2,071 research outputs found

    Autonomous search for a diffusive source in an unknown environment

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    The paper presents an approach to olfactory search for a diffusive emitting source of tracer (e.g. aerosol, gas) in an environment with unknown map of randomly placed and shaped obstacles. The measurements of tracer concentration are sporadic, noisy and without directional information. The search domain is discretised and modelled by a finite two-dimensional lattice. The links is the lattice represent the traversable paths for emitted particles and for the searcher. A missing link in the lattice indicates a blocked paths, due to the walls or obstacles. The searcher must simultaneously estimate the source parameters, the map of the search domain and its own location within the map. The solution is formulated in the sequential Bayesian framework and implemented as a Rao-Blackwellised particle filter with information-driven motion control. The numerical results demonstrate the concept and its performance.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure

    A Survey on Aerial Swarm Robotics

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    The use of aerial swarms to solve real-world problems has been increasing steadily, accompanied by falling prices and improving performance of communication, sensing, and processing hardware. The commoditization of hardware has reduced unit costs, thereby lowering the barriers to entry to the field of aerial swarm robotics. A key enabling technology for swarms is the family of algorithms that allow the individual members of the swarm to communicate and allocate tasks amongst themselves, plan their trajectories, and coordinate their flight in such a way that the overall objectives of the swarm are achieved efficiently. These algorithms, often organized in a hierarchical fashion, endow the swarm with autonomy at every level, and the role of a human operator can be reduced, in principle, to interactions at a higher level without direct intervention. This technology depends on the clever and innovative application of theoretical tools from control and estimation. This paper reviews the state of the art of these theoretical tools, specifically focusing on how they have been developed for, and applied to, aerial swarms. Aerial swarms differ from swarms of ground-based vehicles in two respects: they operate in a three-dimensional space and the dynamics of individual vehicles adds an extra layer of complexity. We review dynamic modeling and conditions for stability and controllability that are essential in order to achieve cooperative flight and distributed sensing. The main sections of this paper focus on major results covering trajectory generation, task allocation, adversarial control, distributed sensing, monitoring, and mapping. Wherever possible, we indicate how the physics and subsystem technologies of aerial robots are brought to bear on these individual areas

    A review of source term estimation methods for atmospheric dispersion events using static or mobile sensors

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    Understanding atmospheric transport and dispersal events has an important role in a range of scenarios. Of particular importance is aiding in emergency response after an intentional or accidental chemical, biological or radiological (CBR) release. In the event of a CBR release, it is desirable to know the current and future spatial extent of the contaminant as well as its location in order to aid decision makers in emergency response. Many dispersion phenomena may be opaque or clear, thus monitoring them using visual methods will be difficult or impossible. In these scenarios, relevant concentration sensors are required to detect the substance where they can form a static network on the ground or be placed upon mobile platforms. This paper presents a review of techniques used to gain information about atmospheric dispersion events using static or mobile sensors. The review is concluded with a discussion on the current limitations of the state of the art and recommendations for future research

    On the use of autonomous unmanned vehicles in response to hazardous atmospheric release incidents

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    Recent events have induced a surge of interest in the methods of response to releases of hazardous materials or gases into the atmosphere. In the last decade there has been particular interest in mapping and quantifying emissions for regulatory purposes, emergency response, and environmental monitoring. Examples include: responding to events such as gas leaks, nuclear accidents or chemical, biological or radiological (CBR) accidents or attacks, and even exploring sources of methane emissions on the planet Mars. This thesis presents a review of the potential responses to hazardous releases, which includes source localisation, boundary tracking, mapping and source term estimation. [Continues.]</div

    Information-based path planning for source term estimation using an unmanned aerial vehicle: algorithms and experiments

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    Department of Mechanical Enginering (Mechanical Engineering)Searching and estimating source information such as the location and release rate, called a source term, have many applications across environmental, medical, and security domains. For autonomous source search and estimation in a turbulent environment, this thesis presents two information-theoretic search strategies. Firstly, Gaussian mixture model (GMM) based infotaxis, termed as GMM-Infotaxis, is presented. The GMM is used to determine the action candidates for the next best informative sampling position in a continuous domain by appropriately clustering possible source locations obtained from the particle filter, compared with Infotaxis using discrete action candidates. This facilitates the better trade-off between exploitation and exploration for search, resulting in more efficient search and better estimation performance. However, GMM-Infotaxis has limitations in complex environments with many obstacles such as urban area, as this approach only predicts one step ahead action and the obstacles prevent efficient search. To address this problem, Infotaxis combined with the Rapidly-exploring Random Trees (RRT) is proposed and termed as RRT-Infotaxis. By introducing new utility function which is designed to maximize entropy reduction and minimize searching path at the same time, RRT-Infotaxis has advantage of searching efficient path in obstacle-rich environments. With proposed utility function, this approach is designed not only to avoid obstacles but also to sample the next best sampling positions considering several steps ahead in a continuous domain. Numerical simulations for both strategies, GMM-Infotaxis and RRT-Infotaxis, are implemented to prove the enhanced performance compared to the conventional Infotaxis. Numerical simulations show that in an open space the performance of GMM-Infotaxis is better than the conventional Infotaxis and in various urban environments RRT-Infotaxis outperforms both original Infotaxis and GMM-Infotaxis. Besides, real outdoor flight experiments using a multirotor UAV in an open space for GMM-Infotaxis are conducted. It shows the superior performance of the GMM-Infotaxis compared with the original Infotaxis method.ope

    Computational Methods for Cognitive and Cooperative Robotics

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    In the last decades design methods in control engineering made substantial progress in the areas of robotics and computer animation. Nowadays these methods incorporate the newest developments in machine learning and artificial intelligence. But the problems of flexible and online-adaptive combinations of motor behaviors remain challenging for human-like animations and for humanoid robotics. In this context, biologically-motivated methods for the analysis and re-synthesis of human motor programs provide new insights in and models for the anticipatory motion synthesis. This thesis presents the author’s achievements in the areas of cognitive and developmental robotics, cooperative and humanoid robotics and intelligent and machine learning methods in computer graphics. The first part of the thesis in the chapter “Goal-directed Imitation for Robots” considers imitation learning in cognitive and developmental robotics. The work presented here details the author’s progress in the development of hierarchical motion recognition and planning inspired by recent discoveries of the functions of mirror-neuron cortical circuits in primates. The overall architecture is capable of ‘learning for imitation’ and ‘learning by imitation’. The complete system includes a low-level real-time capable path planning subsystem for obstacle avoidance during arm reaching. The learning-based path planning subsystem is universal for all types of anthropomorphic robot arms, and is capable of knowledge transfer at the level of individual motor acts. Next, the problems of learning and synthesis of motor synergies, the spatial and spatio-temporal combinations of motor features in sequential multi-action behavior, and the problems of task-related action transitions are considered in the second part of the thesis “Kinematic Motion Synthesis for Computer Graphics and Robotics”. In this part, a new approach of modeling complex full-body human actions by mixtures of time-shift invariant motor primitives in presented. The online-capable full-body motion generation architecture based on dynamic movement primitives driving the time-shift invariant motor synergies was implemented as an online-reactive adaptive motion synthesis for computer graphics and robotics applications. The last chapter of the thesis entitled “Contraction Theory and Self-organized Scenarios in Computer Graphics and Robotics” is dedicated to optimal control strategies in multi-agent scenarios of large crowds of agents expressing highly nonlinear behaviors. This last part presents new mathematical tools for stability analysis and synthesis of multi-agent cooperative scenarios.In den letzten Jahrzehnten hat die Forschung in den Bereichen der Steuerung und Regelung komplexer Systeme erhebliche Fortschritte gemacht, insbesondere in den Bereichen Robotik und Computeranimation. Die Entwicklung solcher Systeme verwendet heutzutage neueste Methoden und Entwicklungen im Bereich des maschinellen Lernens und der kĂŒnstlichen Intelligenz. Die flexible und echtzeitfĂ€hige Kombination von motorischen Verhaltensweisen ist eine wesentliche Herausforderung fĂŒr die Generierung menschenĂ€hnlicher Animationen und in der humanoiden Robotik. In diesem Zusammenhang liefern biologisch motivierte Methoden zur Analyse und Resynthese menschlicher motorischer Programme neue Erkenntnisse und Modelle fĂŒr die antizipatorische Bewegungssynthese. Diese Dissertation prĂ€sentiert die Ergebnisse der Arbeiten des Autors im Gebiet der kognitiven und Entwicklungsrobotik, kooperativer und humanoider Robotersysteme sowie intelligenter und maschineller Lernmethoden in der Computergrafik. Der erste Teil der Dissertation im Kapitel “Zielgerichtete Nachahmung fĂŒr Roboter” behandelt das Imitationslernen in der kognitiven und Entwicklungsrobotik. Die vorgestellten Arbeiten beschreiben neue Methoden fĂŒr die hierarchische Bewegungserkennung und -planung, die durch Erkenntnisse zur Funktion der kortikalen Spiegelneuronen-Schaltkreise bei Primaten inspiriert wurden. Die entwickelte Architektur ist in der Lage, ‘durch Imitation zu lernen’ und ‘zu lernen zu imitieren’. Das komplette entwickelte System enthĂ€lt ein echtzeitfĂ€higes Pfadplanungssubsystem zur Hindernisvermeidung wĂ€hrend der DurchfĂŒhrung von Armbewegungen. Das lernbasierte Pfadplanungssubsystem ist universell und fĂŒr alle Arten von anthropomorphen Roboterarmen in der Lage, Wissen auf der Ebene einzelner motorischer Handlungen zu ĂŒbertragen. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit “Kinematische Bewegungssynthese fĂŒr Computergrafik und Robotik” werden die Probleme des Lernens und der Synthese motorischer Synergien, d.h. von rĂ€umlichen und rĂ€umlich-zeitlichen Kombinationen motorischer Bewegungselemente bei Bewegungssequenzen und bei aufgabenbezogenen Handlungs ĂŒbergĂ€ngen behandelt. Es wird ein neuer Ansatz zur Modellierung komplexer menschlicher Ganzkörperaktionen durch Mischungen von zeitverschiebungsinvarianten Motorprimitiven vorgestellt. Zudem wurde ein online-fĂ€higer Synthesealgorithmus fĂŒr Ganzköperbewegungen entwickelt, der auf dynamischen Bewegungsprimitiven basiert, die wiederum auf der Basis der gelernten verschiebungsinvarianten Primitive konstruiert werden. Dieser Algorithmus wurde fĂŒr verschiedene Probleme der Bewegungssynthese fĂŒr die Computergrafik- und Roboteranwendungen implementiert. Das letzte Kapitel der Dissertation mit dem Titel “Kontraktionstheorie und selbstorganisierte Szenarien in der Computergrafik und Robotik” widmet sich optimalen Kontrollstrategien in Multi-Agenten-Szenarien, wobei die Agenten durch eine hochgradig nichtlineare Kinematik gekennzeichnet sind. Dieser letzte Teil prĂ€sentiert neue mathematische Werkzeuge fĂŒr die StabilitĂ€tsanalyse und Synthese von kooperativen Multi-Agenten-Szenarien

    L\'evy walks

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    Random walk is a fundamental concept with applications ranging from quantum physics to econometrics. Remarkably, one specific model of random walks appears to be ubiquitous across many fields as a tool to analyze transport phenomena in which the dispersal process is faster than dictated by Brownian diffusion. The L\'{e}vy walk model combines two key features, the ability to generate anomalously fast diffusion and a finite velocity of a random walker. Recent results in optics, Hamiltonian chaos, cold atom dynamics, bio-physics, and behavioral science demonstrate that this particular type of random walks provides significant insight into complex transport phenomena. This review provides a self-consistent introduction to L\'{e}vy walks, surveys their existing applications, including latest advances, and outlines further perspectives.Comment: 50 page
