4,472 research outputs found

    Large Scale Question Paraphrase Retrieval with Smoothed Deep Metric Learning

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    The goal of a Question Paraphrase Retrieval (QPR) system is to retrieve equivalent questions that result in the same answer as the original question. Such a system can be used to understand and answer rare and noisy reformulations of common questions by mapping them to a set of canonical forms. This has large-scale applications for community Question Answering (cQA) and open-domain spoken language question answering systems. In this paper we describe a new QPR system implemented as a Neural Information Retrieval (NIR) system consisting of a neural network sentence encoder and an approximate k-Nearest Neighbour index for efficient vector retrieval. We also describe our mechanism to generate an annotated dataset for question paraphrase retrieval experiments automatically from question-answer logs via distant supervision. We show that the standard loss function in NIR, triplet loss, does not perform well with noisy labels. We propose smoothed deep metric loss (SDML) and with our experiments on two QPR datasets we show that it significantly outperforms triplet loss in the noisy label setting

    An Ensemble Model with Ranking for Social Dialogue

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    Open-domain social dialogue is one of the long-standing goals of Artificial Intelligence. This year, the Amazon Alexa Prize challenge was announced for the first time, where real customers get to rate systems developed by leading universities worldwide. The aim of the challenge is to converse "coherently and engagingly with humans on popular topics for 20 minutes". We describe our Alexa Prize system (called 'Alana') consisting of an ensemble of bots, combining rule-based and machine learning systems, and using a contextual ranking mechanism to choose a system response. The ranker was trained on real user feedback received during the competition, where we address the problem of how to train on the noisy and sparse feedback obtained during the competition.Comment: NIPS 2017 Workshop on Conversational A

    Commonsense Properties from Query Logs and Question Answering Forums

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    Commonsense knowledge about object properties, human behavior and general concepts is crucial for robust AI applications. However, automatic acquisition of this knowledge is challenging because of sparseness and bias in online sources. This paper presents Quasimodo, a methodology and tool suite for distilling commonsense properties from non-standard web sources. We devise novel ways of tapping into search-engine query logs and QA forums, and combining the resulting candidate assertions with statistical cues from encyclopedias, books and image tags in a corroboration step. Unlike prior work on commonsense knowledge bases, Quasimodo focuses on salient properties that are typically associated with certain objects or concepts. Extensive evaluations, including extrinsic use-case studies, show that Quasimodo provides better coverage than state-of-the-art baselines with comparable quality

    Generating Synthetic Data for Neural Keyword-to-Question Models

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    Search typically relies on keyword queries, but these are often semantically ambiguous. We propose to overcome this by offering users natural language questions, based on their keyword queries, to disambiguate their intent. This keyword-to-question task may be addressed using neural machine translation techniques. Neural translation models, however, require massive amounts of training data (keyword-question pairs), which is unavailable for this task. The main idea of this paper is to generate large amounts of synthetic training data from a small seed set of hand-labeled keyword-question pairs. Since natural language questions are available in large quantities, we develop models to automatically generate the corresponding keyword queries. Further, we introduce various filtering mechanisms to ensure that synthetic training data is of high quality. We demonstrate the feasibility of our approach using both automatic and manual evaluation. This is an extended version of the article published with the same title in the Proceedings of ICTIR'18.Comment: Extended version of ICTIR'18 full paper, 11 page

    TiFi: Taxonomy Induction for Fictional Domains [Extended version]

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    Taxonomies are important building blocks of structured knowledge bases, and their construction from text sources and Wikipedia has received much attention. In this paper we focus on the construction of taxonomies for fictional domains, using noisy category systems from fan wikis or text extraction as input. Such fictional domains are archetypes of entity universes that are poorly covered by Wikipedia, such as also enterprise-specific knowledge bases or highly specialized verticals. Our fiction-targeted approach, called TiFi, consists of three phases: (i) category cleaning, by identifying candidate categories that truly represent classes in the domain of interest, (ii) edge cleaning, by selecting subcategory relationships that correspond to class subsumption, and (iii) top-level construction, by mapping classes onto a subset of high-level WordNet categories. A comprehensive evaluation shows that TiFi is able to construct taxonomies for a diverse range of fictional domains such as Lord of the Rings, The Simpsons or Greek Mythology with very high precision and that it outperforms state-of-the-art baselines for taxonomy induction by a substantial margin

    Query Resolution for Conversational Search with Limited Supervision

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    In this work we focus on multi-turn passage retrieval as a crucial component of conversational search. One of the key challenges in multi-turn passage retrieval comes from the fact that the current turn query is often underspecified due to zero anaphora, topic change, or topic return. Context from the conversational history can be used to arrive at a better expression of the current turn query, defined as the task of query resolution. In this paper, we model the query resolution task as a binary term classification problem: for each term appearing in the previous turns of the conversation decide whether to add it to the current turn query or not. We propose QuReTeC (Query Resolution by Term Classification), a neural query resolution model based on bidirectional transformers. We propose a distant supervision method to automatically generate training data by using query-passage relevance labels. Such labels are often readily available in a collection either as human annotations or inferred from user interactions. We show that QuReTeC outperforms state-of-the-art models, and furthermore, that our distant supervision method can be used to substantially reduce the amount of human-curated data required to train QuReTeC. We incorporate QuReTeC in a multi-turn, multi-stage passage retrieval architecture and demonstrate its effectiveness on the TREC CAsT dataset.Comment: SIGIR 2020 full conference pape
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