140 research outputs found

    Near-capacity dirty-paper code design : a source-channel coding approach

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    This paper examines near-capacity dirty-paper code designs based on source-channel coding. We first point out that the performance loss in signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) in our code designs can be broken into the sum of the packing loss from channel coding and a modulo loss, which is a function of the granular loss from source coding and the target dirty-paper coding rate (or SNR). We then examine practical designs by combining trellis-coded quantization (TCQ) with both systematic and nonsystematic irregular repeat-accumulate (IRA) codes. Like previous approaches, we exploit the extrinsic information transfer (EXIT) chart technique for capacity-approaching IRA code design; but unlike previous approaches, we emphasize the role of strong source coding to achieve as much granular gain as possible using TCQ. Instead of systematic doping, we employ two relatively shifted TCQ codebooks, where the shift is optimized (via tuning the EXIT charts) to facilitate the IRA code design. Our designs synergistically combine TCQ with IRA codes so that they work together as well as they do individually. By bringing together TCQ (the best quantizer from the source coding community) and EXIT chart-based IRA code designs (the best from the channel coding community), we are able to approach the theoretical limit of dirty-paper coding. For example, at 0.25 bit per symbol (b/s), our best code design (with 2048-state TCQ) performs only 0.630 dB away from the Shannon capacity

    Secret Key Agreement from Correlated Gaussian Sources by Rate Limited Public Communication

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    We investigate the secret key agreement from correlated Gaussian sources in which the legitimate parties can use the public communication with limited rate. For the class of protocols with the one-way public communication, we show a closed form expression of the optimal trade-off between the rate of key generation and the rate of the public communication. Our results clarify an essential difference between the key agreement from discrete sources and that from continuous sources.Comment: 9 pages, no figure, Version 2 is a published version. The results are not changed from version 1. Explanations are polishe

    Lossy Source Transmission over the Relay Channel

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    Lossy transmission over a relay channel in which the relay has access to correlated side information is considered. First, a joint source-channel decode-and-forward scheme is proposed for general discrete memoryless sources and channels. Then the Gaussian relay channel where the source and the side information are jointly Gaussian is analyzed. For this Gaussian model, several new source-channel cooperation schemes are introduced and analyzed in terms of the squared-error distortion at the destination. A comparison of the proposed upper bounds with the cut-set lower bound is given, and it is seen that joint source-channel cooperation improves the reconstruction quality significantly. Moreover, the performance of the joint code is close to the lower bound on distortion for a wide range of source and channel parameters.Comment: Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, Toronto, ON, Canada, July 6 - 11, 200

    Selective Coding Strategy for Unicast Composite Networks

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    Consider a composite unicast relay network where the channel statistic is randomly drawn from a set of conditional distributions indexed by a random variable, which is assumed to be unknown at the source, fully known at the destination and only partly known at the relays. Commonly, the coding strategy at each relay is fixed regardless of its channel measurement. A novel coding for unicast composite networks with multiple relays is introduced. This enables the relays to select dynamically --based on its channel measurement-- the best coding scheme between compress-and-forward (CF) and decode-and-forward (DF). As a part of the main result, a generalization of Noisy Network Coding is shown for the case of unicast general networks where the relays are divided between those using DF and CF coding. Furthermore, the relays using DF scheme can exploit the help of those based on CF scheme via offset coding. It is demonstrated via numerical results that this novel coding, referred to as Selective Coding Strategy (SCS), outperforms conventional coding schemes.Comment: To appear in International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT) 201