284 research outputs found

    Basis of Diagonally Alternating Harmonic Polynomials for low degree

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    Given a list of nn cells L=[(p1,q1),...,(pn,qn)]L=[(p_1,q_1),...,(p_n, q_n)] where pi,qiZ0p_i, q_i\in \textbf{Z}_{\ge 0}, we let ΔL=det(pj!)1(qj!)1xipjyiqj\Delta_L=\det |{(p_j!)^{-1}(q_j!)^{-1} x^{p_j}_iy^{q_j}_i} |. The space of diagonally alternating polynomials is spanned by {ΔL}\{\Delta_L\} where LL varies among all lists with nn cells. For a>0a>0, the operators Ea=i=1nyixiaE_a=\sum_{i=1}^{n} y_i\partial_{x_i}^a act on diagonally alternating polynomials and Haiman has shown that the space AnA_n of diagonally alternating harmonic polynomials is spanned by {EλΔn}\{E_\lambda\Delta_n\}. For t=(tm,...,t1)Z>0mt=(t_m,...,t_1)\in \textbf{Z}_{> 0}^m with tm>...>t1>0t_m>...>t_1>0, we consider here the operator Ft=detEtmj+1+(ji)F_t=\det\big\|E_{t_{m-j+1}+(j-i)}\big\|. Our first result is to show that FtΔLF_t\Delta_L is a linear combination of ΔL\Delta_{L'} where LL' is obtained by {\sl moving} (t)=m\ell(t)=m distinct cells from LL in some determined fashion. This allows us to control the leading term of some elements of the form Ft(1)...Ft(r)ΔnF_{t_{(1)}}... F_{t_{(r)}}\Delta_n. We use this to describe explicit bases of some of the bihomogeneous components of An=Ank,lA_n=\bigoplus A_n^{k,l} where Ank,l=Span{EλΔn:(λ)=l,λ=k}A_n^{k,l}=\hbox{Span}\{E_\lambda\Delta_n :\ell(\lambda)=l, |\lambda|=k\}. More precisely we give an explicit basis of Ank,lA_n^{k,l} whenever k<nk<n. To this end, we introduce a new variation of Schensted insertion on a special class of tableaux. This produces a bijection between partitions and this new class of tableaux. The combinatorics of those tableaux TT allows us to know exactly the leading term of FTΔnF_T\Delta_n where FTF_T is the operator corresponding to the columns of TT and whenever nn is bigger than the weight of TT.Comment: To appear in JCT-A; 21 pages, one PDF figur

    Multivariate Diagonal Coinvariant Spaces for Complex Reflection Groups

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    For finite complex reflexion groups, we consider the graded WW-modules of diagonally harmonic polynomials in rr sets of variables, and show that associated Hilbert series may be described in a global manner, independent of the value of rr.Comment: 12 pages, Removed a (wrong) conjecture, and reformulated in agreement. Also cleared up section on low degree term

    Laminar-turbulent patterning in wall-bounded shear flows: a Galerkin model

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    On its way to turbulence, plane Couette flow - the flow between counter-translating parallel plates - displays a puzzling steady oblique laminar-turbulent pattern. We approach this problem via Galerkin modelling of the Navier-Stokes equations. The wall-normal dependence of the hydrodynamic field is treated by means of expansions on functional bases fitting the boundary conditions exactly. This yields a set of partial differential equations for the spatiotemporal dynamics in the plane of the flow. Truncating this set beyond lowest nontrivial order is numerically shown to produce the expected pattern, therefore improving over what was obtained at cruder effective wall-normal resolution. Perspectives opened by the approach are discussed.Comment: to appear in Fluid Dynamics Research; 14 pages, 5 figure

    The Earth Mover\u27s Distance Through the Lens of Algebraic Combinatorics

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    The earth mover\u27s distance (EMD) is a metric for comparing two histograms, with burgeoning applications in image retrieval, computer vision, optimal transport, physics, cosmology, political science, epidemiology, and many other fields. In this thesis, however, we approach the EMD from three distinct viewpoints in algebraic combinatorics. First, by regarding the EMD as the symmetric difference of two Young diagrams, we use combinatorial arguments to answer statistical questions about histogram pairs. Second, we adopt as a natural model for the EMD a certain infinite-dimensional module, known as the first Wallach representation of the Lie algebra su(p,q), which arises in the Howe duality setting in Type A; in this setting, we show how the second fundamental theorem of invariant theory generalizes the northwest corner rule\u27\u27 from optimal transport theory, yielding a simple interpretation of the partial matching\u27\u27 case of the EMD via separation into invariants and harmonics. Third, we reapproach partial matching in the context of crystal bases of Types A, B, and C, which leads us to introduce a variation of the EMD in terms of distance on a crystal graph. Having exploited these three approaches, we generalize all of our EMD results to an arbitrary number of histograms rather than only two at a time. In the final chapter, we observe a combinatorial connection between generalized BGG resolutions arising in Type-A Howe duality and certain non-holomorphic discrete series representations of the group SU(p,q)