4,977 research outputs found

    Autonomous Intersection Driving with Neuro-Evolution

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    Neuro-Evolution (NE) has been used to evolve controllers in land-based vehicles that accomplish various tasks. However, there has been little work on evolving coordinated movement for maximizing traffic flow through intersections. This study used NE to synthesize collective driving behaviors for given road networks (interconnected intersections), where there were no traffic signals to assist with vehicle coordination and navigation. Rather, NE automates controller design where collective driving behavior emerges in response to the task of maximizing traffic throughput and minimizing delays at intersections

    Neuro-evolution search methodologies for collective self-driving vehicles

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    Recently there has been an increasing amount of research into autonomous vehicles for real-world driving. Much progress has been made in the past decade with many automotive manufacturers demonstrating real-world prototypes. Current predictions indicate that roads designed exclusively for autonomous vehicles will be constructed and thus this thesis explores the use of methods to automatically produce controllers for autonomous vehicles that must navigate with each other on these roads. Neuro-Evolution, a method that combines evolutionary algorithms with neural networks, has shown to be effective in reinforcement-learning, multi-agent tasks such as maze navigation, biped locomotion, autonomous racing vehicles and fin-less rocket control. Hence, a neuro-evolution method is selected and investigated for the controller evolution of collective autonomous vehicles in homogeneous teams. The impact of objective and non-objective search (and a combination of both, a hybrid method) for controller evolution is comparatively evaluated for robustness on a range of driving tasks and collection sizes. Results indicate that the objective search was able to generalise the best on unseen task environments compared to all other methods and the hybrid approach was able to yield desired task performance on evolution far earlier than both approaches but was unable to generalise as effectively over new environments

    Evolutionary robotics and neuroscience

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    Kick control: using the attracting states arising within the sensorimotor loop of self-organized robots as motor primitives

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    Self-organized robots may develop attracting states within the sensorimotor loop, that is within the phase space of neural activity, body, and environmental variables. Fixpoints, limit cycles, and chaotic attractors correspond in this setting to a non-moving robot, to directed, and to irregular locomotion respectively. Short higher-order control commands may hence be used to kick the system from one self-organized attractor robustly into the basin of attraction of a different attractor, a concept termed here as kick control. The individual sensorimotor states serve in this context as highly compliant motor primitives. We study different implementations of kick control for the case of simulated and real-world wheeled robots, for which the dynamics of the distinct wheels is generated independently by local feedback loops. The feedback loops are mediated by rate-encoding neurons disposing exclusively of propriosensoric inputs in terms of projections of the actual rotational angle of the wheel. The changes of the neural activity are then transmitted into a rotational motion by a simulated transmission rod akin to the transmission rods used for steam locomotives. We find that the self-organized attractor landscape may be morphed both by higher-level control signals, in the spirit of kick control, and by interacting with the environment. Bumping against a wall destroys the limit cycle corresponding to forward motion, with the consequence that the dynamical variables are then attracted in phase space by the limit cycle corresponding to backward moving. The robot, which does not dispose of any distance or contact sensors, hence reverses direction autonomously.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figure

    Clustering Human Trust Dynamics for Customized Real-time Prediction

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    Trust calibration is necessary to ensure appropriate user acceptance in advanced automation technologies. A significant challenge to achieve trust calibration is to quantitatively estimate human trust in real-time. Although multiple trust models exist, these models have limited predictive performance partly due to individual differences in trust dynamics. A personalized model for each person can address this issue, but it requires a significant amount of data for each user. We present a methodology to develop customized model by clustering humans based on their trust dynamics. The clustering-based method addresses the individual differences in trust dynamics while requiring significantly less data than personalized model. We show that our clustering-based customized models not only outperform the general model based on entire population, but also outperform simple demographic factor-based customized models. Specifically, we propose that two models based on ``confident'' and ``skeptical'' group of participants, respectively, can represent the trust behavior of the population. The ``confident'' participants, as compared to the ``skeptical'' participants, have higher initial trust levels, lose trust slower when they encounter low reliability operations, and have higher trust levels during trust-repair after the low reliability operations. In summary, clustering-based customized models improve trust prediction performance for further trust calibration considerations.Comment: To be published in 2021 IEEE 24rd International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC

    Structured chaos shapes spike-response noise entropy in balanced neural networks

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    Large networks of sparsely coupled, excitatory and inhibitory cells occur throughout the brain. A striking feature of these networks is that they are chaotic. How does this chaos manifest in the neural code? Specifically, how variable are the spike patterns that such a network produces in response to an input signal? To answer this, we derive a bound for the entropy of multi-cell spike pattern distributions in large recurrent networks of spiking neurons responding to fluctuating inputs. The analysis is based on results from random dynamical systems theory and is complimented by detailed numerical simulations. We find that the spike pattern entropy is an order of magnitude lower than what would be extrapolated from single cells. This holds despite the fact that network coupling becomes vanishingly sparse as network size grows -- a phenomenon that depends on ``extensive chaos," as previously discovered for balanced networks without stimulus drive. Moreover, we show how spike pattern entropy is controlled by temporal features of the inputs. Our findings provide insight into how neural networks may encode stimuli in the presence of inherently chaotic dynamics.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    How to Best Automate Intersection Management

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    Recently there has been increased research interest in developing adaptive control systems for autonomous vehicles. This study presents a comparative evaluation of two distinct approaches to automated intersection management for a multiagent system of autonomous vehicles. The first is a centralized heuristic control approach using an extension of the Autonomous Intersection Management (AIM) system. The second is a decentralized neuro-evolution approach that adapts vehicle controllers so as they collectively navigate intersections. This study tests both approaches for controlling groups of autonomous vehicles on a network of interconnected intersections, without the constraints of traffic lights or stop signals. These task environments thus simulate potential future scenarios where vehicles must drive autonomously without specific road infrastructure constraints. The capability of each approach to appropriately handle various types of interconnected intersections, while maintaining an efficient throughput of vehicles and minimizing delay is tested. Results indicate that neuro-evolution is an effective method for automating collective driving behaviors that are robust across a broad range of road networks, where evolved controllers yield comparable task performance or out-perform an AIM controller

    Sensor Technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems

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    Modern society faces serious problems with transportation systems, including but not limited to traffic congestion, safety, and pollution. Information communication technologies have gained increasing attention and importance in modern transportation systems. Automotive manufacturers are developing in-vehicle sensors and their applications in different areas including safety, traffic management, and infotainment. Government institutions are implementing roadside infrastructures such as cameras and sensors to collect data about environmental and traffic conditions. By seamlessly integrating vehicles and sensing devices, their sensing and communication capabilities can be leveraged to achieve smart and intelligent transportation systems. We discuss how sensor technology can be integrated with the transportation infrastructure to achieve a sustainable Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) and how safety, traffic control and infotainment applications can benefit from multiple sensors deployed in different elements of an ITS. Finally, we discuss some of the challenges that need to be addressed to enable a fully operational and cooperative ITS environment
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