316 research outputs found

    Automatic prosodic analysis for computer aided pronunciation teaching

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    Correct pronunciation of spoken language requires the appropriate modulation of acoustic characteristics of speech to convey linguistic information at a suprasegmental level. Such prosodic modulation is a key aspect of spoken language and is an important component of foreign language learning, for purposes of both comprehension and intelligibility. Computer aided pronunciation teaching involves automatic analysis of the speech of a non-native talker in order to provide a diagnosis of the learner's performance in comparison with the speech of a native talker. This thesis describes research undertaken to automatically analyse the prosodic aspects of speech for computer aided pronunciation teaching. It is necessary to describe the suprasegmental composition of a learner's speech in order to characterise significant deviations from a native-like prosody, and to offer some kind of corrective diagnosis. Phonological theories of prosody aim to describe the suprasegmental composition of speech..

    Phonetics of segmental FO and machine recognition of Korean speech

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    Automatic Blind Syllable Segmentation for Continuous Speech

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    In this paper a simple practical method for blind segmentation of continuous speech into its constituent syllables is presented. This technique which uses amplitude onset velocity and coarse spectral makeup to identify syllable boundaries is tested on a corpus of continuous speech and compared with an established segmentation algorithm. The results show substantial performance benefit using the proposed algorithm

    Automatic Blind Syllable Segmentation for Continuous Speech

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    In this paper a simple practical method for blind segmentation of continuous speech into its constituent syllables is presented. This technique which uses amplitude onset velocity and coarse spectral makeup to identify syllable boundaries is tested on a corpus of continuous speech and compared with an established segmentation algorithm. The results show substantial performance benefit using the proposed algorithm

    A syllable-based investigation of coarticulation

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    Coarticulation has been long investigated in Speech Sciences and Linguistics (Kühnert & Nolan, 1999). This thesis explores coarticulation through a syllable based model (Y. Xu, 2020). First, it is hypothesised that consonant and vowel are synchronised at the syllable onset for the sake of reducing temporal degrees of freedom, and such synchronisation is the essence of coarticulation. Previous efforts in the examination of CV alignment mainly report onset asynchrony (Gao, 2009; Shaw & Chen, 2019). The first study of this thesis tested the synchrony hypothesis using articulatory and acoustic data in Mandarin. Departing from conventional approaches, a minimal triplet paradigm was applied, in which the CV onsets were determined through the consonant and vowel minimal pairs, respectively. Both articulatory and acoustical results showed that CV articulation started in close temporal proximity, supporting the synchrony hypothesis. The second study extended the research to English and syllables with cluster onsets. By using acoustic data in conjunction with Deep Learning, supporting evidence was found for co-onset, which is in contrast to the widely reported c-center effect (Byrd, 1995). Secondly, the thesis investigated the mechanism that can maximise synchrony – Dimension Specific Sequential Target Approximation (DSSTA), which is highly relevant to what is commonly known as coarticulation resistance (Recasens & Espinosa, 2009). Evidence from the first two studies show that, when conflicts arise due to articulation requirements between CV, the CV gestures can be fulfilled by the same articulator on separate dimensions simultaneously. Last but not least, the final study tested the hypothesis that resyllabification is the result of coarticulation asymmetry between onset and coda consonants. It was found that neural network based models could infer syllable affiliation of consonants, and those inferred resyllabified codas had similar coarticulatory structure with canonical onset consonants. In conclusion, this thesis found that many coarticulation related phenomena, including local vowel to vowel anticipatory coarticulation, coarticulation resistance, and resyllabification, stem from the articulatory mechanism of the syllable

    Physiological and psychoacoustical correlates of perceiving natural and modified speech

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    A novel EEG based linguistic BCI

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    While a human being can think coherently, physical limitations no matter how severe, should never become disabling. Thinking and cognition are performed and expressed through language, which is the most natural form of human communication. The use of covert speech tasks for BCIs has been successfully achieved for invasive and non-invasive systems. In this work, by incorporating the most recent discoveries on the spatial, temporal, and spectral signatures of word production, a novel system is designed, which is custom-build for linguistic tasks. Other than paying attention and waiting for the onset cue, this BCI requires absolutely no cognitive effort from the user and operates using automatic linguistic functions of the brain in the first 312ms post onset, which is also completely out of the control of the user and immune from inconsistencies. With four classes, this online BCI achieves classification accuracy of 82.5%. Each word produces a signature as unique as its phonetic structure, and the number of covert speech tasks used in this work is limited by computational power. We demonstrated that this BCI can successfully use wireless dry electrode EEG systems, which are becoming as capable as traditional laboratory grade systems. This frees the potential user from the confounds of the lab, facilitating real-world application. Considering that the number of words used in daily life does not exceed 2000, the number of words used by this type of novel BCI may indeed reach this number in the future, with no need to change the current system design or experimental protocol. As a promising step towards noninvasive synthetic telepathy, this system has the potential to not only help those in desperate need, but to completely change the way we communicate with our computers in the future as covert speech is much easier than any form of manual communication and control

    Stochastic suprasegmentals: relationships between redundancy, prosodic structure and care of articulation in spontaneous speech

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    Within spontaneous speech there are wide variations in the articulation of the same word by the same speaker. This paper explores two related factors which influence variation in articulation, prosodic structure and redundancy. We argue that the constraint of producing robust communication while efficiently expending articulatory effort leads to an inverse relationship between language redundancy and care of articulation. The inverse relationship improves robustness by spreading the information more evenly across the speech signal leading to a smoother signal redundancy profile. We argue that prosodic prominence is a linguistic means of achieving smooth signal redundancy. Prosodic prominence increases care of articulation and coincides with unpredictable sections of speech. By doing so, prosodic prominence leads to a smoother signal redundancy. Results confirm the strong relationship between prosodic prominence and care of articulation as well as an inverse relationship between langu..

    A study on reusing resources of speech synthesis for closely-related languages

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    This thesis describes research on building a text-to-speech (TTS) framework that can accommodate the lack of linguistic information of under-resource languages by using existing resources from another language. It describes the adaptation process required when such limited resource is used. The main natural languages involved in this research are Malay and Iban language. The thesis includes a study on grapheme to phoneme mapping and the substitution of phonemes. A set of substitution matrices is presented which show the phoneme confusion in term of perception among respondents. The experiments conducted study the intelligibility as well as perception based on context of utterances. The study on the phonetic prosody is then presented and compared to the Klatt duration model. This is to find the similarities of cross language duration model if one exists. Then a comparative study of Iban native speaker with an Iban polyglot TTS using Malay resources is presented. This is to confirm that the prosody of Malay can be used to generate Iban synthesised speech. The central hypothesis of this thesis is that by using a closely-related language resource, a natural sounding speech can be produced. The aim of this research was to show that by sticking to the indigenous language characteristics, it is possible to build a polyglot synthesised speech system even with insufficient speech resources
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