3 research outputs found

    Annual Report, 2015-2016

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    FPGAs for the Masses: Affordable Hardware Synthesis from Domain-Specific Languages

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    Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) have the unique ability to be configured into application-specific architectures that are well suited to specific computing problems. This enables them to achieve performances and energy efficiencies that outclass other processor-based architectures, such as Chip Multiprocessors (CMPs), Graphic Processing Units (GPUs) and Digital Signal Processors (DSPs). Despite this, FPGAs are yet to gain widespread adoption, especially among application and software developers, because of their laborious application development process that requires hardware design expertise. In some application areas, domain-specific hardware synthesis tools alleviate this problem by using a Domain-Specific Language (DSL) to hide the low-level hardware details and also improve productivity of the developer. Additionally, these tools leverage domain knowledge to perform optimizations and produce high-quality hardware designs. While this approach holds great promise, the significant effort and cost of developing such domain-specific tools make it unaffordable in many application areas. In this thesis, we develop techniques to reduce the effort and cost of developing domain-specific hardware synthesis tools. To demonstrate our approach, we develop a toolchain to generate complete hardware systems from high-level functional specifications written in a DSL. Firstly, our approach uses language embedding and type-directed staging to develop a DSL and compiler in a cost-effective manner. To further reduce effort, we develop this compiler by composing reusable optimization modules, and integrate it with existing hardware synthesis tools. However, most synthesis tools require users to have hardware design knowledge to produce high-quality results. Therefore, secondly, to facilitate people without hardware design skills to develop domain-specific tools, we develop a methodology to generate high-quality hardware designs from well known computational patterns, such as map, zipWith, reduce and foreach; computational patterns are algorithmic methods that capture the nature of computation and communication and can be easily understood and used without expert knowledge. In our approach, we decompose the DSL specifications into constituent computational patterns and exploit the properties of these patterns, such as degree of parallelism, interdependence between operations and data-access characteristics, to generate high-quality hardware modules to implement them, and compose them into a complete system design. Lastly, we extended our methodology to automatically parallelize computations across multiple hardware modules to benefit from the spatial parallelism of the FPGA as well as overcome performance problems caused by non-sequential data access patterns and long access latency to external memory. To achieve this, we utilize the data-access properties of the computational patterns to automatically identify synchronization requirements and generate such multi-module designs from the same high-level functional specifications. Driven by power and performance constraints, today the world is turning to reconfigurable technology (i.e., FPGAs) to meet the computational needs of tomorrow. In this light, this work addresses the cardinal problem of making tomorrow's computing infrastructure programmable to application developers

    Just In Time Assembly (JITA) - A Run Time Interpretation Approach for Achieving Productivity of Creating Custom Accelerators in FPGAs

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    The reconfigurable computing community has yet to be successful in allowing programmers to access FPGAs through traditional software development flows. Existing barriers that prevent programmers from using FPGAs include: 1) knowledge of hardware programming models, 2) the need to work within the vendor specific CAD tools and hardware synthesis. This thesis presents a series of published papers that explore different aspects of a new approach being developed to remove the barriers and enable programmers to compile accelerators on next generation reconfigurable manycore architectures. The approach is entitled Just In Time Assembly (JITA) of hardware accelerators. The approach has been defined to allow hardware accelerators to be built and run through software compilation and run time interpretation outside of CAD tools and without requiring each new accelerator to be synthesized. The approach advocates the use of libraries of pre-synthesized components that can be referenced through symbolic links in a similar fashion to dynamically linked software libraries. Synthesis still must occur but is moved out of the application programmers software flow and into the initial coding process that occurs when programming patterns that define a Domain Specific Language (DSL) are first coded. Programmers see no difference between creating software or hardware functionality when using the DSL. A new run time interpreter is introduced to assemble the individual pre-synthesized hardware accelerators that comprise the accelerator functionality within a configurable tile array of partially reconfigurable slots at run time. Quantitative results are presented that compares utilization, performance, and productivity of the approach to what would be achieved by full custom accelerators created through traditional CAD flows using hardware programming models and passing through synthesis