6 research outputs found

    Deliverable D1.4 Visual, text and audio information analysis for hypervideo, final release

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    Having extensively evaluated the performance of the technologies included in the first release of WP1 multimedia analysis tools, using content from the LinkedTV scenarios and by participating in international benchmarking activities, concrete decisions regarding the appropriateness and the importance of each individual method or combination of methods were made, which, combined with an updated list of information needs for each scenario, led to a new set of analysis requirements that had to be addressed through the release of the final set of analysis techniques of WP1. To this end, coordinated efforts on three directions, including (a) the improvement of a number of methods in terms of accuracy and time efficiency, (b) the development of new technologies and (c) the definition of synergies between methods for obtaining new types of information via multimodal processing, resulted in the final bunch of multimedia analysis methods for video hyperlinking. Moreover, the different developed analysis modules have been integrated into a web-based infrastructure, allowing the fully automatic linking of the multitude of WP1 technologies and the overall LinkedTV platform

    Deliverable D1.6 Intelligent hypervideo analysis evaluation, final results

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    This deliverable describes the conducted evaluation activities for assessing the performance of a number of developed methods for intelligent hypervideo analysis and the usability of the implemented Editor Tool for supporting video annotation and enrichment. Based on the performance evaluations reported in D1.4 regarding a set of LinkedTV analysis components, we extended our experiments for assessing the effectiveness of newer versions of these methods as well as of entirely new techniques, concerning the accuracy and the time efficiency of the analysis. For this purpose, in-house experiments and participations at international benchmarking activities were made, and the outcomes are reported in this deliverable. Moreover, we present the results of user trials regarding the developed Editor Tool, where groups of experts assessed its usability and the supported functionalities, and evaluated the usefulness and the accuracy of the implemented video segmentation approaches based on the analysis requirements of the LinkedTV scenarios. By this deliverable we complete the reporting of WP1 evaluations that aimed to assess the efficiency of the developed multimedia analysis methods throughout the project, according to the analysis requirements of the LinkedTV scenarios

    Video retrieval using objects and ostensive relevance feedback

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    The thesis discusses and evaluates a model of video information retrieval that incorporates a variation of Relevance Feedback and facilitates object-based interaction and ranking. Video and image retrieval systems suffer from poor retrieval performance compared to text-based information retrieval systems and this is mainly due to the poor discrimination power of visual features that provide the search index. Relevance Feedback is an iterative approach where the user provides the system with relevant and non-relevant judgements of the results and the system re-ranks the results based on the user judgements. Relevance feedback for video retrieval can help overcome the poor discrimination power of the features with the user essentially pointing the system in the right direction based on their judgements. The ostensive relevance feedback approach discussed in this work weights user judgements based on the o r d e r in which they are made with newer judgements weighted higher than older judgements. The main aim of the thesis is to explore the benefit of ostensive relevance feedback for video retrieval with a secondary aim of exploring the effectiveness of object retrieval. A user experiment has been developed in which three video retrieval system variants are evaluated on a corpus of video content. The first system applies standard relevance feedback weighting while the second and third apply ostensive relevance feedback with variations in the decay weight. In order to evaluate effective object retrieval, animated video content provides the corpus content for the evaluation experiment as animated content offers the highest performance for object detection and extraction

    Interoperability of semantics in news production

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