637 research outputs found

    Signal Processing for NDE

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    Nowadays, testing and evaluating of industrial equipment using nondestructive tests, is a fundamental step in the manufacturing process. The complexity and high costs of manufacturing industrial components, require examinations in some way about the quality and reliability of the specimens. However, it should be noted, that in order to accurately perform the nondestructive test, in addition to theoretical knowledge, it is also essential to have the experience and carefulness, which requires special courses and experience with theoretical education. Therefore, in the traditional methods, which are based on manual testing techniques and the test results depend on the operator, there is the possibility of an invalid inference from the test data. In other words, the accuracy of conclusion from the obtained data is dependent on the skill and experience of the operator. Thus, using the signal processing techniques for nondestructive evaluation (NDE), it is possible to optimize the methods of nondestructive inspection, and in other words, to improve the overall system performance, in terms of reliability and system implementation costs. In recent years, intelligent signal processing techniques have had a significant impact on the progress of nondestructive assessment. In other words, by automating the processing of nondestructive data and signals, and using the artificial intelligence methods, it is possible to optimize nondestructive inspection methods. Hence, improve overall system performance in terms of reliability and Implementation costs of the system. This chapter reviews the issues of intelligent processing of nondestructive testing (NDT) signals

    Diffusion-Weighted Imaging: Recent Advances and Applications

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    Quantitative diffusion imaging techniques enable the characterization of tissue microstructural properties of the human brain “in vivo”, and are widely used in neuroscientific and clinical contexts. In this review, we present the basic physical principles behind diffusion imaging and provide an overview of the current diffusion techniques, including standard and advanced techniques as well as their main clinical applications. Standard diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) offers sensitivity to changes in microstructure due to diseases and enables the characterization of single fiber distributions within a voxel as well as diffusion anisotropy. Nonetheless, its inability to represent complex intravoxel fiber topologies and the limited biological specificity of its metrics motivated the development of several advanced diffusion MRI techniques. For example, high-angular resolution diffusion imaging (HARDI) techniques enabled the characterization of fiber crossing areas and other complex fiber topologies in a single voxel and supported the development of higher-order signal representations aiming to decompose the diffusion MRI signal into distinct microstructure compartments. Biophysical models, often known by their acronym (e.g., CHARMED, WMTI, NODDI, DBSI, DIAMOND) contributed to capture the diffusion properties from each of such tissue compartments, enabling the computation of voxel-wise maps of axonal density and/or morphology that hold promise as clinically viable biomarkers in several neurological and neuroscientific applications; for example, to quantify tissue alterations due to disease or healthy processes. Current challenges and limitations of state-of-the-art models are discussed, including validation efforts. Finally, novel diffusion encoding approaches (e.g., b-tensor or double diffusion encoding) may increase the biological specificity of diffusion metrics towards intra-voxel diffusion heterogeneity in clinical settings, holding promise in neurological applications

    A novel diffusion tensor imaging-based computer-aided diagnostic system for early diagnosis of autism.

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    Autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) denote a significant growing public health concern. Currently, one in 68 children has been diagnosed with ASDs in the United States, and most children are diagnosed after the age of four, despite the fact that ASDs can be identified as early as age two. The ultimate goal of this thesis is to develop a computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) system for the accurate and early diagnosis of ASDs using diffusion tensor imaging (DTI). This CAD system consists of three main steps. First, the brain tissues are segmented based on three image descriptors: a visual appearance model that has the ability to model a large dimensional feature space, a shape model that is adapted during the segmentation process using first- and second-order visual appearance features, and a spatially invariant second-order homogeneity descriptor. Secondly, discriminatory features are extracted from the segmented brains. Cortex shape variability is assessed using shape construction methods, and white matter integrity is further examined through connectivity analysis. Finally, the diagnostic capabilities of these extracted features are investigated. The accuracy of the presented CAD system has been tested on 25 infants with a high risk of developing ASDs. The preliminary diagnostic results are promising in identifying autistic from control patients

    Nondestructive evaluation and in-situ monitoring for metal additive manufacturing

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    Powder-based additive manufacturing (AM) technologies are seeing increased use, particularly because they give greatly enhanced design flexibility and can be used to form components that cannot be formed using subtractive manufacturing. There are fundamental differences in the morphology of additively manufactured materials, when compared with, for example castings or forgings. In all cases it is necessary to ensure that parts meet required quality standards and that “allowable” anomalies can be detected and characterized. It is necessary to understanding the various types of manufacturing defects and their potential effects on the quality and performance of AM, and this is a topic of much study. In addition, it is necessary to investigate quality from powder throughout the manufacturing process from powder to the finished part. In doing so it is essential to have metrology tools for mechanical property evaluation and for appropriate anomaly detection, quality control, and monitoring. Knowledge of how and when the various types of defects appear will increase the potential for early detection of significant flaws in additively manufactured parts and offers the potential opportunity for in-process intervention and to hence decrease the time and cost of repair or rework. Because the AM process involves incremental deposition of material, it gives unique opportunities to investigate the material quality as it is deposited. Due to the AM processes sensitivity to different factors such as laser power and material properties, any changes in aspects of the process can potentially have an impact on the part quality. As a result, in-process monitoring of additive manufacturing (AM) is crucial to assure the quality, integrity, and safety of AM parts. To meet this need there are a variety of sensing methods and signals which can be measured. Among the available measurement modalities, acoustic-based methods have the advantage of potentially providing real-time, continuous in-service monitoring of manufacturing processes at relatively low cost. In this research, the various types of microstructural features or defects, their generation mechanisms, their effect on bulk properties and the capabilities of existing characterization methodologies for powder-based AM parts are discussed and methods for in-situ non-destructive evaluation are reviewed. A proof-of-concept demonstration for acoustic measurements used for monitoring both machine and material state is demonstrated. The analyses have been performed on temporal and spectral features extracted from the acoustic signals. These features are commonly related to defect formation, and acoustic noise that is generated and can potentially characterize the process. A novel application of signal processing tools is used for identification of temporal and spectral features in the acoustic signals. A new approach for a K-means statistical classification algorithm is used for classification of different process conditions, and quantitative evaluation of the classification performance in terms of cohesion and isolation of the clusters. The identified acoustic signatures demonstrate potential for in-situ monitoring and quality control of the additive manufacturing process and parts. A numerical model of the temperature field and the ultrasonic wave displacement field induced by an incident pulsed laser on additively manufactured stainless steel 17 4 PH is established which is based on thermoelastic theory. The numerical results indicate that the thermoelastic source and the ultrasonic wave features are strongly affected by the characteristics of the laser source and the thermal and mechanical properties of the material. The magnitude and temporal-spatial distributions of the pulsed laser source energy are very important factors which determine not only the wave generation mechanisms, but also the amplitude and characteristics of the resulting elastic wave signals

    Domain Adaptation for Novel Imaging Modalities with Application to Prostate MRI

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    The need for training data can impede the adoption of novel imaging modalities for deep learning-based medical image analysis. Domain adaptation can mitigate this problem by exploiting training samples from an existing, densely-annotated source domain within a novel, sparsely-annotated target domain, by bridging the differences between the two domains. In this thesis we present methods for adapting between diffusion-weighed (DW)-MRI data from multiparametric (mp)-MRI acquisitions and VERDICT (Vascular, Extracellular and Restricted Diffusion for Cytometry in Tumors) MRI, a richer DW-MRI technique involving an optimized acquisition protocol for cancer characterization. We also show that the proposed methods are general and their applicability extends beyond medical imaging. First, we propose a semi-supervised domain adaptation method for prostate lesion segmentation on VERDICT MRI. Our approach relies on stochastic generative modelling to translate across two heterogeneous domains at pixel-space and exploits the inherent uncertainty in the cross-domain mapping to generate multiple outputs conditioned on a single input. We further extend this approach to the unsupervised scenario where there is no labeled data for the target domain. We rely on stochastic generative modelling to translate across the two domains at pixel space and introduce two loss functions that promote semantic consistency. Finally we demonstrate that the proposed approaches extend beyond medical image analysis and focus on unsupervised domain adaptation for semantic segmentation of urban scenes. We show that relying on stochastic generative modelling allows us to train more accurate target networks and achieve state-of-the-art performance on two challenging semantic segmentation benchmarks