3 research outputs found

    Automatic Identification of Text In Digital Video Key Frames

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    Scene and graphic text can provide important supplemental index information in video sequences. In this paper we address the problem automatically identifying text regions in digital video key frames. The text contained in video frames is typically very noisy because it is aliased and/or digitized at a much lower resolution than typical document images, making identification, extraction and recognition difficult. The proposed method is based on the use of a hybrid wavelet/neural network segmenter on a series of overlapping small windows to classify regions which contain text. To detect text over a wide range of font sizes, the method is applied to a pyramid of images and the regions identified at each level are integrated. 1. Introduction The increasing availability of online digital imagery and video has rekindled interest in the problems of how to index multimedia information sources automatically and how to browse and manipulate them efficiently. Traditionally, images and video seq..

    Scene text area detection from video

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    Text detection from videos is a well known research area. Especially the detection of static superimposed text such as captions has been researched successfully, but makes many assumptions that question the applicability of those algorithms for moving scene text. In this dissertation, I propose a scene text area detection approach that includes a simple key frame extraction, feature extraction, feature code generation and text area classification. Common edge and variance based features of scene text areas are evaluated and comprised in a "combined feature scheme". For the detection of text areas, two classifiers using a self-organising map and a feed-forward neural network are compared. Ground truth video data with different characteristics is used to compare the neural computing methods. A combination of detection performance measures and changing features shows the applicability of edge and variance based features and leads to the proposal of improvements of the "combined feature scheme". Car license plates serve as sample text areas in this research.UnpublishedBerthold, M. and Hand, D.J. (2003). Intelligent Data Analysis - Second Edition, Springer, Berlin, 2003. Bishop, C. M. (1995). Neural Networks for Pattern Recognition, Oxford University Press, New York, 1995. Calic, J., and Ezquierdo, E. (2002). "Efficient Key-Frame Extraction and Video Analysis" , Proc. IEEE Int. Telecom. Conf., 2002. Calic, J., and Thomas, B.T. (2004). "Spatial Analysis in Key-Frame Extraction Using Video Segmentation", Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services, April 2004. Chen, X. and Zhang, H. (2001). "Text Area Detection from Video Frames", Proceedings of the second IEEE Pacific Rim Conference on Multimedia, Beijing, China, pp. 222-228. Cui, H. and Huang, Q. (1997). 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