9 research outputs found

    Fast Shadow Detection from a Single Image Using a Patched Convolutional Neural Network

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    In recent years, various shadow detection methods from a single image have been proposed and used in vision systems; however, most of them are not appropriate for the robotic applications due to the expensive time complexity. This paper introduces a fast shadow detection method using a deep learning framework, with a time cost that is appropriate for robotic applications. In our solution, we first obtain a shadow prior map with the help of multi-class support vector machine using statistical features. Then, we use a semantic- aware patch-level Convolutional Neural Network that efficiently trains on shadow examples by combining the original image and the shadow prior map. Experiments on benchmark datasets demonstrate the proposed method significantly decreases the time complexity of shadow detection, by one or two orders of magnitude compared with state-of-the-art methods, without losing accuracy.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, Submitted to IROS 201

    Mask-ShadowGAN: Learning to Remove Shadows from Unpaired Data

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    This paper presents a new method for shadow removal using unpaired data, enabling us to avoid tedious annotations and obtain more diverse training samples. However, directly employing adversarial learning and cycle-consistency constraints is insufficient to learn the underlying relationship between the shadow and shadow-free domains, since the mapping between shadow and shadow-free images is not simply one-to-one. To address the problem, we formulate Mask-ShadowGAN, a new deep framework that automatically learns to produce a shadow mask from the input shadow image and then takes the mask to guide the shadow generation via re-formulated cycle-consistency constraints. Particularly, the framework simultaneously learns to produce shadow masks and learns to remove shadows, to maximize the overall performance. Also, we prepared an unpaired dataset for shadow removal and demonstrated the effectiveness of Mask-ShadowGAN on various experiments, even it was trained on unpaired data.Comment: Accepted to ICCV 201

    Histogram based segmentation of shadowed leaf images

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    This paper corresponds to the solution of some problems realized during ragweed identification experiments, namely the samples collected on the field by botanical experts did not match the initial conditions expected. Reflections and shadows appeared on the image, which made the segmentation more difficult, therefore also the classification was not efficient in previous study. In this work, unlike those solutions, which try to remove the shadow by restoring the illumination of image parts, the focus is on separating leaf and background points based on chromatic information, basically by examining the histograms of the full image and the border. This proposed solution filters these noises in the subspaces of hue, saturation and value space and their combination. It also describes a qualitative technique to select the appropriate values from the filtered outputs. With this method, the results of segmentation improved a lot

    Automatic feature learning for robust shadow detection

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    We present a practical framework to automatically detect shadows in real world scenes from a single photograph. Previous works on shadow detection put a lot of effort in designing shadow variant and invariant hand-crafted features. In contrast, our framework automatically learns the most relevant features in a supervised manner using multiple convolutional deep neural networks (ConvNets). The 7-layer network architecture of each ConvNet consists of alternating convolution and sub-sampling layers. The proposed framework learns features at the super-pixel level and along the object boundaries. In both cases, features are extracted using a context aware window centered at interest points. The predicted posteriors based on the learned features are fed to a conditional random field model to generate smooth shadow contours. Our proposed framework consistently performed better than the state-of-the-art on all major shadow databases collected under a variety of conditions