterative clustering super pixel image segmentation. We develop an R package that is available at \url{https://github.com/ShufeiGe/Shape-Modeling-with-Spline-Partitions}

    Joint Clustering and Registration of Functional Data

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    Curve registration and clustering are fundamental tools in the analysis of functional data. While several methods have been developed and explored for either task individually, limited work has been done to infer functional clusters and register curves simultaneously. We propose a hierarchical model for joint curve clustering and registration. Our proposal combines a Dirichlet process mixture model for clustering of common shapes, with a reproducing kernel representation of phase variability for registration. We show how inference can be carried out applying standard posterior simulation algorithms and compare our method to several alternatives in both engineered data and a benchmark analysis of the Berkeley growth data. We conclude our investigation with an application to time course gene expression

    Nonparametric Hierarchical Clustering of Functional Data

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    In this paper, we deal with the problem of curves clustering. We propose a nonparametric method which partitions the curves into clusters and discretizes the dimensions of the curve points into intervals. The cross-product of these partitions forms a data-grid which is obtained using a Bayesian model selection approach while making no assumptions regarding the curves. Finally, a post-processing technique, aiming at reducing the number of clusters in order to improve the interpretability of the clustering, is proposed. It consists in optimally merging the clusters step by step, which corresponds to an agglomerative hierarchical classification whose dissimilarity measure is the variation of the criterion. Interestingly this measure is none other than the sum of the Kullback-Leibler divergences between clusters distributions before and after the merges. The practical interest of the approach for functional data exploratory analysis is presented and compared with an alternative approach on an artificial and a real world data set

    A Geometric Approach to Pairwise Bayesian Alignment of Functional Data Using Importance Sampling

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    We present a Bayesian model for pairwise nonlinear registration of functional data. We use the Riemannian geometry of the space of warping functions to define appropriate prior distributions and sample from the posterior using importance sampling. A simple square-root transformation is used to simplify the geometry of the space of warping functions, which allows for computation of sample statistics, such as the mean and median, and a fast implementation of a kk-means clustering algorithm. These tools allow for efficient posterior inference, where multiple modes of the posterior distribution corresponding to multiple plausible alignments of the given functions are found. We also show pointwise 95%95\% credible intervals to assess the uncertainty of the alignment in different clusters. We validate this model using simulations and present multiple examples on real data from different application domains including biometrics and medicine