7 research outputs found

    Automated Model Driven Testing Using AndroMDA and UML2 Testing Profile in Scrum Process

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    AbstractSoftware testing is an important step in the life cycle of agile development; it represents an efficient way to ensure the good functioning of the product. But as the complexity of a system increases, the effort and expertise to test it also increases. To significantly reduce these efforts, and reduce the cost and time; several studies have been carried out and various tools and test automation techniques have been proposed. In this paper, we present an approach to automatic generation of test cases from UML 2 Models at the Scrum agile process. This approach automates two important steps: the transformation of design models into test models and generating test cases, based on an open source MDA framework

    Applying Model-Driven Web Engineering to the Testing Phase of the ADAGIO Project

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    The Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) has been used in recent years to promote better results in the development of Web Applications, in the field that has been called Model-Driven Web Engineering (MDWE). One of the advantages of applying MDWE is that it offers a solution to reduce the cost of the tests without affecting their quality execution. This paper presents the application of a MDWE methodology (Navigational Development Techniques, NDT) that provides support for all the phases of the lifecycle of a software project development proposing transformations between these phases, to manage the test phase of a real-world case study named ADAGIO. This project, among other goals, proposes the development of a web application whose main objective is to offer researchers the possibility of integrating and consolidating heterogeneous data sources, showing a unified vision of them, allowing to simplify the search task in different repositories as well as the relationship between the sources found.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2016- 76956-C3-2-

    Using metamodels to improve model-based testing of service orchestrations

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    Caracterização de um ambiente visual para apoiar as cerimónias do SCRUM

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    Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Eletrónica Industrial e ComputadoresMetodologias ágeis de desenvolvimento de software, como o Scrum, ganharam enorme popularidade e foram bem-sucedidos em oferecer grandes benefícios para os seus utilizadores, como a aceleração de processos e recursos para lidar com a instabilidade de ambientes tecnológicos. O feedback rápido do cliente e o suporte para requisitos voláteis resultam num valor de produto mais alto, no entanto, a modelação de requisitos iniciais usando técnicas de modelação, não são comumente usados em processos ágeis como o Scrum para preparar melhor a fase de implementação do projeto de software. Esta dissertação, irá propor um ambiente visual adequado para apoiar o sprint e product backlog. Para tal, será modelada uma solução/abordagem técnica utilizando uma linguagem de modelação, como por exemplo a Unified Modeling Language (UML) para apoiar a priorização de requisitos, melhorar a qualidade da solução e facilitar a manutenção de software. Este procedimento seguirá a organização e gestão padrão de Scrum, e fornecerá uma implementação detalhada baseada no processo de modelação UML ou noutra linguagem de modelação de software. O ambiente visual a ser proposto será validado com estudo de caso e painel de especialistas tornando assim a solução uma alternativa para resolver ou reduzir os problemas relacionados com a complexidade e qualidade de software produzidos pelas organizações. Serão estudadas as técnicas informais e formais de modelação de software no sentido de se encontrar o método adequado ao problema, menos complexa e que envolva menor custo para o desenvolvimento de um produto. A metodologia que será utilizada para o desenvolvimento desta dissertação, é a Design Science Research. Esta metodologia consiste na revisão de literatura ajustada nos conceitos mais importantes para o problema em estudo, seguido de uma proposta de um artefacto que contribua com um novo conhecimento para a ciência, sendo avaliado posteriormente num contexto real.Agile software development methodologies, such as Scrum, have gained tremendous popularity and have been successful in delivering great benefits to their users, such as accelerating processes and resources to deal with the instability of technological environments. Rapid customer feedback and support for volatile requirements result in a higher product value; however, modeling of initial requirements using modeling techniques is not commonly used in agile processes such as Scrum to better prepare the implementation phase of the project. software project. This dissertation will propose a suitable visual environment to support the sprint and product backlog. For this, a technical solution / approach will be modeled using a modeling language such as the Unified Modeling Language (UML) to support the prioritization of requirements, improve the quality of the solution and facilitate the maintenance of software. This will follow the standard Scrum organization and management and will provide a detailed implementation based on the UML modeling process or other software modeling language. The visual environment to be proposed will be validated with a case study and expert panel thus making the solution an alternative to solve or reduce the problems related to the complexity and quality of software produced by the organizations. The informal and formal techniques of software modeling will be studied in order to find the appropriate method to the problem, less complex and involving less cost for the development of a product. The methodology that will be used to develop this dissertation is Design Science Research. This methodology consists of a literature review adjusted to the most important concepts for the problem under study, followed by a proposal for an artifact that contributes to a new knowledge for science and is evaluated later in a real context

    A requirement-driven approach for modelling software architectures

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    Throughout the software development lifecycle (SDLC) there are many pitfalls which software engineers have to face. Regardless of the methodology adopted, classic methodologies such as waterfall or more modern ones such as agile or scrum, defects can be injected in any phase of the SDLC. The main avenue to detect and remove defects is through Quality Assurance (QA) activities. The planned activities to detect, fix and remove defects occur later on and there is less effort spent in the initial phases of the SDLC to either detect, remove or prevent the injection of defects. In fact, the cost of detecting and fixing a defect in the later phases of the SDLC such as development, deployment, maintenance and support is much higher than detecting and fixing defects in the initial phases of the SDLC. The software architecture of the application also has an incidence on defect injection whereby the software architecture can be regarded asthe fundamental structures of a software system. The impact of detecting and fixing defects later on is exacerbated for software architecture which are distributed, such as service-oriented architectures or microservices. Thus, the aim of this research is to develop a semi-automated framework to translate requirements into design with the aim of reducing the introduction of defects from the early phases of the SDLC. Part of the objectives of this work is to conceptualize a design for architectural paradigms such as object-oriented and service-oriented programming. The proposed framework uses a series of techniques from Natural Language Processing (NLP) and a blend of techniques from intelligent learning systems such as ontologies and neural networks to partially automate the translation of requirements into a design. The novelty focuses on moulding the design into an architecture which is better adapted for distributed systems. The framework is evaluated with a case study where the design and architecture from the framework is compared to a design and architecture which was drawn by a software architect. In addition, the evaluation using a case study aims to demonstrate the use of the framework and how each individual design and architecture artefacts fair

    Combining SOA and BPM Technologies for Cross-System Process Automation

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    This paper summarizes the results of an industry case study that introduced a cross-system business process automation solution based on a combination of SOA and BPM standard technologies (i.e., BPMN, BPEL, WSDL). Besides discussing major weaknesses of the existing, custom-built, solution and comparing them against experiences with the developed prototype, the paper presents a course of action for transforming the current solution into the proposed solution. This includes a general approach, consisting of four distinct steps, as well as specific action items that are to be performed for every step. The discussion also covers language and tool support and challenges arising from the transformation

    Test Generation and Dependency Analysis for Web Applications

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    In web application testing existing model based web test generators derive test paths from a navigation model of the web application, completed with either manually or randomly generated inputs. Test paths extraction and input generation are handled separately, ignoring the fact that generating inputs for test paths is difficult or even impossible if such paths are infeasible. In this thesis, we propose three directions to mitigate the path infeasibility problem. The first direction uses a search based approach defining novel set of genetic operators that support the joint generation of test inputs and feasible test paths. Results show that such search based approach can achieve higher level of model coverage than existing approaches. Secondly, we propose a novel web test generation algorithm that pre-selects the most promising candidate test cases based on their diversity from previously generated tests. Results of our empirical evaluation show that promoting diversity is beneficial not only to a thorough exploration of the web application behaviours, but also to the feasibility of automatically generated test cases. Moreover, the diversity based approach achieves higher coverage of the navigation model significantly faster than crawling based and search based approaches. The third approach we propose uses a web crawler as a test generator. As such, the generated tests are concrete, hence their navigations among the web application states are feasible by construction. However, the crawling trace cannot be easily turned into a minimal test suite that achieves the same coverage due to test dependencies. Indeed, test dependencies are undesirable in the context of regression testing, preventing the adoption of testing optimization techniques that assume tests to be independent. In this thesis, we propose the first approach to detect test dependencies in a given web test suite by leveraging the information available both in the web test code and on the client side of the web application. Results of our empirical validation show that our approach can effectively and efficiently detect test dependencies and it enables dependency aware formulations of test parallelization and test minimization