3 research outputs found

    A Review on Electronic Sleep Inducer

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    Mental stress is an acute problem nowadays which results in Insomnia. Insomnia means lack of sleep, which halter our ability to carry our daily responsibilities. Depression, memory problems, heart diseases, can occur due to this disease. As there is nothing pleasant as a sound sleep, people usually take high drug dosages to overcome this problem which is disadvantageous for body. High dosages ultimately lead to the addiction which has adverse effect on the patient. The presence of magnetic fields in earth is known as Geo-magnetic fields, on earth?s surface these magnetic fields are usually dipolar. In natural surroundings like tents or a hut most of the people find it pleasant sleeping over there, it is because of the alterations in their EEG by the interference of geo magnetic field. This is not possible only because of the healthy atmosphere but also from our inability to perceive earth?s magnetic fields. This project is basically about these Geo-magnetic fields. All the researches finally lead to design a device which leads to formation of electromagnetic field which is created and radiated by a radiator coil; an ideal environment can be created for a sound sleep by this device. This paper presents the prototype for a cost effective, user friendly system that helps to overcome this disease (Insomnia)

    Automated sleep stage detection and classification of sleep disorders

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    Studies have demonstrated that more than 1 million Australians experience some sort of sleep-related disorder in their lifetime [12]. In order to improve the diagnostic and clinical treatment of sleep disorders, the first important step is to identify or automatically detect the sleep stages. The most common method, known as the visual sleep stage scoring, can be a tedious and time-consuming process. Because of that, there is a need to create or develop an improved automatic sleep stage detection method to assist the sleep physician to efficiently and accurately evaluate the sleep stages of patients or non-patients. This research project consisted of two parts. The first part focused on the automatic sleep stages detection based on two individual bio-signals, which made up an overnight polysomnography (PSG), such as the electroencephalogram (EEG), and electrooculogram (EOG). Several features were extracted from these two bio-signals in the time and frequency domains. The decision tree and classification methods were utilised for the classification of the sleep stages. The second part of this project focused on the automatic classification of different sleep and psychiatric disorders, such as patients with periodic limb movements of sleep (PLMs), sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome (SAHS), primary insomnia, schizophrenia and healthy sleep. Different PSG parameters were computed for the classification of sleep disorders, such as descriptive statistics of sleep architecture. In conclusion, the advantage of an automatic sleep stage detection method based on a single-channel EEG or EOG signal can be undertaken with portable sleep stage recording instead of full the PSG system, which includes multichannel bio-signals. An automatic classification method of sleep and psychiatric disorders based on the descriptive statistics of sleep architecture statistics was found to be an effective technique for screening sleep and psychiatric disorders. This classification method can assist physicians to quickly undertake a diagnostic procedure

    Automatic sleep onset detection using single EEG sensor

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