2,236 research outputs found

    Physics-Based Detection of Subpixel Targets in Hyperspectral Imagery

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    Hyperspectral imagery provides the ability to detect targets that are smaller than the size of a pixel. They provide this ability by measuring the reflection and absorption of light at different wavelengths creating a spectral signature for each pixel in the image. This spectral signature contains information about the different materials within the pixel; therefore, the challenge in subpixel target detection lies in separating the target's spectral signature from competing background signatures. Most research has approached this problem in a purely statistical manner. Our approach fuses statistical signal processing techniques with the physics of reflectance spectroscopy and radiative transfer theory. Using this approach, we provide novel algorithms for all aspects of subpixel detection from parameter estimation to threshold determination. Characterization of the target and background spectral signatures is a key part of subpixel detection. We develop an algorithm to generate target signatures based on radiative transfer theory using only the image and a reference signature without the need for calibration, weather information, or source-target-receiver geometries. For background signatures, our work identifies that even slight estimation errors in the number of background signatures can severely degrade detection performance. To this end, we present a new method to estimate the number of background signatures specifically for subpixel target detection. At the core of the dissertation is the development of two hybrid detectors which fuse spectroscopy with statistical hypothesis testing. Our results show that the hybrid detectors provide improved performance in three different ways: insensitivity to the number of background signatures, improved detection performance, and consistent performance across multiple images leading to improved receiver operating characteristic curves. Lastly, we present a novel adaptive threshold estimate via extreme value theory. The method can be used on any detector type - not just those that are constant false alarm rate (CFAR) detectors. Even on CFAR detectors our proposed method can estimate thresholds that are better than theoretical predictions due to the inherent mismatch between the CFAR model assumptions and real data. Additionally, our method works in the presence of target detections while still estimating an accurate threshold for a desired false alarm rate

    Multiple Instance Hybrid Estimator for Learning Target Signatures

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    Signature-based detectors for hyperspectral target detection rely on knowing the specific target signature in advance. However, target signature are often difficult or impossible to obtain. Furthermore, common methods for obtaining target signatures, such as from laboratory measurements or manual selection from an image scene, usually do not capture the discriminative features of target class. In this paper, an approach for estimating a discriminative target signature from imprecise labels is presented. The proposed approach maximizes the response of the hybrid sub-pixel detector within a multiple instance learning framework and estimates a set of discriminative target signatures. After learning target signatures, any signature based detector can then be applied on test data. Both simulated and real hyperspectral target detection experiments are shown to illustrate the effectiveness of the method

    A subpixel target detection algorithm for hyperspectral imagery

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    The goal of this research is to develop a new algorithm for the detection of subpixel scale target materials on the hyperspectral imagery. The signal decision theory is typically to decide the existence of a target signal embedded in the random noise. This implies that the detection problem can be mathematically formalized by signal decision theory based on the statistical hypothesis test. In particular, since any target signature provided by airborne/spaceborne sensors is embedded in a structured noise such as background or clutter signatures as well as broad band unstructured noise, the problem becomes more complicated, and particularly much more under the unknown noise structure. The approach is based on the statistical hypothesis method known as Generalized Likelihood Ratio Test (GLRT). The use of GLRT requires estimating the unknown parameters, and assumes the prior information of two subspaces describing target variation and background variation respectively. Therefore, this research consists of two parts, the implementation of GLRT and the characterization of two subspaces through new approaches. Results obtained from computer simulation, HYDICE image and AVI RIS image show that this approach is feasible

    Hyperspectral Imaging System Model Implementation and Analysis

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    In support of hyperspectral imaging system design and parameter trade-off research, an analytical end-to-end model to simulate the remote sensing system pipeline and to forecast remote sensing system performance has been implemented. It is also being made available to the remote sensing community through a website. Users are able to forecast hyperspectral imaging system performance by defining an observational scenario along with imaging system parameters. For system modeling, the implemented analytical model includes scene, sensor and target characteristics as well as atmospheric features, background spectral reflectance statistics, sensor specifications and target class reflectance statistics. The sensor model has been extended to include the airborne ProspecTIR instrument. To validate the analytical model, experiments were designed and conducted. The predictive system model has been verified by comparing the forecast results to ones obtained using real world data collected during the RIT SHARE 2012 collection. Results include the use of large calibration panels to show the predicted radiance consistent with the collected data. Grass radiance predicted from ground truth reflectance data also compare well with the real world collected data, and an eigenvector analysis also supports the validity of the predictions. Two examples of subpixel target detection scenario are presented. One is to detect subpixel wood yellow painted planks in an asphalt playground, and the other is to detect subpixel green painted wood planks in grass. To validate our system performance, the detection performance are analyzed using receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves in a comprehensive scenario setting. The predicted ROC result of the yellow planks matches well the ROC derived from collected data. However, the predicted ROC curve of green planks differs from collected data ROC curve. Additional experiments were conducted and analyzed to discuss the possible reasons of the mismatch including scene characterization inaccuracy. Several subpixel target detection parameter trade-off analyses are given, including relative calibration error vs SNR, the relationship among probability of detection, meteorological range, pixel fill factor, relative calibration error and false alarm rate. These trade-off analyses explain the utility of this model for hyperspectral imaging system design and research

    Matched Filter Stochastic Background Characterization for Hyperspectral Target Detection

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    Algorithms exploiting hyperspectral imagery for target detection have continually evolved to provide improved detection results. Adaptive matched filters can be used to locate spectral targets by modeling scene background as either structured (geometric) with a set of endmembers (basis vectors) or as unstructured (stochastic) with a covariance or correlation matrix. These matrices are often calculated using all available pixels in a data set. In unstructured background research, various techniques for improving upon scene-wide methods have been developed, each involving either the removal of target signatures from the background model or the segmentation of image data into spatial or spectral subsets. Each of these methods increase the detection signal-to-background ratio (SBR) and the multivariate normality (MVN) of the data from which background statistics are calculated, thus increasing separation between target and non-target species in the detection statistic and ultimately improving thresholded target detection results. Such techniques for improved background characterization are widely practiced but not well documented or compared. This paper provides a review and comparison of methods in target exclusion, spatial subsetting and spectral pre-clustering, and introduces a new technique which combines these methods. The analysis provides insight into the merit of employing unstructured background characterization techniques, as well as limitations for their practical application

    Direct exoplanet detection and characterization using the ANDROMEDA method: Performance on VLT/NaCo data

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    Context. The direct detection of exoplanets with high-contrast imaging requires advanced data processing methods to disentangle potential planetary signals from bright quasi-static speckles. Among them, angular differential imaging (ADI) permits potential planetary signals with a known rotation rate to be separated from instrumental speckles that are either statics or slowly variable. The method presented in this paper, called ANDROMEDA for ANgular Differential OptiMal Exoplanet Detection Algorithm is based on a maximum likelihood approach to ADI and is used to estimate the position and the flux of any point source present in the field of view. Aims. In order to optimize and experimentally validate this previously proposed method, we applied ANDROMEDA to real VLT/NaCo data. In addition to its pure detection capability, we investigated the possibility of defining simple and efficient criteria for automatic point source extraction able to support the processing of large surveys. Methods. To assess the performance of the method, we applied ANDROMEDA on VLT/NaCo data of TYC-8979-1683-1 which is surrounded by numerous bright stars and on which we added synthetic planets of known position and flux in the field. In order to accommodate the real data properties, it was necessary to develop additional pre-processing and post-processing steps to the initially proposed algorithm. We then investigated its skill in the challenging case of a well-known target, β\beta Pictoris, whose companion is close to the detection limit and we compared our results to those obtained by another method based on principal component analysis (PCA). Results. Application on VLT/NaCo data demonstrates the ability of ANDROMEDA to automatically detect and characterize point sources present in the image field. We end up with a robust method bringing consistent results with a sensitivity similar to the recently published algorithms, with only two parameters to be fine tuned. Moreover, the companion flux estimates are not biased by the algorithm parameters and do not require a posteriori corrections. Conclusions. ANDROMEDA is an attractive alternative to current standard image processing methods that can be readily applied to on-sky data

    Using Lidar to geometrically-constrain signature spaces for physics-based target detection

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    A fundamental task when performing target detection on spectral imagery is ensuring that a target signature is in the same metric domain as the measured spectral data set. Remotely sensed data are typically collected in digital counts and calibrated to radiance. That is, calibrated data have units of spectral radiance, while target signatures in the visible regime are commonly characterized in units of re°ectance. A necessary precursor to running a target detection algorithm is converting the measured scene data and target signature to the same domain. Atmospheric inversion or compensation is a well-known method for transforming mea- sured scene radiance values into the re°ectance domain. While this method may be math- ematically trivial, it is computationally attractive and is most e®ective when illumination conditions are constant across a scene. However, when illumination conditions are not con- stant for a given scene, signi¯cant error may be introduced when applying the same linear inversion globally. In contrast to the inversion methodology, physics-based forward modeling approaches aim to predict the possible ways that a target might appear in a scene using atmospheric and radiometric models. To fully encompass possible target variability due to changing illumination levels, a target vector space is created. In addition to accounting for varying illumination, physics-based model approaches have a distinct advantage in that they can also incorporate target variability due to a variety of other sources, to include adjacency target orientation, and mixed pixels. Increasing the variability of the target vector space may be beneficial in a global sense in that it may allow for the detection of difficult targets, such as shadowed or partially concealed targets. However, it should also be noted that expansion of the target space may introduce unnecessary confusion for a given pixel. Furthermore, traditional physics-based approaches make certain assumptions which may be prudent only when passive, spectral data for a scene are available. Common examples include the assumption of a °at ground plane and pure target pixels. Many of these assumptions may be attributed to the lack of three-dimensional (3D) spatial information for the scene. In the event that 3D spatial information were available, certain assumptions could be levied, allowing accurate geometric information to be fed to the physics-based model on a pixel- by-pixel basis. Doing so may e®ectively constrain the physics-based model, resulting in a pixel-specific target space with optimized variability and minimized confusion. This body of work explores using spatial information from a topographic Light Detection and Ranging (Lidar) system as a means to enhance the delity of physics-based models for spectral target detection. The incorporation of subpixel spatial information, relative to a hyperspectral image (HSI) pixel, provides valuable insight about plausible geometric con¯gurations of a target, background, and illumination sources within a scene. Methods for estimating local geometry on a per-pixel basis are introduced; this spatial information is then fed into a physics-based model to the forward prediction of a target in radiance space. The target detection performance based on this spatially-enhanced, spectral target space is assessed relative to current state-of-the-art spectral algorithms