444 research outputs found

    Opnet, Arne, and the Classroom

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    This paper examines OPNET Technology, Inc\u27s management programs, and Regis University\u27s Academic Research Network (ARNe) needs to find out which OPNET programs can meet the needs of ARNe. The method used was to examine ARNe\u27s needs, and research Microsoft\u27s SMF/MOF management framework, research OPNET\u27s program and module offerings, research OPNET\u27s University Program, and research how OPNET\u27s programs are used at some other universities. The research was used to create a match up between Microsoft\u27s Service Management Functions and OPNET\u27s programs and modules. And it was used to create a list of textbooks, labs, and lab manuals that would work with OPNET\u27s IT Guru and Modeler in a classroom to help teach networking theory. The examination was combined with the research to create an evaluation criteria matrix from which project recommendations could be drawn. The conclusion was that the following OPNET Technology programs and modules could be of benefit to Regis University\u27s ARNe - ACE, Automation module, Commander, DAC module, Flow Analysis module, IT Sentinel, IT Guru, NetDoctor, Report Server, and VNE Server

    Platform for deploying a highly available, secure and scalable web hosting architecture to the AWS cloud with Terraform

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    L'objectiu d'aquest projecte és la creació d'una plataforma capaç de realitzar tots els passos necessaris per tal de generar una infrastructura preparada per allotjar al núvol d'Amazon Web Services els portals web més exigents. L'interès d'aquest servei rau en l'elevada disponibilitat que aquests llocs web requereixen, ja que no es poden permetre estar fora de servei i requereixen d'una seguretat extrema i un cost de manteniment elevat a causa de la demanda variable i impredictible que solen tenir. La plataforma presentada, desenvolupada en Python, permet, per una banda, automatitzar la creació de la infraestructura gràcies al llenguatge Terraform, un dels pilars de la infraestructura com a codi (IaC), que permet crear, esborrar i destruir amb facilitat aquest tipus de desplegaments cloud. Per altra banda, prepara el codi per a ser mantingut en el temps de forma ràpida i eficient, tot potenciant el treball colaboratiu i en equip (CI/CD) gràcies al control de versions de GitHub i l'emmagatzematge del codi Terraform al núvol d'AWS. Al llarg de la memòria, s'introdueixen els conceptes principals de Terraform, s'enumeren i expliquen en profunditat cadascun dels components que conformen la infraestructura i es detalla com s'ha construït la plataforma així com les accions que porta a terme. Es conclou reflexionant sobre els avantatges que implica el cloud per a la indústria i els errors, temps i diners que estalvia fer-ne ús juntament amb un llenguatge d'infraestructura com a codi, així com els beneficis que aporta dissenyar des d'un bon inici entorns que facilitin el desenvolupament continu i el treball en equip. Tot el codi desenvolupat durant el projecte es pot consultar en el següent repositori públic de GitHub: https://github.com/j1nc0/TFGThe goal of this project is to create a platform capable of performing all the necessary steps in order to generate an infrastructure ready to host the most demanding web portals in the Amazon Web Services cloud. The interest of this service lies in the high availability that these websites require, as they cannot afford to be out of service and require extreme security and a high maintenance cost due to the variable and unpredictable demand that they usually have. The platform presented, developed in Python, allows, on the one hand, to automate the creation of the infrastructure thanks to the Terraform language, one of the pillars of the infrastructure as a code (IaC), which allows you to easily create, delete and destroy this type of cloud deployments. On the other hand, it prepares the code to be maintained over time quickly and efficiently, enhancing teamwork (CI / CD) through GitHub version control and Terraform code storage in the AWS cloud. Throughout the report, the main concepts of Terraform are introduced, each of the components that make up the infrastructure are listed and explained in depth, and it is detailed how the platform was built as well as the actions it carries out. The thesis concludes by reflecting on the benefits of the cloud for the industry and the mistakes, time and money it saves to use it along with an infrastructure as a code language, as well as the benefits of designing from the beginning environments that facilitate continuous development and teamwork. All the code developed during the project can be consulted in the following public GitHub repository: https://github.com/j1nc0/TF

    Online reading application SI.BYRU berbasis web

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    This research was purposes to create an application, namely Online Reading Application SI.BY.RU. This application is expected can help and ease the English teachers and English learners to deepen their reading comprehension skill. The research design implemented  is research and development while as the main goal was prototype development. This application was developed by using CMS (content management system) WordPress. The final result of the research is an Online Reading Application SI.BY.RU that has been tested by the expert by using blackbox testing method. over all, the blackbox testing result stated that this application is valid without any revision.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat aplikasi yang diberi nama Online Reading Application SI.BY.RU. Aplikasi ini diharapkan dapat membantu dan mempermudah para pengajar dan para pembelajar bahasa Inggris untuk memperdalam kemampuan reading comprehension. Jenis penelitian yang dilakukan adalah research and development dengan pengembangan prototype aplikasi sebagai tujuan akhirnya. Aplikasi ini dikembangkan berbasis web dengan menggunakan CMS (content management system) WordPress. Hasil akhir dari penelitian ini berupa Online Reading Application SI.B.Y.R.U yang telah melalui ujicoba ahli dengan menggunakan metode blackbox testing. Secara keseluruhan hasil ujicoba blackbox testing menyatakan valid tanpa revisi

    The Implementation Model of a Diagnostic Test for English Teachers

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    Professionalism in teaching is one of the key factors in the success of an English education program. To keep the teachers‟ professionalism, a refresher program is needed to be conducted to improve teachers‟ competence. To map out the area of teachers‟ competence which should be refreshed, a diagnostic test needs designing. After a diagnostic test has been made, the implementation should also be well-conducted to get the representative result. Therefore, this study aims to design an alternative implementation model of a diagnostic test for English teacher. The questionnaire and focus group discussion results show that the proposed model is an appropriate diagnostic test implementation model for teachers