2 research outputs found

    Deep learning method for aortic root detection

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    Background: Computed tomography angiography (CTA) is a preferred imaging technique for a wide range of vascular diseases. However, extensive manual analysis is required to detect and identify several anatomical landmarks for clinical application. This study demonstrates the feasibility of a fully automatic method for detecting the aortic root, which is a key anatomical landmark in this type of procedure. The approach is based on the use of deep learning techniques that attempt to mimic expert behavior. Methods: A total of 69 CTA scans (39 for training and 30 for validation) with different pathology types were selected to train the network. Furthermore, a total of 71 CTA scans were selected independently and applied as the test set to assess their performance. Results: The accuracy was evaluated by comparing the locations marked by the method with benchmark locations (which were manually marked by two experts). The interobserver error was 4.6 ± 2.3 mm. On an average, the differences between the locations marked by the two experts and those detected by the computer were 6.6 ± 3.0 mm and 6.8 ± 3.3 mm, respectively, when calculated using the test set. Conclusions: From an analysis of these results, we can conclude that the proposed method based on pre-trained CNN models can accurately detect the aortic root in CTA images without prior segmentationThis work was partially financed by Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Universidade (reference 2019–2021, ED431C 2018/19)S

    AI-based Aortic Vessel Tree Segmentation for Cardiovascular Diseases Treatment:Status Quo

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    The aortic vessel tree is composed of the aorta and its branching arteries, and plays a key role in supplying the whole body with blood. Aortic diseases, like aneurysms or dissections, can lead to an aortic rupture, whose treatment with open surgery is highly risky. Therefore, patients commonly undergo drug treatment under constant monitoring, which requires regular inspections of the vessels through imaging. The standard imaging modality for diagnosis and monitoring is computed tomography (CT), which can provide a detailed picture of the aorta and its branching vessels if completed with a contrast agent, called CT angiography (CTA). Optimally, the whole aortic vessel tree geometry from consecutive CTAs is overlaid and compared. This allows not only detection of changes in the aorta, but also of its branches, caused by the primary pathology or newly developed. When performed manually, this reconstruction requires slice by slice contouring, which could easily take a whole day for a single aortic vessel tree, and is therefore not feasible in clinical practice. Automatic or semi-automatic vessel tree segmentation algorithms, however, can complete this task in a fraction of the manual execution time and run in parallel to the clinical routine of the clinicians. In this paper, we systematically review computing techniques for the automatic and semi-automatic segmentation of the aortic vessel tree. The review concludes with an in-depth discussion on how close these state-of-the-art approaches are to an application in clinical practice and how active this research field is, taking into account the number of publications, datasets and challenges