284 research outputs found

    Residual, restarting and Richardson iteration for the matrix exponential

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    A well-known problem in computing some matrix functions iteratively is a lack of a clear, commonly accepted residual notion. An important matrix function for which this is the case is the matrix exponential. Assume, the matrix exponential of a given matrix times a given vector has to be computed. We interpret the sought after vector as a value of a vector function satisfying the linear system of ordinary differential equations (ODE), whose coefficients form the given matrix. The residual is then defined with respect to the initial-value problem for this ODE system. The residual introduced in this way can be seen as a backward error. We show how the residual can efficiently be computed within several iterative methods for the matrix exponential. This completely resolves the question of reliable stopping criteria for these methods. Furthermore, we show that the residual concept can be used to construct new residual-based iterative methods. In particular, a variant of the Richardson method for the new residual appears to provide an efficient way to restart Krylov subspace methods for evaluating the matrix exponential.\u

    MATEX: A Distributed Framework for Transient Simulation of Power Distribution Networks

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    We proposed MATEX, a distributed framework for transient simulation of power distribution networks (PDNs). MATEX utilizes matrix exponential kernel with Krylov subspace approximations to solve differential equations of linear circuit. First, the whole simulation task is divided into subtasks based on decompositions of current sources, in order to reduce the computational overheads. Then these subtasks are distributed to different computing nodes and processed in parallel. Within each node, after the matrix factorization at the beginning of simulation, the adaptive time stepping solver is performed without extra matrix re-factorizations. MATEX overcomes the stiff-ness hinder of previous matrix exponential-based circuit simulator by rational Krylov subspace method, which leads to larger step sizes with smaller dimensions of Krylov subspace bases and highly accelerates the whole computation. MATEX outperforms both traditional fixed and adaptive time stepping methods, e.g., achieving around 13X over the trapezoidal framework with fixed time step for the IBM power grid benchmarks.Comment: ACM/IEEE DAC 2014. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1505.0669

    On the Use of Matrix-Free Shift-Invert Strategies For Global Flow Instability Analysis

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    A novel time-stepping shift-invert algorithm for linear stability analysis of laminar flows in complex geometries is presented. This method, based on a Krylov subspace iteration, enables the solution of complex non-symmetric eigenvalue problems in a matrix-free framework. Validations and comparisons to the classical exponential method have been performed in three different cases: (i) stenotic flow, (ii) backward-facing step and (iii) lid-driven swirling flow. Results show that this new approach speeds up the required Krylov subspace iterations and has the capability of converging to specific parts of the global spectrum. It is shown that, although the exponential method remains the method of choice if leading eigenvalues are sought, the performance of the present method could be dramatically improved with the use of a preconditioner. In addition, as opposed to other methods, this strategy can be directly applied to any time-stepper, regardless of the temporal or spatial discretization of the latter

    A Fast Algorithm for Parabolic PDE-based Inverse Problems Based on Laplace Transforms and Flexible Krylov Solvers

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    We consider the problem of estimating parameters in large-scale weakly nonlinear inverse problems for which the underlying governing equations is a linear, time-dependent, parabolic partial differential equation. A major challenge in solving these inverse problems using Newton-type methods is the computational cost associated with solving the forward problem and with repeated construction of the Jacobian, which represents the sensitivity of the measurements to the unknown parameters. Forming the Jacobian can be prohibitively expensive because it requires repeated solutions of the forward and adjoint time-dependent parabolic partial differential equations corresponding to multiple sources and receivers. We propose an efficient method based on a Laplace transform-based exponential time integrator combined with a flexible Krylov subspace approach to solve the resulting shifted systems of equations efficiently. Our proposed solver speeds up the computation of the forward and adjoint problems, thus yielding significant speedup in total inversion time. We consider an application from Transient Hydraulic Tomography (THT), which is an imaging technique to estimate hydraulic parameters related to the subsurface from pressure measurements obtained by a series of pumping tests. The algorithms discussed are applied to a synthetic example taken from THT to demonstrate the resulting computational gains of this proposed method

    A Hamiltonian Krylov-Schur-type method based on the symplectic Lanczos process

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    We discuss a Krylov-Schur like restarting technique applied within the symplectic Lanczos algorithm for the Hamiltonian eigenvalue problem. This allows to easily implement a purging and locking strategy in order to improve the convergence properties of the symplectic Lanczos algorithm. The Krylov-Schur-like restarting is based on the SR algorithm. Some ingredients of the latter need to be adapted to the structure of the symplectic Lanczos recursion. We demonstrate the efficiency of the new method for several Hamiltonian eigenproblems

    On the Convergence of Ritz Pairs and Refined Ritz Vectors for Quadratic Eigenvalue Problems

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    For a given subspace, the Rayleigh-Ritz method projects the large quadratic eigenvalue problem (QEP) onto it and produces a small sized dense QEP. Similar to the Rayleigh-Ritz method for the linear eigenvalue problem, the Rayleigh-Ritz method defines the Ritz values and the Ritz vectors of the QEP with respect to the projection subspace. We analyze the convergence of the method when the angle between the subspace and the desired eigenvector converges to zero. We prove that there is a Ritz value that converges to the desired eigenvalue unconditionally but the Ritz vector converges conditionally and may fail to converge. To remedy the drawback of possible non-convergence of the Ritz vector, we propose a refined Ritz vector that is mathematically different from the Ritz vector and is proved to converge unconditionally. We construct examples to illustrate our theory.Comment: 20 page

    Multipreconditioned GMRES for Shifted Systems

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    An implementation of GMRES with multiple preconditioners (MPGMRES) is proposed for solving shifted linear systems with shift-and-invert preconditioners. With this type of preconditioner, the Krylov subspace can be built without requiring the matrix-vector product with the shifted matrix. Furthermore, the multipreconditioned search space is shown to grow only linearly with the number of preconditioners. This allows for a more efficient implementation of the algorithm. The proposed implementation is tested on shifted systems that arise in computational hydrology and the evaluation of different matrix functions. The numerical results indicate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.U.S. National Science Foundation under grant DMSā€“1418882 and and by the Department of Energy grant DEā€“SC00165
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