403 research outputs found

    Abstractive Multi-Document Summarization via Phrase Selection and Merging

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    We propose an abstraction-based multi-document summarization framework that can construct new sentences by exploring more fine-grained syntactic units than sentences, namely, noun/verb phrases. Different from existing abstraction-based approaches, our method first constructs a pool of concepts and facts represented by phrases from the input documents. Then new sentences are generated by selecting and merging informative phrases to maximize the salience of phrases and meanwhile satisfy the sentence construction constraints. We employ integer linear optimization for conducting phrase selection and merging simultaneously in order to achieve the global optimal solution for a summary. Experimental results on the benchmark data set TAC 2011 show that our framework outperforms the state-of-the-art models under automated pyramid evaluation metric, and achieves reasonably well results on manual linguistic quality evaluation.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figure, accepted as a full paper at ACL 201

    TimeMachine: Timeline Generation for Knowledge-Base Entities

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    We present a method called TIMEMACHINE to generate a timeline of events and relations for entities in a knowledge base. For example for an actor, such a timeline should show the most important professional and personal milestones and relationships such as works, awards, collaborations, and family relationships. We develop three orthogonal timeline quality criteria that an ideal timeline should satisfy: (1) it shows events that are relevant to the entity; (2) it shows events that are temporally diverse, so they distribute along the time axis, avoiding visual crowding and allowing for easy user interaction, such as zooming in and out; and (3) it shows events that are content diverse, so they contain many different types of events (e.g., for an actor, it should show movies and marriages and awards, not just movies). We present an algorithm to generate such timelines for a given time period and screen size, based on submodular optimization and web-co-occurrence statistics with provable performance guarantees. A series of user studies using Mechanical Turk shows that all three quality criteria are crucial to produce quality timelines and that our algorithm significantly outperforms various baseline and state-of-the-art methods.Comment: To appear at ACM SIGKDD KDD'15. 12pp, 7 fig. With appendix. Demo and other info available at http://cs.stanford.edu/~althoff/timemachine

    Multi-Document Summarization via Discriminative Summary Reranking

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    Existing multi-document summarization systems usually rely on a specific summarization model (i.e., a summarization method with a specific parameter setting) to extract summaries for different document sets with different topics. However, according to our quantitative analysis, none of the existing summarization models can always produce high-quality summaries for different document sets, and even a summarization model with good overall performance may produce low-quality summaries for some document sets. On the contrary, a baseline summarization model may produce high-quality summaries for some document sets. Based on the above observations, we treat the summaries produced by different summarization models as candidate summaries, and then explore discriminative reranking techniques to identify high-quality summaries from the candidates for difference document sets. We propose to extract a set of candidate summaries for each document set based on an ILP framework, and then leverage Ranking SVM for summary reranking. Various useful features have been developed for the reranking process, including word-level features, sentence-level features and summary-level features. Evaluation results on the benchmark DUC datasets validate the efficacy and robustness of our proposed approach

    Learning to Extract Coherent Summary via Deep Reinforcement Learning

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    Coherence plays a critical role in producing a high-quality summary from a document. In recent years, neural extractive summarization is becoming increasingly attractive. However, most of them ignore the coherence of summaries when extracting sentences. As an effort towards extracting coherent summaries, we propose a neural coherence model to capture the cross-sentence semantic and syntactic coherence patterns. The proposed neural coherence model obviates the need for feature engineering and can be trained in an end-to-end fashion using unlabeled data. Empirical results show that the proposed neural coherence model can efficiently capture the cross-sentence coherence patterns. Using the combined output of the neural coherence model and ROUGE package as the reward, we design a reinforcement learning method to train a proposed neural extractive summarizer which is named Reinforced Neural Extractive Summarization (RNES) model. The RNES model learns to optimize coherence and informative importance of the summary simultaneously. Experimental results show that the proposed RNES outperforms existing baselines and achieves state-of-the-art performance in term of ROUGE on CNN/Daily Mail dataset. The qualitative evaluation indicates that summaries produced by RNES are more coherent and readable.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure, presented at AAAI-201

    A Multilingual Study of Compressive Cross-Language Text Summarization

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    Cross-Language Text Summarization (CLTS) generates summaries in a language different from the language of the source documents. Recent methods use information from both languages to generate summaries with the most informative sentences. However, these methods have performance that can vary according to languages, which can reduce the quality of summaries. In this paper, we propose a compressive framework to generate cross-language summaries. In order to analyze performance and especially stability, we tested our system and extractive baselines on a dataset available in four languages (English, French, Portuguese, and Spanish) to generate English and French summaries. An automatic evaluation showed that our method outperformed extractive state-of-art CLTS methods with better and more stable ROUGE scores for all languages

    Creating Capsule Wardrobes from Fashion Images

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    We propose to automatically create capsule wardrobes. Given an inventory of candidate garments and accessories, the algorithm must assemble a minimal set of items that provides maximal mix-and-match outfits. We pose the task as a subset selection problem. To permit efficient subset selection over the space of all outfit combinations, we develop submodular objective functions capturing the key ingredients of visual compatibility, versatility, and user-specific preference. Since adding garments to a capsule only expands its possible outfits, we devise an iterative approach to allow near-optimal submodular function maximization. Finally, we present an unsupervised approach to learn visual compatibility from "in the wild" full body outfit photos; the compatibility metric translates well to cleaner catalog photos and improves over existing methods. Our results on thousands of pieces from popular fashion websites show that automatic capsule creation has potential to mimic skilled fashionistas in assembling flexible wardrobes, while being significantly more scalable.Comment: Accepted to CVPR 201
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