305 research outputs found

    Automatic landmarking for building biological shape models

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    We present a new method for automatic landmark extraction from the contours of biological specimens. Our ultimate goal is to enable automatic identification of biological specimens in photographs and drawings held in a database. We propose to use active appearance models for visual indexing of both photographs and drawings. Automatic landmark extraction will assist us in building the models. We describe the results of using our method on drawings and photographs of examples of diatoms, and present an active shape model built using automatically extracted data

    Ball-Scale Based Hierarchical Multi-Object Recognition in 3D Medical Images

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    This paper investigates, using prior shape models and the concept of ball scale (b-scale), ways of automatically recognizing objects in 3D images without performing elaborate searches or optimization. That is, the goal is to place the model in a single shot close to the right pose (position, orientation, and scale) in a given image so that the model boundaries fall in the close vicinity of object boundaries in the image. This is achieved via the following set of key ideas: (a) A semi-automatic way of constructing a multi-object shape model assembly. (b) A novel strategy of encoding, via b-scale, the pose relationship between objects in the training images and their intensity patterns captured in b-scale images. (c) A hierarchical mechanism of positioning the model, in a one-shot way, in a given image from a knowledge of the learnt pose relationship and the b-scale image of the given image to be segmented. The evaluation results on a set of 20 routine clinical abdominal female and male CT data sets indicate the following: (1) Incorporating a large number of objects improves the recognition accuracy dramatically. (2) The recognition algorithm can be thought as a hierarchical framework such that quick replacement of the model assembly is defined as coarse recognition and delineation itself is known as finest recognition. (3) Scale yields useful information about the relationship between the model assembly and any given image such that the recognition results in a placement of the model close to the actual pose without doing any elaborate searches or optimization. (4) Effective object recognition can make delineation most accurate.Comment: This paper was published and presented in SPIE Medical Imaging 201

    Articulated Statistical Shape Modelling of the Shoulder Joint

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    The shoulder joint is the most mobile and unstable joint in the human body. This makes it vulnerable to soft tissue pathologies and dislocation. Insight into the kinematics of the joint may enable improved diagnosis and treatment of different shoulder pathologies. Shoulder joint kinematics can be influenced by the articular geometry of the joint. The aim of this project was to develop an analysis framework for shoulder joint kinematics via the use of articulated statistical shape models (ASSMs). Articulated statistical shape models extend conventional statistical shape models by combining the shape variability of anatomical objects collected from different subjects (statistical shape models), with the physical variation of pose between the same objects (articulation). The developed pipeline involved manual annotation of anatomical landmarks selected on 3D surface meshes of scapulae and humeri and establishing dense surface correspondence across these data through a registration process. The registration was performed using a Gaussian process morphable model fitting approach. In order to register two objects separately, while keeping their shape and kinematics relationship intact, one of the objects (scapula) was fixed leaving the other (humerus) to be mobile. All the pairs of registered humeri and scapulae were brought back to their native imaged position using the inverse of the associated registration transformation. The glenohumeral rotational center and local anatomic coordinate system of the humeri and scapulae were determined using the definitions suggested by the International Society of Biomechanics. Three motions (flexion, abduction, and internal rotation) were generated using Euler angle sequences. The ASSM of the model was built using principal component analysis and validated. The validation results show that the model adequately estimated the shape and pose encoded in the training data. Developing ASSM of the shoulder joint helps to define the statistical shape and pose parameters of the gleno humeral articulating surfaces. An ASSM of the shoulder joint has potential applications in the analysis and investigation of population-wide joint posture variation and kinematics. Such analyses may include determining and quantifying abnormal articulation of the joint based on the range of motion; understanding of detailed glenohumeral joint function and internal joint measurement; and diagnosis of shoulder pathologies. Future work will involve developing a protocol for encoding the shoulder ASSM with real, rather than handcrafted, pose variation

    Reconstruction of three-dimensional facial geometric features related to fetal alcohol syndrome using adult surrogates

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    Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) is a condition caused by prenatal alcohol exposure. The diagnosis of FAS is based on the presence of central nervous system impairments, evidence of growth abnormalities and abnormal facial features. Direct anthropometry has traditionally been used to obtain facial data to assess the FAS facial features. Research efforts have focused on indirect anthropometry such as 3D surface imaging systems to collect facial data for facial analysis. However, 3D surface imaging systems are costly. As an alternative, approaches for 3D reconstruction from a single 2D image of the face using a 3D morphable model (3DMM) were explored in this research study. The research project was accomplished in several steps. 3D facial data were obtained from the publicly available BU-3DFE database, developed by the State University of New York. The 3D face scans in the training set were landmarked by different observers. The reliability and precision in selecting 3D landmarks were evaluated. The intraclass correlation coefficients for intra- and inter-observer reliability were greater than 0.95. The average intra-observer error was 0.26 mm and the average inter-observer error was 0.89 mm. A rigid registration was performed on the 3D face scans in the training set. Following rigid registration, a dense point-to-point correspondence across a set of aligned face scans was computed using the Gaussian process model fitting approach. A 3DMM of the face was constructed from the fully registered 3D face scans. The constructed 3DMM of the face was evaluated based on generalization, specificity, and compactness. The quantitative evaluations show that the constructed 3DMM achieves reliable results. 3D face reconstructions from single 2D images were estimated based on the 3DMM. The MetropolisHastings algorithm was used to fit the 3DMM features to 2D image features to generate the 3D face reconstruction. Finally, the geometric accuracy of the reconstructed 3D faces was evaluated based on ground-truth 3D face scans. The average root mean square error for the surface-to-surface comparisons between the reconstructed faces and the ground-truth face scans was 2.99 mm. In conclusion, a framework to estimate 3D face reconstructions from single 2D facial images was developed and the reconstruction errors were evaluated. The geometric accuracy of the 3D face reconstructions was comparable to that found in the literature. However, future work should consider minimizing reconstruction errors to acceptable clinical standards in order for the framework to be useful for 3D-from-2D reconstruction in general, and also for developing FAS applications. Finally, future work should consider estimating a 3D face using multi-view 2D images to increase the information available for 3D-from-2D reconstruction

    3D approximation of scapula bone shape from 2D X-ray images using landmark-constrained statistical shape model fitting

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    Two-dimensional X-ray imaging is the dominant imaging modality in low-resource countries despite the existence of three-dimensional (3D) imaging modalities. This is because fewer hospitals in low-resource countries can afford the 3D imaging systems as their acquisition and operation costs are higher. However, 3D images are desirable in a range of clinical applications, for example surgical planning. The aim of this research was to develop a tool for 3D approximation of scapula bone from 2D X-ray images using landmark-constrained statistical shape model fitting. First, X-ray stereophotogrammetry was used to reconstruct the 3D coordinates of points located on 2D X-ray images of the scapula, acquired from two perspectives. A suitable calibration frame was used to map the image coordinates to their corresponding 3D realworld coordinates. The 3D point localization yielded average errors of (0.14, 0.07, 0.04) mm in the X, Y and Z coordinates respectively, and an absolute reconstruction error of 0.19 mm. The second phase assessed the reproducibility of the scapula landmarks reported by Ohl et al. (2010) and Borotikar et al. (2015). Only three (the inferior angle, acromion and the coracoid process) of the eight reproducible landmarks considered were selected as these were identifiable from the two different perspectives required for X-ray stereophotogrammetry in this project. For the last phase, an approximation of a scapula was produced with the aid of a statistical shape model (SSM) built from a training dataset of 84 CT scapulae. This involved constraining an SSM to the 3D reconstructed coordinates of the selected reproducible landmarks from 2D X-ray images. Comparison of the approximate model with a CT-derived ground truth 3D segmented volume resulted in surface-to-surface average distances of 4.28 mm and 3.20 mm, using three and sixteen landmarks respectively. Hence, increasing the number of landmarks produces a posterior model that makes better predictions of patientspecific reconstructions. An average Euclidean distance of 1.35 mm was obtained between the three selected landmarks on the approximation and the corresponding landmarks on the CT image. Conversely, a Euclidean distance of 5.99 mm was obtained between the three selected landmarks on the original SSM and corresponding landmarks on the CT image. The Euclidean distances confirm that a posterior model moves closer to the CT image, hence it reduces the search space for a more exact patient-specific 3D reconstruction by other fitting algorithms

    Three Dimensional Nonlinear Statistical Modeling Framework for Morphological Analysis

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    This dissertation describes a novel three-dimensional (3D) morphometric analysis framework for building statistical shape models and identifying shape differences between populations. This research generalizes the use of anatomical atlases on more complex anatomy as in case of irregular, flat bones, and bones with deformity and irregular bone growth. The foundations for this framework are: 1) Anatomical atlases which allow the creation of homologues anatomical models across populations; 2) Statistical representation for output models in a compact form to capture both local and global shape variation across populations; 3) Shape Analysis using automated 3D landmarking and surface matching. The proposed framework has various applications in clinical, forensic and physical anthropology fields. Extensive research has been published in peer-reviewed image processing, forensic anthropology, physical anthropology, biomedical engineering, and clinical orthopedics conferences and journals. The forthcoming discussion of existing methods for morphometric analysis, including manual and semi-automatic methods, addresses the need for automation of morphometric analysis and statistical atlases. Explanations of these existing methods for the construction of statistical shape models, including benefits and limitations of each method, provide evidence of the necessity for such a novel algorithm. A novel approach was taken to achieve accurate point correspondence in case of irregular and deformed anatomy. This was achieved using a scale space approach to detect prominent scale invariant features. These features were then matched and registered using a novel multi-scale method, utilizing both coordinate data as well as shape descriptors, followed by an overall surface deformation using a new constrained free-form deformation. Applications of output statistical atlases are discussed, including forensic applications for the skull sexing, as well as physical anthropology applications, such as asymmetry in clavicles. Clinical applications in pelvis reconstruction and studying of lumbar kinematics and studying thickness of bone and soft tissue are also discussed

    Predicting Gilthead Sea Bream (Sparus aurata) Freshness by a Novel Combined Technique of 3D Imaging and SW-NIR Spectral Analysis

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    [EN] A technique that combines the spatial resolution of a 3D structured-light (SL) imaging system with the spectral analysis of a hyperspectral short-wave near infrared system was developed for freshness predictions of gilthead sea bream on the first storage days (Days 0¿6). This novel approach allows the hyperspectral analysis of very specific fish areas, which provides more information for freshness estimations. The SL system obtains a 3D reconstruction of fish, and an automatic method locates gilthead¿s pupils and irises. Once these regions are positioned, the hyperspectral camera acquires spectral information and a multivariate statistical study is done. The best region is the pupil with an R2 of 0.92 and an RMSE of 0.651 for predictions. We conclude that the combination of 3D technology with the hyperspectral analysis offers plenty of potential and is a very promising technique to non destructively predict gilthead freshness.This work has been partially funded by the Instituto Nacional de Investigacion y Tecnologia Agraria y Alimentaria de Espana (INIA Spanish National Institute for Agriculture and Food Research and Technology) through research project RTA2012-00062-004-02, supported by European FEDER funds.Ivorra Martínez, E.; Verdú Amat, S.; Sánchez Salmerón, AJ.; Grau Meló, R.; Barat Baviera, JM. (2016). Predicting Gilthead Sea Bream (Sparus aurata) Freshness by a Novel Combined Technique of 3D Imaging and SW-NIR Spectral Analysis. Sensors. 16(10):1-14. https://doi.org/10.3390/s16101735S114161

    Shape-Based Models for Interactive Segmentation of Medical Images

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    Accurate image segmentation is one of the key problems in computer vision. In domains such as radiation treatment planning, dosimetrists must manually trace the outlines of a few critical structures on large numbers of images. Considerable similarity can be seen in the shape of these regions, both between adjacent slices in a particular patient and across the spectrum of patients. Consequently we should be able to model this similarity and use it to assist in the process of segmentation. Previous work has demonstrated that a constraint-based 2D radial model can capture generic shape information for certain shape classes, and can reduce user interaction by a factor of three over purely manual segmentation. Additional simulation studies have shown that a probabilistic version of the model has the potential to further reduce user interaction. This paper describes an implementation of both models in a general-purpose imaging and graphics framework and compares the usefulness of the models on several shape classes