27 research outputs found

    A Nonoverlapping Domain Decomposition Method for Incompressible Stokes Equations with Continuous Pressures

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    This is the publisher's version, also available electronically from http://epubs.siam.org/doi/abs/10.1137/120861503A nonoverlapping domain decomposition algorithm is proposed to solve the linear system arising from mixed finite element approximation of incompressible Stokes equations. A continuous finite element space for the pressure is used. In the proposed algorithm, Lagrange multipliers are used to enforce continuity of the velocity component across the subdomain boundary. The continuity of the pressure component is enforced in the primal form, i.e., neighboring subdomains share the same pressure degrees of freedom on the subdomain interface and no Lagrange multipliers are needed. After eliminating all velocity variables and the independent subdomain interior parts of the pressures, a symmetric positive semidefinite linear system for the subdomain boundary pressures and the Lagrange multipliers is formed and solved by a preconditioned conjugate gradient method. A lumped preconditioner is studied and the condition number bound of the preconditioned operator is proved to be independent of the number of subdomains for fixed subdomain problem size. Numerical experiments demonstrate the convergence rate of the proposed algorithm

    Application of the parallel BDDC preconditioner to the Stokes flow

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    A parallel implementation of the Balancing Domain Decomposition by Constraints (BDDC) method is described. It is based on formulation of BDDC with global matrices without explicit coarse problem. The implementation is based on the MUMPS parallel solver for computing the approximate inverse used for preconditioning. It is successfully applied to several problems of Stokes flow discretized by Taylor-Hood finite elements and BDDC is shown to be a promising method also for this class of problems.Comment: 27 pages, 5 figures, 7 table

    BDDC for nonsymmetric positive definite and symmetric indefinite problems

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    The balancing domain decomposition methods by constraints are extended to solving both nonsymmetric, positive definite and symmetric, indefinite linear systems. In both cases, certain nonstandard primal constraints are included in the coarse problems of BDDC algorithms to accelerate the convergence. Under the assumption that the subdomain size is small enough, a convergence rate estimate for the GMRES iteration is established that the rate is independent of the number of subdomains and depends only slightly on the subdomain problem size. Numerical experiments for several two-dimensional examples illustrate the fast convergence of the proposed algorithms

    On adaptive BDDC for the flow in heterogeneous porous media

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    We study a method based on Balancing Domain Decomposition by Constraints (BDDC) for a numerical solution of a single-phase flow in heterogenous porous media. The method solves for both flux and pressure variables. The fluxes are resolved in three steps: the coarse solve is followed by subdomain solves and last we look for a divergence-free flux correction and pressures using conjugate gradients with the BDDC preconditioner. Our main contribution is an application of the adaptive algorithm for selection of flux constraints. Performance of the method is illustrated on the benchmark problem from the 10th SPE Comparative Solution Project (SPE 10). Numerical experiments in both 2D and 3D demonstrate that the first two steps of the method exhibit some numerical upscaling properties, and the adaptive preconditioner in the last step allows a significant decrease in number of iterations of conjugate gradients at a small additional cost.Comment: 21 pages, 7 figure

    Three-level BDDC in three dimensions

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    This is the published version, also available here: http://dx.doi.org/10.1137/050629902.Balancing domain decomposition by constraints (BDDC) methods are nonoverlapping iterative substructuring domain decomposition methods for the solution of large sparse linear algebraic systems arising from the discretization of elliptic boundary value problems. Their coarse problems are given in terms of a small number of continuity constraints for each subdomain, which are enforced across the interface. The coarse problem matrix is generated and factored by a direct solver at the beginning of the computation and it can ultimately become a bottleneck if the number of subdomains is very large. In this paper, two three-level BDDC methods are introduced for solving the coarse problem approximately for problems in three dimensions. This is an extension of previous work for the two-dimensional case. Edge constraints are considered in this work since vertex constraints alone, which work well in two dimensions, result in a noncompetitive algorithm in three dimensions. Some new technical tools are then needed in the analysis and this makes the three-dimensional case more complicated. Estimates of the condition numbers are provided for two three-level BDDC methods, and numerical experiments are also discussed