46,842 research outputs found

    Improving adaptive bagging methods for evolving data streams

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    We propose two new improvements for bagging methods on evolving data streams. Recently, two new variants of Bagging were proposed: ADWIN Bagging and Adaptive-Size Hoeffding Tree (ASHT) Bagging. ASHT Bagging uses trees of different sizes, and ADWIN Bagging uses ADWIN as a change detector to decide when to discard underperforming ensemble members. We improve ADWIN Bagging using Hoeffding Adaptive Trees, trees that can adaptively learn from data streams that change over time. To speed up the time for adapting to change of Adaptive-Size Hoeffding Tree (ASHT) Bagging, we add an error change detector for each classifier. We test our improvements by performing an evaluation study on synthetic and real-world datasets comprising up to ten million examples

    Trimmed bagging.

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    Bagging has been found to be successful in increasing the predictive performance of unstable classifiers. Bagging draws bootstrap samples from the training sample, applies the classifier to each bootstrap sample, and then averages overal lobtained classification rules. The idea of trimmed bagging is to exclude the bootstrapped classification rules that yield the highest error rates, as estimated by the out-of-bag error rate, and to aggregate over the remaining ones. In this note we explore the potential benefits of trimmed bagging. On the basis of numerical experiments, we conclude that trimmed bagging performs comparably to standard bagging when applied to unstable classifiers as decision trees, but yields better results when applied to more stable base classifiers, like support vector machines.Bagging;

    Trimmed bagging.

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    Bagging has been found to be successful in increasing the predictive performance of unstable classifiers. Bagging draws bootstrap samples from the training sample, applies the classifier to each bootstrap sample, and then averages over all obtained classification rules. The idea of trimmed bagging is to exclude the bootstrapped classification rules that yield the highest error rates, as estimated by the out-of-bag error rate, and to aggregate over the remaining ones. In this note we explore the potential benefits of trimmed bagging. On the basis of numerical experiments, we conclude that trimmed bagging performs comparably to standard bagging when applied to unstable classifiers as decision trees, but yields better results when applied to more stable base classifiers, like support vector machines.

    Bagging Binary Predictors for Time Series

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    Bootstrap aggregating or Bagging, introduced by Breiman (1996a), has been proved to be effective to improve on unstable forecast. Theoretical and empirical works using classification, regression trees, variable selection in linear and non-linear regression have shown that bagging can generate substantial prediction gain. However, most of the existing literature on bagging have been limited to the cross sectional circumstances with symmetric cost functions. In this paper, we extend the application of bagging to time series settings with asymmetric cost functions, particularly for predicting signs and quantiles. We link quantile predictions to binary predictions in a unified framwork. We find that bagging may improve the accuracy of unstable predictions for time series data under certain conditions. Various bagging forecast combinations are used such as equal weighted and Bayesian Model Averaging (BMA) weighted combinations. For demonstration, we present results from Monte Carlo experiments and from empirical applications using monthly S&P500 and NASDAQ stock index returnsAsymmetric cost function, Bagging, Binary prediction, BMA, Forecast combination, Majority voting, Quantile prediction, Time Series.

    Bagging Time Series Models

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    A common problem in out-of-sample prediction is that there are potentially many relevant predictors that individually have only weak explanatory power. We propose bootstrap aggregation of pre-test predictors (or bagging for short) as a means of constructing forecasts from multiple regression models with local-to-zero regression parameters and errors subject to possible serial correlation or conditional heteroskedasticity. Bagging is designed for situations in which the number of predictors (M) is moderately large relative to the sample size (T). We show how to implement bagging in the dynamic multiple regression model and provide asymptotic justification for the bagging predictor. A simulation study shows that bagging tends to produce large reductions in the out-of-sample prediction mean squared error and provides a useful alternative to forecasting from factor models when M is large, but much smaller than T. We also find that bagging indicators of real economic activity greatly redcues the prediction mean squared error of forecasts of U.S. CPI inflation at horizons of one month and one yearforecasting; bootstrap; model selection; pre-testing; forecast aggregation; factor models; inflation.

    Phoneme and sentence-level ensembles for speech recognition

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    We address the question of whether and how boosting and bagging can be used for speech recognition. In order to do this, we compare two different boosting schemes, one at the phoneme level and one at the utterance level, with a phoneme-level bagging scheme. We control for many parameters and other choices, such as the state inference scheme used. In an unbiased experiment, we clearly show that the gain of boosting methods compared to a single hidden Markov model is in all cases only marginal, while bagging significantly outperforms all other methods. We thus conclude that bagging methods, which have so far been overlooked in favour of boosting, should be examined more closely as a potentially useful ensemble learning technique for speech recognition

    Bagging ensemble selection

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    Ensemble selection has recently appeared as a popular ensemble learning method, not only because its implementation is fairly straightforward, but also due to its excellent predictive performance on practical problems. The method has been highlighted in winning solutions of many data mining competitions, such as the Netix competition, the KDD Cup 2009 and 2010, the UCSD FICO contest 2010, and a number of data mining competitions on the Kaggle platform. In this paper we present a novel variant: bagging ensemble selection. Three variations of the proposed algorithm are compared to the original ensemble selection algorithm and other ensemble algorithms. Experiments with ten real world problems from diverse domains demonstrate the benefit of the bagging ensemble selection algorithm

    Forecasting realized volatility models:the benefits of bagging and nonlinear specifications

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    We forecast daily realized volatilities with linear and nonlinear models and evaluate the benefits of bootstrap aggregation (bagging) in producing more precise forecasts. We consider the linear autoregressive (AR) model, the Heterogeneous Autoregressive model (HAR), and a non-linear HAR model based on a neural network specification that allows for logistic transition effects (NNHAR). The models and the bagging schemes are applied to the realized volatility time series of the S&P500 index from 3-Jan-2000 through 30-Dec-2005. Our main findings are: (1) For the HAR model, bagging successfully averages over the randomness of variable selection; however, when the NN model is considered, there is no clear benefit from using bagging; (2) including past returns in the models improves the forecast precision; and (3) the NNHAR model outperforms the linear alternatives.