422 research outputs found

    Dynamically Testing Graphical User Interfaces

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    Software test generation for GUIs is a hard problem. The goal of this thesis is to investigate different methods for dynamically generating tests for GUIs. We introduce the concept of an event-pair graph, which is used to represent and measure test suites, and show how it can be used to generate tests and measure GUI coverage. Before we can begin generating tests, we first want to determine which is better: a small test suite with a few long tests or a large test suite with many short tests. Therefore, we designed and conducted a study to determine which is more effective. We found that moderate to long tests perform better than short tests. We then move on to discuss seven test generation algorithms. Two are based on random selection, two are based on greedy selection, one is based on Q-Learning, and the last two are based on ant colony optimization. We conducted a study in order to compare the performance of each algorithm. We measured code coverage, GUI coverage, time to run, and faults found. The results show that the greedy algorithms performed the best. Finally, we conducted a study in order to determine if any of the GUI coverage metrics can be used to predict code coverage, and we conducted a study to determine if any of the coverage metrics can be used to predict the faults found. The results show that event pairs are good at predicting code coverage, and that predicting faults is difficult

    CTJ: Input-Output Based Relation Combinatorial Testing Strategy Using Jaya Algorithm

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                ويكاد يكون من المستحيل اختبار كل مجموعة من المدخلات نظرًا لأن تنفيذ حالات الاختبار يتطلب وقتا طويلا للغاية. الأختبار الاندماجي هو السبيل لتخطي عقبات الاختبار الشامل من خلال أختبار كل قيم المدخلات لكل المعاملات المركبة المتعددة طرق الترتيب.   يمكن تقسيم الاختبار التجميعي إلى ثلاثة أنواع هي تفاعل القوة الموحد ، والتفاعل المتغير والقوة ، والعلاقة القائمة على المدخلات والمخرجات . ان الطريقة الاخيرة الانفة الذكر تختزل الفحص الاندماجي الى مجموعة ضمن اختيار الشخص الفاحص. معظم الابحاث في الاختبار الاندماجي طبقت في تفاعل القوة الموحدة وقوة التفاعل المتغيرة ، ومع ذلك ، هناك اهتمام قليل جدا بالعلاقة بين المدخلات والمخرجات. لذا تم اقتراح خوارزمية جايا في هذا البحث  كخوارزمية مثلي لانشاء جدول الفحص الاندماجي باستراتيجية تعتمد على العلاقة بين المدخلات والمخرجات. نتيجة تطبيق خوارزمية جايا في الاختبار الاندماجي القائم على المدخلات والمخرجات مقبولة لأنها تنتج العدد الأمثل تقريبًا لحالات الاختبار في نطاق زمني مقبول.Software testing is a vital part of the software development life cycle. In many cases, the system under test has more than one input making the testing efforts for every exhaustive combination impossible (i.e. the time of execution of the test case can be outrageously long). Combinatorial testing offers an alternative to exhaustive testing via considering the interaction of input values for every t-way combination between parameters. Combinatorial testing can be divided into three types which are uniform strength interaction, variable strength interaction and input-output based relation (IOR). IOR combinatorial testing only tests for the important combinations selected by the tester. Most of the researches in combinatorial testing applied the uniform and the variable interaction strength, however, there is still a lack of work addressing IOR. In this paper, a Jaya algorithm is proposed as an optimization algorithm engine to construct a test list based on IOR in the proposed combinatorial test list generator strategy into a tool called CTJ. The result of applying the Jaya algorithm in input-output based combinatorial testing is acceptable since it produces a nearly optimum number of test cases in a satisfactory time range

    A Survey on Software Testing Techniques using Genetic Algorithm

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    The overall aim of the software industry is to ensure delivery of high quality software to the end user. To ensure high quality software, it is required to test software. Testing ensures that software meets user specifications and requirements. However, the field of software testing has a number of underlying issues like effective generation of test cases, prioritisation of test cases etc which need to be tackled. These issues demand on effort, time and cost of the testing. Different techniques and methodologies have been proposed for taking care of these issues. Use of evolutionary algorithms for automatic test generation has been an area of interest for many researchers. Genetic Algorithm (GA) is one such form of evolutionary algorithms. In this research paper, we present a survey of GA approach for addressing the various issues encountered during software testing.Comment: 13 Page

    Evolutionary Algorithms in Decision Tree Induction

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    One of the biggest problem that many data analysis techniques have to deal with nowadays is Combinatorial Optimization that, in the past, has led many methods to be taken apart. Actually, the (still not enough!) higher computing power available makes it possible to apply such techniques within certain bounds. Since other research fields like Artificial Intelligence have been (and still are) dealing with such problems, their contribute to statistics has been very significant. This chapter tries to cast the Combinatorial Optimization methods into the Artificial Intelligence framework, particularly with respect Decision Tree Induction, which is considered a powerful instrument for the knowledge extraction and the decision making support. When the exhaustive enumeration and evaluation of all the possible candidate solution to a Tree-based Induction problem is not computationally affordable, the use of Nature Inspired Optimization Algorithms, which have been proven to be powerful instruments for attacking many combinatorial optimization problems, can be of great help. In this respect, the attention is focused on three main problems involving Decision Tree Induction by mainly focusing the attention on the Classification and Regression Tree-CART (Breiman et al., 1984) algorithm. First, the problem of splitting complex predictors such a multi-attribute ones is faced through the use of Genetic Algorithms. In addition, the possibility of growing “optimal” exploratory trees is also investigated by making use of Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) algorithm. Finally, the derivation of a subset of decision trees for modelling multi-attribute response on the basis of a data-driven heuristic is also described. The proposed approaches might be useful for knowledge extraction from large databases as well as for data mining applications. The solution they offer for complicated data modelling and data analysis problems might be considered for a possible implementation in a Decision Support System (DSS). The remainder of the chapter is as follows. Section 2 describes the main features and the recent developments of Decision Tree Induction. An overview of Combinatorial Optimization with a particular focus on Genetic Algorithms and Ant Colony Optimization is presented in section 3. The use of these two algorithms within the Decision Tree Induction Framework is described in section 4, together with the description of the algorithm for modelling multi-attribute response. Section 5 summarizes the results of the proposed method on real and simulated datasets. Concluding remarks are presented in section 6. The chapter also includes an appendix that presents J-Fast, a Java-based software for Decision Tree that currently implements Genetic Algorithms and Ant Colony Optimization

    An Analysis on the Applicability of Meta-Heuristic Searching Techniques for Automated Test Data Generation in Automatic Programming Assessment

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    حظي تقييم البرمجة التلقائي (APA) بالكثير من الاهتمام بين الباحثين بشكل أساسي لدعم الدرجات الآلية ووضع علامات على المهامالمكلف بادائها الطلاب أو التدريبات بشكل منهجي. يتم تعريف APA بشكل شائع كطريقة يمكن أن تعزز الدقة والكفاءة والاتساق وكذلك تقديمملاحظات فورية لحلول للطلاب. في تحقيق APA ، تعد عملية إنشاء بيانات الاختبار مهمة للغاية وذلك لإجراء اختبار ديناميكي لمهمةالطلاب. في مجال اختبار البرمجيات ، أوضحت العديد من الأبحاث التي تركز على توليد بيانات الاختبار نجاح اعتماد تقنيات البحث الفوقية(MHST) من أجل تعزيز إجراءات استنباط بيانات الاختبار المناسبة للاختبار الفعال. ومع ذلك، فإن الأبحاث التي أجريت على APA حتىالآن لم تستغل بعد التقنيات المفيدة لتشمل تغطية اختبار جودة برنامج أفضل. لذلك ، أجرت هذه الدراسة تقييماً مقارنا لتحديد أي تقنية بحثفوقي قابلة للتطبيق لدعم كفاءة توليد بيانات الاختبار الآلي (ATDG) في تنفيذ اختبار وظيفي ديناميكي. في تقييم البرمجة التلقائي يتم تضمينالعديد من تقنيات البحث الفوقية الحديثة في التقييم المقارن الذي يجمع بين كل من خوارزميات البحث المحلية والعالمية من عام 2000 حتىعام 2018 .تشير نتيجة هذه الدراسة إلى أن تهجين Cuckoo Search مع Tabu Search و lévy flight كواحدة من طرق البحث الفوقية الواعدةليتم تطبيقها ، حيث أنه يتفوق على الطرق الفوقية الأخرى فيما يتعلق بعدد التكرارات ونطاق المدخلات.Automatic Programming Assessment (APA) has been gaining lots of attention among researchers mainly to support automated grading and marking of students’ programming assignments or exercises systematically. APA is commonly identified as a method that can enhance accuracy, efficiency and consistency as well as providing instant feedback on students’ programming solutions. In achieving APA, test data generation process is very important so as to perform a dynamic testing on students’ assignment. In software testing field, many researches that focus on test data generation have demonstrated the successful of adoption of Meta-Heuristic Search Techniques (MHST) so as to enhance the procedure of deriving adequate test data for efficient testing. Nonetheless, thus far the researches on APA have not yet usefully exploited the techniques accordingly to include a better quality program testing coverage. Therefore, this study has conducted a comparative evaluation to identify any applicable MHST to support efficient Automated Test Data Generation (ATDG) in executing a dynamic-functional testing in APA. Several recent MHST are included in the comparative evaluation combining both the local and global search algorithms ranging from the year of 2000 until 2018. Result of this study suggests that the hybridization of Cuckoo Search with Tabu Search and lévy flight as one of promising MHST to be applied, as it’s outperforms other MHST with regards to number of iterations and range of inputs