4 research outputs found

    Automatic non-linear video editing for home video collections

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    The video editing process consists of deciding what elements to retain, delete, or combine from various video sources so that they come together in an organized, logical, and visually pleasing manner. Before the digital era, non-linear editing involved the arduous process of physically cutting and splicing video tapes, and was restricted to the movie industry and a few video enthusiasts. Today, when digital cameras and camcorders have made large personal video collections commonplace, non-linear video editing has gained renewed importance and relevance. Almost all available video editing systems today are dependent on considerable user interaction to produce coherent edited videos. In this work, we describe an automatic non-linear video editing system for generating coherent movies from a collection of unedited personal videos. Our thesis is that computing image-level visual similarity in an appropriate manner forms a good basis for automatic non-linear video editing. To our knowledge, this is a novel approach to solving this problem. The generation of output video from the system is guided by one or more input keyframes from the user, which guide the content of the output video. The output video is generated in a manner such that it is non-repetitive and follows the dynamics of the input videos. When no input keyframes are provided, our system generates "video textures" with the content of the output chosen at random. Our system demonstrates promising results on large video collections and is a first step towards increased automation in non-linear video editin

    Automatic Mobile Video Remixing and Collaborative Watching Systems

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    In the thesis, the implications of combining collaboration with automation for remix creation are analyzed. We first present a sensor-enhanced Automatic Video Remixing System (AVRS), which intelligently processes mobile videos in combination with mobile device sensor information. The sensor-enhanced AVRS system involves certain architectural choices, which meet the key system requirements (leverage user generated content, use sensor information, reduce end user burden), and user experience requirements. Architecture adaptations are required to improve certain key performance parameters. In addition, certain operating parameters need to be constrained, for real world deployment feasibility. Subsequently, sensor-less cloud based AVRS and low footprint sensorless AVRS approaches are presented. The three approaches exemplify the importance of operating parameter tradeoffs for system design. The approaches cover a wide spectrum, ranging from a multimodal multi-user client-server system (sensor-enhanced AVRS) to a mobile application which can automatically generate a multi-camera remix experience from a single video. Next, we present the findings from the four user studies involving 77 users related to automatic mobile video remixing. The goal was to validate selected system design goals, provide insights for additional features and identify the challenges and bottlenecks. Topics studied include the role of automation, the value of a video remix as an event memorabilia, the requirements for different types of events and the perceived user value from creating multi-camera remix from a single video. System design implications derived from the user studies are presented. Subsequently, sport summarization, which is a specific form of remix creation is analyzed. In particular, the role of content capture method is analyzed with two complementary approaches. The first approach performs saliency detection in casually captured mobile videos; in contrast, the second one creates multi-camera summaries from role based captured content. Furthermore, a method for interactive customization of summary is presented. Next, the discussion is extended to include the role of users’ situational context and the consumed content in facilitating collaborative watching experience. Mobile based collaborative watching architectures are described, which facilitate a common shared context between the participants. The concept of movable multimedia is introduced to highlight the multidevice environment of current day users. The thesis presents results which have been derived from end-to-end system prototypes tested in real world conditions and corroborated with extensive user impact evaluation