1,430 research outputs found

    From Few to More: Large-scale Dynamic Multiagent Curriculum Learning

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    A lot of efforts have been devoted to investigating how agents can learn effectively and achieve coordination in multiagent systems. However, it is still challenging in large-scale multiagent settings due to the complex dynamics between the environment and agents and the explosion of state-action space. In this paper, we design a novel Dynamic Multiagent Curriculum Learning (DyMA-CL) to solve large-scale problems by starting from learning on a multiagent scenario with a small size and progressively increasing the number of agents. We propose three transfer mechanisms across curricula to accelerate the learning process. Moreover, due to the fact that the state dimension varies across curricula,, and existing network structures cannot be applied in such a transfer setting since their network input sizes are fixed. Therefore, we design a novel network structure called Dynamic Agent-number Network (DyAN) to handle the dynamic size of the network input. Experimental results show that DyMA-CL using DyAN greatly improves the performance of large-scale multiagent learning compared with state-of-the-art deep reinforcement learning approaches. We also investigate the influence of three transfer mechanisms across curricula through extensive simulations.Comment: Accepted by AAAI202

    Automaton-Guided Curriculum Generation for Reinforcement Learning Agents

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    Despite advances in Reinforcement Learning, many sequential decision making tasks remain prohibitively expensive and impractical to learn. Recently, approaches that automatically generate reward functions from logical task specifications have been proposed to mitigate this issue; however, they scale poorly on long-horizon tasks (i.e., tasks where the agent needs to perform a series of correct actions to reach the goal state, considering future transitions while choosing an action). Employing a curriculum (a sequence of increasingly complex tasks) further improves the learning speed of the agent by sequencing intermediate tasks suited to the learning capacity of the agent. However, generating curricula from the logical specification still remains an unsolved problem. To this end, we propose AGCL, Automaton-guided Curriculum Learning, a novel method for automatically generating curricula for the target task in the form of Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs). AGCL encodes the specification in the form of a deterministic finite automaton (DFA), and then uses the DFA along with the Object-Oriented MDP (OOMDP) representation to generate a curriculum as a DAG, where the vertices correspond to tasks, and edges correspond to the direction of knowledge transfer. Experiments in gridworld and physics-based simulated robotics domains show that the curricula produced by AGCL achieve improved time-to-threshold performance on a complex sequential decision-making problem relative to state-of-the-art curriculum learning (e.g, teacher-student, self-play) and automaton-guided reinforcement learning baselines (e.g, Q-Learning for Reward Machines). Further, we demonstrate that AGCL performs well even in the presence of noise in the task's OOMDP description, and also when distractor objects are present that are not modeled in the logical specification of the tasks' objectives.Comment: To be presented at The International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS) 202
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