46,085 research outputs found

    Spatio-Temporal Facial Expression Recognition Using Convolutional Neural Networks and Conditional Random Fields

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    Automated Facial Expression Recognition (FER) has been a challenging task for decades. Many of the existing works use hand-crafted features such as LBP, HOG, LPQ, and Histogram of Optical Flow (HOF) combined with classifiers such as Support Vector Machines for expression recognition. These methods often require rigorous hyperparameter tuning to achieve good results. Recently Deep Neural Networks (DNN) have shown to outperform traditional methods in visual object recognition. In this paper, we propose a two-part network consisting of a DNN-based architecture followed by a Conditional Random Field (CRF) module for facial expression recognition in videos. The first part captures the spatial relation within facial images using convolutional layers followed by three Inception-ResNet modules and two fully-connected layers. To capture the temporal relation between the image frames, we use linear chain CRF in the second part of our network. We evaluate our proposed network on three publicly available databases, viz. CK+, MMI, and FERA. Experiments are performed in subject-independent and cross-database manners. Our experimental results show that cascading the deep network architecture with the CRF module considerably increases the recognition of facial expressions in videos and in particular it outperforms the state-of-the-art methods in the cross-database experiments and yields comparable results in the subject-independent experiments.Comment: To appear in 12th IEEE Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition Worksho

    Hair Color Classification in Face Recognition using Machine Learning Algorithms

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    Security through automatic human identification is critically important today, and this is largely due to the high volume of communications. Most methods used to identify individuals often use biometrics information, such as facial characteristics. Therefore, face recognition and classification have garnered great interest among computer vision researchers over the past decade. This pattern recognition problem is divided into several subcategories, such as eye or hair detection and classification. Hair is a salient feature in the human face and is one of the most important cues in face detection and recognition. Accurate detection and presentation of the hair region is one of the key components in the automatic synthesis of human facial caricature. In this work, hair color classification through feature extraction and machine learning methods was performed. The impacts of different features and classifiers were investigated using color samples. Support vector machines (SVM) and Kth nearest neighbors (K-NN) were trained by variety sets of statistical and color features, and the trained models were validated. Additionally, the effects of the size of datasets and feature dimensionality reduction were obtained. The best accuracy rate of 99% was achieved through a support vector machine with radial basis kernel function (SVM-RBF) using nine selected statistical and color features

    Improving face gender classification by adding deliberately misaligned faces to the training data

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    A novel method of face gender classifier construction is proposed and evaluated. Previously, researchers have assumed that a computationally expensive face alignment step (in which the face image is transformed so that facial landmarks such as the eyes, nose, chin, etc, are in uniform locations in the image) is required in order to maximize the accuracy of predictions on new face images. We, however, argue that this step is not necessary, and that machine learning classifiers can be made robust to face misalignments by automatically expanding the training data with examples of faces that have been deliberately misaligned (for example, translated or rotated). To test our hypothesis, we evaluate this automatic training dataset expansion method with two types of image classifier, the first based on weak features such as Local Binary Pattern histograms, and the second based on SIFT keypoints. Using a benchmark face gender classification dataset recently proposed in the literature, we obtain a state-of-the-art accuracy of 92.5%, thus validating our approach

    Micro-expression Recognition using Spatiotemporal Texture Map and Motion Magnification

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    Micro-expressions are short-lived, rapid facial expressions that are exhibited by individuals when they are in high stakes situations. Studying these micro-expressions is important as these cannot be modified by an individual and hence offer us a peek into what the individual is actually feeling and thinking as opposed to what he/she is trying to portray. The spotting and recognition of micro-expressions has applications in the fields of criminal investigation, psychotherapy, education etc. However due to micro-expressions’ short-lived and rapid nature; spotting, recognizing and classifying them is a major challenge. In this paper, we design a hybrid approach for spotting and recognizing micro-expressions by utilizing motion magnification using Eulerian Video Magnification and Spatiotemporal Texture Map (STTM). The validation of this approach was done on the spontaneous micro-expression dataset, CASMEII in comparison with the baseline. This approach achieved an accuracy of 80% viz. an increase by 5% as compared to the existing baseline by utilizing 10-fold cross validation using Support Vector Machines (SVM) with a linear kernel
