17 research outputs found

    Derandomizing Arthur-Merlin Games using Hitting Sets

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    We prove that AM (and hence Graph Nonisomorphism) is in NPif for some epsilon > 0, some language in NE intersection coNE requires nondeterministiccircuits of size 2^(epsilon n). This improves recent results of Arvindand K¨obler and of Klivans and Van Melkebeek who proved the sameconclusion, but under stronger hardness assumptions, namely, eitherthe existence of a language in NE intersection coNE which cannot be approximatedby nondeterministic circuits of size less than 2^(epsilon n) or the existenceof a language in NE intersection coNE which requires oracle circuits of size 2^(epsilon n)with oracle gates for SAT (satisfiability).The previous results on derandomizing AM were based on pseudorandomgenerators. In contrast, our approach is based on a strengtheningof Andreev, Clementi and Rolim's hitting set approach to derandomization.As a spin-off, we show that this approach is strong enoughto give an easy (if the existence of explicit dispersers can be assumedknown) proof of the following implication: For some epsilon > 0, if there isa language in E which requires nondeterministic circuits of size 2^(epsilon n),then P=BPP. This differs from Impagliazzo and Wigderson's theorem"only" by replacing deterministic circuits with nondeterministicones

    Average-case intractability vs. worst-case intractability

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    AbstractWe show that not all sets in NP (or other levels of the polynomial-time hierarchy) have efficient average-case algorithms unless the Arthur-Merlin classes MA and AM can be derandomized to NP and various subclasses of P/poly collapse to P. Furthermore, other complexity classes like P(PP) and PSPACE are shown to be intractable on average unless they are easy in the worst case

    BPP has Subexponential Time Simulations unless EXPTIME has Publishable Proofs (Extended Abstract)

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    ) L'aszl'o Babai Noam Nisan y Lance Fortnow z Avi Wigderson University of Chicago Hebrew University Abstract We show that BPP can be simulated in subexponential time for infinitely many input lengths unless exponential time ffl collapses to the second level of the polynomial-time hierarchy, ffl has polynomial-size circuits and ffl has publishable proofs (EXPTIME=MA). We also show that BPP is contained in subexponential time unless exponential time has publishable proofs for infinitely many input lengths. In addition, we show BPP can be simulated in subexponential time for infinitely many input lengths unless there exist unary languages in MA n P . The proofs are based on the recent characterization of the power of multiprover interactive protocols and on random self-reducibility via low degree polynomials. They exhibit an interplay between Boolean circuit simulation, interactive proofs and classical complexity classes. An important feature of this proof is that it does not ..

    Pseudorandomness and Average-Case Complexity Via Uniform Reductions

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    Some Applications of Coding Theory in Computational Complexity

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    Error-correcting codes and related combinatorial constructs play an important role in several recent (and old) results in computational complexity theory. In this paper we survey results on locally-testable and locally-decodable error-correcting codes, and their applications to complexity theory and to cryptography. Locally decodable codes are error-correcting codes with sub-linear time error-correcting algorithms. They are related to private information retrieval (a type of cryptographic protocol), and they are used in average-case complexity and to construct ``hard-core predicates'' for one-way permutations. Locally testable codes are error-correcting codes with sub-linear time error-detection algorithms, and they are the combinatorial core of probabilistically checkable proofs