152 research outputs found

    Methods for developing secure software and environments for small and medium enterprises

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    A thesis submitted for the degree of Master of Science by Research at the University of BedfordshireInformation Security covers activity concerned with the protection of data to ensure that information remains available, to those with rightful access, in the condition that it was originally stored or transmitted. The push to interact via electronic data is constantly increasing. Businesses are demanding that software designers find novel ways of facilitating electronic commerce, creating new business models that have only become possible with the development of the Internet. With the increase of traffic in information across the Internet, the risks associated with data have multiplied, matching the global growth in connectivity. Web application security deals with the measures taken to secure software built to promote e-commerce. Because it is necessary to accept user input across the Internet these applications carry a particular set of vulnerabilities that require a more technical approach to their mitigation. The applications themselves are usually composed of modules that interact across trust boundaries which all require hardening. Information Security governance controls how a company secures its data and that of its clients. While there are laws and standards that address the security requirement, applying them to all magnitude of businesses is difficult because the policies are biased towards large organisations in their assumptions of resources. This thesis investigates an international standard that can be used by small businesses to achieve legal compliance and a reasonable level of security. The thesis brings together a method for producing secure web applications and a checklist procedure for improving a company's data protection practices. Both offerings apply to small software production houses where there may be some overlap in role function and the pressure to meet software production deadlines can sometimes lead to a culture where security is seen as an avoidable expense

    An Interactive Relaxation Approach for Anomaly Detection and Preventive Measures in Computer Networks

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    It is proposed to develop a framework of detecting and analyzing small and widespread changes in specific dynamic characteristics of several nodes. The characteristics are locally measured at each node in a large network of computers and analyzed using a computational paradigm known as the Relaxation technique. The goal is to be able to detect the onset of a worm or virus as it originates, spreads-out, attacks and disables the entire network. Currently, selective disabling of one or more features across an entire subnet, e.g. firewalls, provides limited security and keeps us from designing high performance net-centric systems. The most desirable response is to surgically disable one or more nodes, or to isolate one or more subnets.The proposed research seeks to model virus/worm propagation as a spatio-temporal process. Such models have been successfully applied in heat-flow and evidence or gestalt driven perception of images among others. In particular, we develop an iterative technique driven by the self-assessed dynamic status of each node in a network. The status of each node will be updated incrementally in concurrence with its connected neighbors to enable timely identification of compromised nodes and subnets. Several key insights used in image analysis of line-diagrams, through an iterative and relaxation-driven node labeling method, are explored to help develop this new framework

    Identifying Code Injection and Reuse Payloads In Memory Error Exploits

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    Today's most widely exploited applications are the web browsers and document readers we use every day. The immediate goal of these attacks is to compromise target systems by executing a snippet of malicious code in the context of the exploited application. Technical tactics used to achieve this can be classified as either code injection - wherein malicious instructions are directly injected into the vulnerable program - or code reuse, where bits of existing program code are pieced together to form malicious logic. In this thesis, I present a new code reuse strategy that bypasses existing and up-and-coming mitigations, and two methods for detecting attacks by identifying the presence of code injection or reuse payloads. Fine-grained address space layout randomization efficiently scrambles program code, limiting one's ability to predict the location of useful instructions to construct a code reuse payload. To expose the inadequacy of this exploit mitigation, a technique for "just-in-time" exploitation is developed. This new technique maps memory on-the-fly and compiles a code reuse payload at runtime to ensure it works in a randomized application. The attack also works in face of all other widely deployed mitigations, as demonstrated with a proof-of-concept attack against Internet Explorer 10 in Windows 8. This motivates the need for detection of such exploits rather than solely relying on prevention. Two new techniques are presented for detecting attacks by identifying the presence of a payload. Code reuse payloads are identified by first taking a memory snapshot of the target application, then statically profiling the memory for chains of code pointers that reuse code to implement malicious logic. Code injection payloads are identified with runtime heuristics by leveraging hardware virtualization for efficient sandboxed execution of all buffers in memory. Employing both detection methods together to scan program memory takes about a second and produces negligible false positives and false negatives provided that the given exploit is functional and triggered in the target application version. Compared to other strategies, such as the use of signatures, this approach requires relatively little effort spent on maintenance over time and is capable of detecting never before seen attacks. Moving forward, one could use these contributions to form the basis of a unique and effective network intrusion detection system (NIDS) to augment existing systems.Doctor of Philosoph

    Development of a secure multi-factor authentication algorithm for mobile money applications

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    A Thesis Submitted in Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Information and Communication Science and Engineering of the Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and TechnologyWith the evolution of industry 4.0, financial technologies have become paramount and mobile money as one of the financial technologies has immensely contributed to improving financial inclusion among the unbanked population. Several mobile money schemes were developed but, they suffered severe authentication security challenges since they implemented two-factor authentication. This study focused on developing a secure multi-factor authentication (MFA) algorithm for mobile money applications. It uses personal identification numbers, one-time passwords, biometric fingerprints, and quick response codes to authenticate and authorize mobile money subscribers. Secure hash algorithm-256, Rivest-Shamir-Adleman encryption, and Fernet encryption were used to secure the authentication factors, confidential financial information and data before transmission to the remote databases. A literature review, survey, evolutionary prototyping model, and heuristic evaluation and usability testing methods were used to identify authentication issues, develop prototypes of native genuine mobile money (G-MoMo) applications, and identify usability issues with the interface designs and ascertain their usability, respectively. The results of the review grouped the threat models into attacks against privacy, authentication, confidentiality, integrity, and availability. The survey identified authentication attacks, identity theft, phishing attacks, and PIN sharing as the key mobile money systems’ security issues. The researcher designed a secure MFA algorithm for mobile money applications and developed three native G-MoMo applications to implement the designed algorithm to prove the feasibility of the algorithm and that it provided robust security. The algorithm was resilient to non-repudiation, ensured strong authentication security, data confidentiality, integrity, privacy, and user anonymity, was highly effective against several attacks but had high communication overhead and computational costs. Nevertheless, the heuristic evaluation results showed that the G-MoMo applications’ interface designs lacked forward navigation buttons, uniformity in the applications’ menu titles, search fields, actions needed for recovery, and help and documentation. Similarly, the usability testing revealed that they were easy to learn, effective, efficient, memorable, with few errors, subscriber satisfaction, easy to use, aesthetic, easy to integrate, and understandable. Implementing a secure mobile money authentication and authorisation by combining multiple factors which are securely stored helps mobile money subscribers and other stakeholders to have trust in the developed native G-MoMo applications

    In Quest of information security in higher education institutions : security awareness, concerns and behaviour of students

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    Humans, often suggested as the weakest link in information security, require security education, training and awareness (SETA) programs to strengthen themselves against information security threats. These SETA programs improve security awareness (also called information security awareness or ISA) which makes users conscious about the information security threats and risks and motivates them to learn knowledge and measures to safeguard their information security. Studies have shown that most of the SETA programs do not achieve their desired objectives and been proven ineffective. This ineffectiveness is probably because: 1) current SETA programs are designed as a one-fits-all solution and are not tailored as per users’ needs, 2) users are not included in the design phase of the SETA programs and 3) the SETA programs lack theory-grounded approaches. Nonetheless, the relationship between ISA and security behaviour also needs explanation. This thesis sets out to address the issues mentioned above. In this thesis, four separate studies grounded in both quantitative and qualitative methods are conducted. Cross-sectional data from students of a single case was collected using online surveys, with one exception in which data was collected as part of a class assignment. The results showed that, in general, students believed they know more than they actually did. The impacts of gender, previous training, and educational discipline were evident on security knowledge, behaviour, perceived awareness and actual awareness. Students have a wide range of security concerns, related to their personal, social, technological, non-technological and institutional dimensions of everyday life, and not just technological and non-technological aspects as shown in the existing literature. Further, students differ significantly from security experts in terms of their security practices. However, aware students (having training in information security) were more similar in security practices to security experts than the unaware students (having no formal or informal information security training). Lastly, it was found that the relationship between ISA and security behaviour can be explained using Information-Motivation-Behavioural Skills (IMB) model. The research presented in this thesis has implications for faculty members who teach students and the security professionals responsible for information security of higher education institutions.Ihminen mielletään usein tietoturvan heikoimmaksi lenkiksi. Jotta tietoturvauhkilta osattaisiin suojautua, tarvitaan erillistä tietoturvakoulutusta, -harjoitusta sekä -tietoisuutta. Erilaiset tietoturvakoulutukset lisäävät henkilön tietoisuutta erilaisista tietoturvauhkista ja -riskeistä sekä motivoivat oppimaan tapoja ja toimenpiteitä, jotka parantavat henkilökohtaista tietoturvaa. Tutkimuksissa on kuitenkin ilmennyt, että useimmat tietoturvakoulutukset eivät saavuta toivottuja tavoitteita, ja ne ovatkin osoittautuneet tehottomiksi. Tehottomuus johtuu todennäköisesti siitä, että (1) koulutuksia ei ole räätälöity käyttäjien tarpeiden mukaisiksi vaan yleisluontoisiksi, (2) käyttäjiä ei ole otettu mukaan koulutusten suunnitteluun, ja (3) koulutuksilta puuttuvat teoriapohjaiset lähestymistavat. Tässä väitöskirjassa tutkitaan yllä mainittuja epäkohtia ja selvitetään ihmisen tietoturvakäyttäytymisen ja -tietoisuuden suhdetta. Väitöskirjassa esitetyt tulokset saavutettiin tekemällä neljä erillistä tutkimusta kvantitatiivisin (määrällisin) ja kvalitatiivisin (laadullisin) menetelmin. Tietoa kerättiin tutkimusten kohteina olleilta opiskelijoilta verkkokyselyillä, paitsi yhdessä tapauksessa, jossa kysely toteutettiin osana kurssitehtävää. Tulokset osoittavat, että yleisesti opiskelijat mielsivät tietävänsä enemmän kuin todellisuudessa tiesivät. Sukupuolella, aiemmalla koulutuksella ja tieteenalalla oli selkeä vaikutus vastaajien tietoturvakäytökseen - sekä miellettyyn että varsinaiseen tietoisuuteen. Opiskelijoilla on monenlaisia tietoturvaan liittyviä huolenaiheita, jotka liittyvät persoonallisiin, sosiaalisiin, teknologisiin, ei-teknologisiin sekä arkisiin ulottuvuuksiin. Tämä poikkeaa nykyisen kirjallisuuden näkemyksestä, joka käsittää vain teknologisen ja ei-teknologisen ulottuvuuden. Opiskelijat eroavat merkittävästi tietoturvaasiantuntijoista tietoturvakäytäntöjensä suhteen. Tietoturvakoulutusta saaneet, tietoisemmat opiskelijat olivat käyttäytymiseltään lähempänä tietoturva-asiantuntijoita kuin vähemmän tietoiset ja vähemmän koulutusta aiheesta saaneet opiskelijat. Tutkimuksessa kävi ilmi myös, että tietoturvatietoisuuden ja -käyttäytymisen välistä suhdetta voidaan selittää käyttäen IMB-mallia (Information-Motivation- Behavioural Skills model). Tässä väitöskirjassa esitetty tutkimus ja sen tulokset ovat korkeakoulujen opetushenkilöstön ja tietoturvasta vastaavien ammattilaisten suoraan hyödynnettävissä

    Abstracting network policies

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    Almost every human activity in recent years relies either directly or indirectly on the smooth and efficient operation of the Internet. The Internet is an interconnection of multiple autonomous networks that work based on agreed upon policies between various institutions across the world. The network policies guiding an institution’s computer infrastructure both internally (such as firewall relationships) and externally (such as routing relationships) are developed by a diverse group of lawyers, accountants, network administrators, managers amongst others. Network policies developed by this group of individuals are usually done on a white-board in a graph-like format. It is however the responsibility of network administrators to translate and configure the various network policies that have been agreed upon. The configuration of these network policies are generally done on physical devices such as routers, domain name servers, firewalls and other middle boxes. The manual configuration process of such network policies is known to be tedious, time consuming and prone to human error which can lead to various network anomalies in the configuration commands. In recent years, many research projects and corporate organisations have to some level abstracted the network management process with emphasis on network devices (such as Cisco VIRL) or individual network policies (such as Propane). [Continues.]</div

    Critical infrastructure systems of systems assessment methodology.

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    Computer Science Principles with Java

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    This textbook is intended to be used for a first course in computer science, such as the College Board’s Advanced Placement course known as AP Computer Science Principles (CSP). This book includes all the topics on the CSP exam, plus some additional topics. It takes a breadth-first approach, with an emphasis on the principles which form the foundation for hardware and software. No prior experience with programming should be required to use this book. This version of the book uses the Java programming language.https://rdw.rowan.edu/oer/1018/thumbnail.jp

    NASA Tech Briefs, April 1991

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    Topics: New Product Ideas; NASA TU Services; Electronic Components and Circuits; Electronic Systems; Physical Sciences; Materials; Computer Programs; Mechanics; Machinery; Fabrication Technology; Mathematics and Information Sciences; Life Sciences

    Remediating the professional classroom: the new rhetoric of teaching and learning

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    The incarnation of many Internet-based courses is informed by traditional notions of classroom instruction, in which course/content management systems (CMSs) like WebCT and Blackboard are used to reproduce actions undertaken in brick-and-mortar classrooms. In this dissertation I argue that the way in which the CMS is configured and deployed can provide students with the sense that they are immersed in a social activity other than taking a college course. Elaborating on simulation-building methodologies, I show how we have created a CMS called MyCase that helps classroom instructors evoke and immerse students in discourse-demanding situations within several disciplines. This sense of immersion is especially important for communication-intensive courses in which students seek to practice disciplinary and workplace genres whose social motive may not be readily reproducible within the confines of the (computer) classroom;The dissertation details qualitative studies conducted in a management course and a professional communication course of students and instructors who used simulations built with MyCase. Results indicate that students participating in these simulations (1) attribute greater significance for their professional lives to the activities in which they engage within the simulation than they do to other classroom activities and (2) engage in activities that more closely match established definitions of active learning than other classroom activities, including those involving traditional (Harvard) case studies. In addition, by providing concrete examples of student actions, I argue that the affordances of an online environment for simulating time and space enable students to reflect on their practices and even engage in critique and critical practices (ranging from quotidian resistance to organized activism)