3 research outputs found

    Avoiding zigzag quality switching in real content adaptive video streaming

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    International audienceA high number of videos, encoded in several bitrates, are nowadays available on Internet. A high bitrate needs a high and stable bandwidth, so a lower bitrate encoding is usually chosen and transferred, which leads to lower quality too. A solution is to adapt dynamically the current bitrate so that it always matches the network bandwidth, like in a classical congestion control context. When the bitrate is at the upper limit of the bandwidth, the adaptation switches constantly between a lower and a higher bitrate, causing an unpleasant zigzag in quality on the user machine. This paper presents a solution to avoid the zigzag. It uses an EWMA (Exponential Weighted Moving Average) value for each bitrate, which reflects its history. The evaluation of the algorithm shows that loss rate is much smaller, bitrate is more stable, and so received video quality is better

    Avoiding zigzag quality switching in real content adaptive video streaming

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    Abstract. A high number of videos, encoded in several bitrates, are nowadays available on Internet. A high bitrate needs a high and stable bandwidth, so a lower bitrate encoding is usually chosen and transferred, which leads to lower quality too. A solution is to adapt dynamically the current bitrate so that it always matches the network bandwidth, like in a classical congestion control context. When the bitrate is at the upper limit of the bandwidth, the adaptation switches constantly between a lower and a higher bitrate, causing an unpleasant zigzag in quality on the user machine. This paper presents a solution to avoid the zigzag. It uses an EWMA (Exponential Weighted Moving Average) value for each bitrate, which reflects its history. The evaluation of the algorithm shows that loss rate is much smaller, bitrate is more stable, and so received video quality is better

    Amélioration de la transmission de contenus vidéo et de données dans les réseaux sans-fil

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    Cette thèse traite de l amélioration du transfert de données, d une part sur les réseaux sans-fils et d autre part pour des données continues telles que la vidéo. Pour améliorer les transmissions sur les réseaux sans-fils nous nous sommes intéressés au contrôle de congestion des protocoles de transport mais nous avons également proposé une méthode pratique d adaptation de la vidéo aux conditions du réseau.Cette thèse contient donc deux volets. La première porte sur la différenciation de pertes entre les pertes de congestion et les pertes sur le réseau sans fil. Il est connu que lors d une perte, les protocoles de transport actuels réduisent le débit (par deux par exemple). Or, pour les pertes sans fil, cela n a pas d intérêt. Pour différencier ces pertes sur l émetteur des données, nous proposons une méthode originale qui utilise à la fois ECN (Explicit Congestion Notification) et le changement sur le RTT du paquet qui suit la perte. La seconde propose une méthode originale d adaptation vidéo au niveau de la couche application sur l émetteur. Avec l arrivée des vidéos à bitrate élevés (HD, 3D) et l augmentation constante mais irrégulière des bandes passantes réseau, la qualité vidéo à l utilisateur reste à la traîne : elle est non-optimale (bitrate beaucoup plus petit ou plus grand que le débit disponible) et non adaptable (aux conditions dynamiques du réseau). Nous proposons une méthode très simple à implémenter, puisqu elle ne requiert qu une modification côté émetteur au niveau de la couche application. Elle adapte en permanence le bitrate de la vidéo aux conditions du réseau, autrement dit elle fait un contrôle de congestion sur l émetteur. La visioconférence est un cas d application idéal. Cette méthode fonctionne au-dessus de tout protocole de transport avec contrôle de congestion (TCP, DCCP), ce qui lui confère aussi la propriété de TCP-friendliness.This thesis deals in improving the data transfer on wireless networks and for the continuous data such as video. To improve transmission over wireless networks, we were interested in congestion control transport protocols and we also proposed a practical method for adjusting the video rate to network conditions.This thesis composes of two parts. The first part concerns the loss differentiation between congestion losses and losses on the wireless network. It is known that when there is a loss, transport protocols reduce the current sending rate (e.g. by two). However, for wireless losses, it has no interest in reducing the rate. To differentiate these losses on the data senders side, we propose a novel method that uses both the ECN (Explicit Congestion Notification) and the change of RTT of the packet following the loss. The second part proposes a novel method for video adaptation at the application layer of the sender. With the advent of high bitrate video (e.g. HD, 3D) and steadily increasing but irregular network bandwidth, video quality to the user lags. It is non-optimal (bitrate is highly smaller or larger than the available bandwidth) and not adaptable (to the dynamic conditions of the network). We propose a simple method to implement, since it requires a change only at the application layer of the sender. It adapts the bitrate of the video to the network conditions, i.e. it is a congestion control on the transmitter. Videoconferencing is an ideal case for the application of adaptation. This method works over any transport protocol with congestion control (e.g. TCP, DCCP), which also confers the property of TCP-friendliness.BESANCON-Bib. Electronique (250560099) / SudocSudocFranceF