1,710 research outputs found

    Towards Large-Scale Learned Solvers for Parametric PDEs with Model-Parallel Fourier Neural Operators

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    Fourier neural operators (FNOs) are a recently introduced neural network architecture for learning solution operators of partial differential equations (PDEs), which have been shown to perform significantly better than comparable approaches based on convolutional networks. Once trained, FNOs can achieve speed-ups of multiple orders of magnitude over conventional numerical PDE solvers. However, due to the high dimensionality of their input data and network weights, FNOs have so far only been applied to two-dimensional or small three-dimensional problems. To remove this limited problem-size barrier, we propose a model-parallel version of FNOs based on domain-decomposition of both the input data and network weights. We demonstrate that our model-parallel FNO is able to predict time-varying PDE solutions of over 3.2 billions variables on Summit using up to 768 GPUs and show an example of training a distributed FNO on the Azure cloud for simulating multiphase CO2_2 dynamics in the Earth's subsurface

    Massively Parallel Continuous Local Search for Hybrid SAT Solving on GPUs

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    Although state-of-the-art (SOTA) SAT solvers based on conflict-driven clause learning (CDCL) have achieved remarkable engineering success, their sequential nature limits the parallelism that may be extracted for acceleration on platforms such as the graphics processing unit (GPU). In this work, we propose FastFourierSAT, a highly parallel hybrid SAT solver based on gradient-driven continuous local search (CLS). This is realized by a novel parallel algorithm inspired by the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT)-based convolution for computing the elementary symmetric polynomials (ESPs), which is the major computational task in previous CLS methods. The complexity of our algorithm matches the best previous result. Furthermore, the substantial parallelism inherent in our algorithm can leverage the GPU for acceleration, demonstrating significant improvement over the previous CLS approaches. We also propose to incorporate the restart heuristics in CLS to improve search efficiency. We compare our approach with the SOTA parallel SAT solvers on several benchmarks. Our results show that FastFourierSAT computes the gradient 100+ times faster than previous prototypes implemented on CPU. Moreover, FastFourierSAT solves most instances and demonstrates promising performance on larger-size instances

    GASPACHO : a generic automatic solver using proximal algorithms for convex Huge optimization problems

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    Many inverse problems (e.g., demosaicking, deblurring, denoising, image fusion, HDR synthesis) share various similarities: degradation operators are often modeled by a specific data fitting function while image prior knowledge (e.g., sparsity) is incorporated by additional regularization terms. In this paper, we investigate automatic algorithmic techniques for evaluating proximal operators. These algorithmic techniques also enable efficient calculation of adjoints from linear operators in a general matrix-free setting. In particular, we study the simultaneous-direction method of multipliers (SDMM) and the parallel proximal algorithm (PPXA) solvers and show that the automatically derived implementations are well suited for both single-GPU and multi-GPU processing. We demonstrate this approach for an Electron Microscopy (EM) deconvolution problem

    The prospect of using LES and DES in engineering design, and the research required to get there

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    In this paper we try to look into the future to divine how large eddy and detached eddy simulations (LES and DES, respectively) will be used in the engineering design process about 20-30 years from now. Some key challenges specific to the engineering design process are identified, and some of the critical outstanding problems and promising research directions are discussed.Comment: accepted for publication in the Royal Society Philosophical Transactions

    Learned multiphysics inversion with differentiable programming and machine learning

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    We present the Seismic Laboratory for Imaging and Modeling/Monitoring (SLIM) open-source software framework for computational geophysics and, more generally, inverse problems involving the wave-equation (e.g., seismic and medical ultrasound), regularization with learned priors, and learned neural surrogates for multiphase flow simulations. By integrating multiple layers of abstraction, our software is designed to be both readable and scalable. This allows researchers to easily formulate their problems in an abstract fashion while exploiting the latest developments in high-performance computing. We illustrate and demonstrate our design principles and their benefits by means of building a scalable prototype for permeability inversion from time-lapse crosswell seismic data, which aside from coupling of wave physics and multiphase flow, involves machine learning
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