2 research outputs found

    Automatic identification of drop-down menu widgets using mutation observers and visibility changes

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    Drop-down Menus are JavaScript/CSS based Widget implementations which frequently represent the main navigation mechanism of a web application. These Widgets are used to display sub-level navigation links which are presented only as users position the mouse over the Widget. However many of the Widgets available on theWeb do not implement Accessible Rich Internet Applications (ARIA) requirements which address how to make these Widgets accessible. This paper presents an automatic approach for identifying these Drop-down Menu Widgets in web applications. The automatic identification of these Widgets works towards the implementation of ARIA automatic evaluation tools to assist web developers while developing accessible Widgets. The proposed approach was implemented in a tool called aria-check-menus which is open-source available. The tool was evaluated through a case study and the results showed evidences that the proposed approach is capable of automatically identifying Drop-down Menu Widgets in web applications, having correctly identified 146 Drop-down Menus Widgets in high traffic websites with 0.77 precision and 0.90 recall in average. Henceforth, the tool could be used in an automatic ARIA evaluation tool to support web developers in the implementation of accessible Drop-down menu Widgets.CNPqCAPESFAPES

    Detecci贸n autom谩tica de problemas de accesibilidad a partir de eventos de interacci贸n de usuario

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    Actualmente muchas de las actividades de nuestra vida cotidiana se encuentran integradas en una aplicaci贸n web. Toda la informaci贸n de los hechos que acontecen en el mundo est谩 a un simple clic, por eso es de suma importancia lograr que una gran parte de la sociedad tenga la posibilidad de acceder al contenido presente en la web. Aqu铆 es donde la accesibilidad web se convierte en un recurso fundamental para combatir con la famosa brecha digital y permitir que el contenido web sea accesible a la mayor cantidad de personas posibles. Para brindar accesibilidad en un sitio web, es muy importante integrarla al proceso de desarrollo. Para facilitar esta integraci贸n y a la detecci贸n de problemas de accesibilidad, en esta tesina se desarroll贸 una herramienta autom谩tica para la detecci贸n y reporte de este tipo de problemas.Facultad de Inform谩tic