114 research outputs found

    Agent-supported service management and monitoring for flexible inter-enterprise cooperation

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    A use case of service-based knowledge management for software development

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    Large, international cooperative efforts pose high expectations for knowledge management support. In this paper we present a use case of a knowledge management solution in an inter-national research project, which offers several novel features applicable in other cases as well. The primary goals are to make the implicit knowledge explicit, to organize knowledge objects according to multiple criteria of multiple user roles and to serve this knowledge to users in an interactive way adapting Web 2.0 principles. A Knowledge Management System called the BREIN Roadmap has been realised applying service-based knowledge management using PROMOTE® supporting developers and externals who want to make use of the know-how and software components of the project

    LAYSI: A layered approach for SLA-violation propagation in self-manageable cloud infrastructures

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    Cloud computing represents a promising comput ing paradigm where computing resources have to be allocated to software for their execution. Self-manageable Cloud in frastructures are required to achieve that level of flexibility on one hand, and to comply to users' requirements speci fied by means of Service Level Agreements (SLAs) on the other. Such infrastructures should automatically respond to changing component, workload, and environmental conditions minimizing user interactions with the system and preventing violations of agreed SLAs. However, identification of sources responsible for the possible SLA violation and the decision about the reactive actions necessary to prevent SLA violation is far from trivial. First, in this paper we present a novel approach for mapping low-level resource metrics to SLA parameters necessary for the identification of failure sources. Second, we devise a layered Cloud architecture for the bottom-up propagation of failures to the layer, which can react to sensed SLA violation threats. Moreover, we present a communication model for the propagation of SLA violation threats to the appropriate layer of the Cloud infrastructure, which includes negotiators, brokers, and automatic service deployer. © 2010 IEEE

    Flexible SLA negotiation using semantic annotations

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    Abstract. Moving towards a global market of services requires flexible infrastructures that will deal with the inevitable semantic heterogeneity that occurs during the negotiation that precedes the trading of a service. In order to reach an agreement, the negotiating parties need to understand the concepts describing the Quality of Service (QoS) terms which are part of the Service Level Agreement (SLA). The use of semantic annotations can increase the level of flexibility and automation, allowing the two parties to use their own terminology as long as it is related to the commonly understood conceptual model. This paper discusses how SLA negotiation will benefit from the use of a lightweight backwards compatible semantic annotation mechanism

    QoS Provisioning by Meta-Scheduling in Advance within SLA-Based Grid Environments

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    The establishment of agreements between users and the entities which manage the Grid resources is still a challenging task. On the one hand, an entity in charge of dealing with the communication with the users is needed, with the aim of signing resource usage contracts and also implementing some renegotiation techniques, among others. On the other hand, some mechanisms should be implemented which decide if the QoS requested could be achieved and, in such case, ensuring that the QoS agreement is provided. One way of increasing the probability of achieving the agreed QoS is by performing meta-scheduling of jobs in advance, that is, jobs are scheduled some time before they are actually executed. In this way, it becomes more likely that the appropriate resources are available to run the jobs when needed. So, this paper presents a framework built on top of Globus and the GridWay meta-scheduler to provide QoS by means of performing meta-scheduling in advance. Thanks to this, QoS requirements of jobs are met (i.e. jobs are finished within a deadline). Apart from that, the mechanisms needed to manage the communication between the users and the system are presented and implemented through SLA contracts based on the WS-Agreement specification

    Adaptive SLA management along value chains for service individualization

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    The object of our investigation is a software architecture for adaptive Service Level Agreement (SLA) management in value chains for service individualization. We address the problem that current SLA management is not capable to represent the full complexity of SLAs existing in real-world service industries. The problem is investigated from a functional-analytical supply chain perspective. The solution is developed from a software architecture modeling perspective according to the design science paradigm. The contribution of this paper is a software architecture that facilitates SLA negotiation and SLA-based resource management in complex agreement hierarchies. The architecture is validated in an application scenario from the airport logistics domain

    A Multi-Tier Negotiation Protocol for Logistics Service Chains

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    Logistics service chains are characterized by multiple service providers contributing to the provision of a composite logistics service to a customer. In particular, various contractual dependencies exist across service chain levels. The object of our research is resource allocation which has to consider these dependencies to avoid overcommitment and overpurchasing. We propose a multi-tier negotiation protocol for solving this problem. The proposed artifact is developed from an interaction protocol engineering perspective in accordance with the design science paradigm. First evaluation experiments show that the protocol prevents overcommitments and overpurchasing, leading to higher expected profits for logistics service providers

    Inter-organizational Interoperability through integration of Multiagent, Web Service, and Semantic Web Technologies

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    This paper presents a software architecture for inter-organizational multiagent systems. The architecture integrates Web service technology into multiagent systems to overcome the technical interoperability problem of current multiagent systems in the fast growing service-oriented environments. We integrate Semantic Web technology to make multiagent systems semantically interoperable. We address the problem of interoperability regarding interfaces, messaging protocols, data exchanged, and security whilst considering a dynamic e-business environment. The proposed architecture enables service virtualization, secure service access across organizational boundaries, service-to-agent communication, and OWL reasoning within agents
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