9,941 research outputs found

    The impact of labels on the competitiveness of the European food label supply chain

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    The report studies the impact of private labels on the competitiveness of the European food processing industry and investigates whether a system of producer indication may improve the functioning of the food supply chain. The impact is studied using economic theory and empirical and legal analysis. The study is completed with an impact assessment

    Game Theoretic Analysis of Carbon Emission Reduction and Sales Promotion in Dyadic Supply Chain in Presence of Consumers’ Low-Carbon Awareness

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    The paper studies how the combination of the manufacturer’s carbon emission reduction and the retailer’s emission reduction relevant promotion impacts the performances of a dyadic supply chain in low-carbon environment. We consider three typical scenarios, that is, centralized and decentralized without or with side-payment. We compare measures of supply chain performances, such as profitabilities, emission reduction efficiencies, and effectiveness, in these scenarios. To improve chain-wide performances, a new side-payment contract is designed to coordinate the supply chain and numerical experiments are also conducted. We find the following. (1) In decentralized setting, the retailer will provide emission cutting allowance to the manufacturer only if their unit product profit margin is higher enough than the manufacturer’s, and the emission reduction level of per unit product is a monotonically increasing function with respect to the cost pooling proportion provided by the retailer; (2) the new side-payment contract can coordinate the dyadic supply chain successfully due to its integrating sales promotion effort and emission reduction input, which results in system pareto optimality under decentralized individual rationality but achieves a collective rationality effect in the centralized setting; (3) when without external force’s regulation, consumers’ low-carbon awareness is to enhance consumers’ utility and decrease profits of supply chain firms

    Governance for quality management in smallholder-based tropical food chains

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    The paper provides a framework that focuses on the linkages between several key dimensions of supply chain organization and performance of perishable tropical food products. The focus is on the relationship between governance regime and quality management. However, two other but related variables are taken into account because they impact on the relationship between governance and quality management. These variables are channel choice and value added distribution in the supply chain. Governance regime is reflecting how to enhance coordination and trust amongst supply chain partners and how to reduce transaction costs. Quality management is dealing with how to manage food technology processes such that required quality levels can be improved and variability in quality of natural products can be exploited. Governance regimes in relation to quality management practices are discussed to the extent that supply chain partners are able, or are enabled, to invest in required quality improve¬ments. Reduction of transaction costs, creation of trust-based networks and proper trade-offs between direct and future gains may offer substantial contributions to effective quality management and enforcement. This framework has been applied to nine case studies on smallholder-based food supply chains originating from developing countries (Ruben et al., 2007). Three of these case studies are discussed in this paper to illustrate what challenges can be derived from the case studies. The selected case studies concern fish originating from Kenya, mango originating from Costa Rica and vegetables produced in China.Agribusiness, Agricultural and Food Policy,

    Governance for quality management in smallholder-based tropical food chains

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    Abstract The paper provides a framework that focuses on the linkages between several key dimensions of supply chain organization and performance of perishable tropical food products. The focus is on the relationship between governance regime and quality management. However, two other but related variables are taken into account because they impact on the relationship between governance and quality management. These variables are channel choice and value added distribution in the supply chain. Governance regime is reflecting how to enhance coordination and trust amongst supply chain partners and how to reduce transaction costs. Quality management is dealing with how to manage food technology processes such that required quality levels can be improved and variability in quality of natural products can be exploited. Governance regimes in relation to quality management practices are discussed to the extent that supply chain partners are able, or are enabled, to invest in required quality improve-ments. Reduction of transaction costs, creation of trust-based networks and proper trade-offs between direct and future gains may offer substantial contributions to effective quality management and enforcement. This framework has been applied to nine case studies on smallholder-based food supply chains originating from developing countries (Ruben et al., 2007). Three of these case studies are discussed in this paper to illustrate what challenges can be derived from the case studies. The selected case studies concern fish originating from Kenya, mango originating from Costa Rica and vegetables produced in China

    Development of the Marketing Strategy of Mediahost.sk on the Czech Market

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    Diplomová práca sa zameriava na vývoj marketingovej stratégie firmy Mediahost.sk na slovenskom trhu. Analyzuje makro a mikro prostredie v IT priemysle, a to najmä so zameraním na webhosting. Aktuálna marketingová stratégia spoločnosti je popísaná a hlavné ovplyvňujúce faktory sú rozpoznané. Diplomová práca obsahuje návrhy zmien a odporúčania zahrnuté v novej marketingovej stratégii spoločnosti. Navyše, je navrhnutý plán a rozpočet realizácie.The diploma thesis focuses on the development of marketing strategy of company Mediahost.sk in the Czech market. Analyzes macro and micro environment in the IT industry, especially focusing on webhosting. The current marketing strategy of the company is described and main influencing factors are identified. The thesis contains proposals and recommendations included in the new marketing strategy. In addition, the proposed plan and budget are introduced.

    Governing growth in organic farming: The evolving capacities of organic groups in the United Kingdom and Denmark

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    The question of the ‘policy capacity’ of interest groups is increasingly gaining prominence as a key variable in governing and transformative capacities. This raises the issue of whether group policy capacities can be developed. While group scholars have long talked of group capacity, this has largely amounted to compiling a ‘shopping list’ of possible capacities general to all groups. There has not been much attention to variations in capacity among groups, or with the development of capacity by a single group over time. This paper takes a tentative step towards filling this gap. In pursuing this general line of inquiry we argue that (i) initial ‘selection’ of group type shapes scope of capacity development, (ii) groups seek to adapt capacity to changing policy contexts, and (iii) adaptive efforts are shaped by the ‘legacy’ of the originating type – change is bounded unless the group engages in ‘radical’ organisational changes (e.g. redefinition of entire purpose). This general argument is fleshed out by comparing and contrasting the evolution of the key organic interest groups in both the UK and Denmark

    Internationalization strategies of companies in the wine industry in Portugal – context, forms of action and performance.

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    This research project aims to analyze the competitive environment of companies in the wine sector in Portugal and assess the implications in the development of contingent strategic guidelines and different performances.Proposes to apply the methodological framework the IKST – Integrated Key for Strategic Thought for international expansion. The research was carried out at two levels: at a preliminary level – a general characterisation was made of the companies as to their resources, and at a central level – the examination of the strategic aspect of the companies was carried out. The research involved the collection of primary data (survey of 164 companies in the sector) and secondary data (from documentary nature). Explores the strategic aspect, analyzing the sector in terms of global and national context, in order to design a diagnostic context of action, using the models of PEST and 5 Forces. Identifies, based on various statistical techniques, the adopted style of strategic thought and the profile in terms of contextual variables, as well as the underlying economic performance

    Static efficiency in Dutch supermarket chain

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    In this study, we analyse changes in market power in the Dutch supermarket chain and discuss the effects on welfare. The supermarket chain includes consumers, supermarkets, buyer groups and food manufactures. We look at the theoretical background of market power. �Special attention has been paid to recent theories of buyer power of retailers in the vertical chain. Theory suggests that supermarkets can enhance their buyer power by, for instance, using own private brands as an outside option in bargaining with manufacturers. Using firm-level data, indicators reveal that profit margins of both supermarkets and of manufacturers have declined between 1993 and 2005. Hence, competition on these markets seems to have become tougher and mark-ups lower over time. Furthermore, we find no significant empirical indications that supermarkets were able to use their buyer power to shift profits from manufacturers to supermarkets after 1993. Finally, all else equal, in terms of welfare consumers have benefited from fiercer competition in terms of lower prices.

    Snapy : a grispy bite on grocery retail

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    Under the guidance of its founder, Artur Catarino, Progelcone started its activity in 1983 as a pioneer producer of ice cream cones in Portugal. Limited by the high seasonality that characterized the ice cream industry, Progelcone broaden its scope and became the leader supplier of ice cream related products and plastic items for the food-service industry. In 2013, the company was already recovering from the European debt crisis, which had decreased its clients financial capacity and contributed to the excess capacity of the company. Despite having reached sales of €12,6 million in the HORECA channel in 2013, Progelcone was confronted with a major challenge in 2014. Adding to the strong impact of seasonality, Progelcone had just lost its biggest client, Olá, a local brand of Unilever’s ice cream business. The company believed that launching Snapy, a wafer cookie, in Jumbo supermarket, had the potential to increase revenues and contribute to the firm’s growth. However, a category dominated by private labels and competitors such as Mondelez, and the lack of knowledge of branding nuances may impose significant challanges. The strategies followed by Progelcone are an interesting subject of discussion. The Case Study can be used within strategic management and marketing courses, and includes topics of diversification, brand positioning, the empowerment of private labels and retailers’ bargaining power. This thesis includes a literature review, plus a teaching note that focused on the improvement of the company’s strategy.Sob a orientação do seu fundador, Artur Catarino, a Progelcone iniciou a sua atividade em 1983 como pioneira na produção de cones para gelado em Portugal. Limitada pela sazonalidade que caracterizava a indústria do gelado, a Progelcone alargou o seu escopo e tornou-se a principal fornecedora de produtos relacionados a gelados e embalagens de plástico para a indústria de food-service. Em 2013, a empresa já recuperava da crise económica, que diminuiu a capacidade financeira dos seus clientes e contribuiu para o excesso de capacidade produtiva da empresa. Apesar de atingir vendas de €12,6 milhões no canal Horeca em 2013, a Progelcone foi confrontada com um grande desafio em 2014. Além do forte impacto da sazonalidade, a Progelcone perdeu o seu maior cliente, a Olá, uma marca local do negócio dos gelados da Unilever. A empresa acreditava que o lançamento da Snapy, uma bolacha wafer, no supermercado Jumbo tinha o potencial de aumentar as receitas e contribuir para o crescimento da empresa. No entanto, uma categoria dominada por marcas de distribuição e concorrentes como a Mondelez, e a falta de conhecimento de gestão de marcas podem impor desafios significativos. As estratégias seguidas pela Progelcone são um tema interessante de discussão. O Caso de Estudo pode ser utilizado em cursos de estratégia e marketing, incluindo tópicos como diversificação, positionamento, o crescente poder das marcas próprias e o poder de negociação dos retalhistas. Esta Tese inclui uma revisão de literatura e uma nota de ensino focada na melhoria da estratégia da empresa