4,061 research outputs found

    Multichannel Residual Cues for Fine-Grained Classification in Wireless Capsule Endoscopy

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    Early diagnosis of gastrointestinal pathologies leads to timely medical intervention and prevents disease development. Wireless Capsule Endoscopy (WCE) is used as a non-invasive alternative for gastrointestinal examination. WCE can capture images despite the structural complexity presented by human anatomy and can help in detecting pathologies. However, despite recent progress in fine-grained pathology classification and detection, limited works focus on generalization. We propose a multi-channel encoder-decoder network for learning a generalizable fine-grained pathology classifier. Specifically, we propose to use structural residual cues to explicitly impose the network to learn pathology traces. While residuals are extracted using well-established 2D wavelet decomposition, we also propose to use colour channels to learn discriminative cues in WCE images (like red color in bleeding). With less than 40% data (fewer than 2500 labels) used for training, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in classifying different pathologies on two different WCE datasets (different capsule modalities). With a comprehensive benchmark for WCE abnormality and multi-class classification, we illustrate the generalizability of the proposed approach on both datasets, where our results perform better than the state-of-the-art with much fewer labels in abnormality sensitivity on several of nine different pathologies and establish a new benchmark with specificity >97% across classes.publishedVersio

    Angiodysplasia Detection and Localization Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks

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    Accurate detection and localization for angiodysplasia lesions is an important problem in early stage diagnostics of gastrointestinal bleeding and anemia. Gold-standard for angiodysplasia detection and localization is performed using wireless capsule endoscopy. This pill-like device is able to produce thousand of high enough resolution images during one passage through gastrointestinal tract. In this paper we present our winning solution for MICCAI 2017 Endoscopic Vision SubChallenge: Angiodysplasia Detection and Localization its further improvements over the state-of-the-art results using several novel deep neural network architectures. It address the binary segmentation problem, where every pixel in an image is labeled as an angiodysplasia lesions or background. Then, we analyze connected component of each predicted mask. Based on the analysis we developed a classifier that predict angiodysplasia lesions (binary variable) and a detector for their localization (center of a component). In this setting, our approach outperforms other methods in every task subcategory for angiodysplasia detection and localization thereby providing state-of-the-art results for these problems. The source code for our solution is made publicly available at https://github.com/ternaus/angiodysplasia-segmentatioComment: 12 pages, 6 figure

    Deep-Learning for Classification of Colorectal Polyps on Whole-Slide Images

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    Histopathological characterization of colorectal polyps is an important principle for determining the risk of colorectal cancer and future rates of surveillance for patients. This characterization is time-intensive, requires years of specialized training, and suffers from significant inter-observer and intra-observer variability. In this work, we built an automatic image-understanding method that can accurately classify different types of colorectal polyps in whole-slide histology images to help pathologists with histopathological characterization and diagnosis of colorectal polyps. The proposed image-understanding method is based on deep-learning techniques, which rely on numerous levels of abstraction for data representation and have shown state-of-the-art results for various image analysis tasks. Our image-understanding method covers all five polyp types (hyperplastic polyp, sessile serrated polyp, traditional serrated adenoma, tubular adenoma, and tubulovillous/villous adenoma) that are included in the US multi-society task force guidelines for colorectal cancer risk assessment and surveillance, and encompasses the most common occurrences of colorectal polyps. Our evaluation on 239 independent test samples shows our proposed method can identify the types of colorectal polyps in whole-slide images with a high efficacy (accuracy: 93.0%, precision: 89.7%, recall: 88.3%, F1 score: 88.8%). The presented method in this paper can reduce the cognitive burden on pathologists and improve their accuracy and efficiency in histopathological characterization of colorectal polyps, and in subsequent risk assessment and follow-up recommendations

    Enhancing endoscopic navigation and polyp detection using artificial intelligence

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    Colorectal cancer (CRC) is one most common and deadly forms of cancer. It has a very high mortality rate if the disease advances to late stages however early diagnosis and treatment can be curative is hence essential to enhancing disease management. Colonoscopy is considered the gold standard for CRC screening and early therapeutic treatment. The effectiveness of colonoscopy is highly dependent on the operator’s skill, as a high level of hand-eye coordination is required to control the endoscope and fully examine the colon wall. Because of this, detection rates can vary between different gastroenterologists and technology have been proposed as solutions to assist disease detection and standardise detection rates. This thesis focuses on developing artificial intelligence algorithms to assist gastroenterologists during colonoscopy with the potential to ensure a baseline standard of quality in CRC screening. To achieve such assistance, the technical contributions develop deep learning methods and architectures for automated endoscopic image analysis to address both the detection of lesions in the endoscopic image and the 3D mapping of the endoluminal environment. The proposed detection models can run in real-time and assist visualization of different polyp types. Meanwhile the 3D reconstruction and mapping models developed are the basis for ensuring that the entire colon has been examined appropriately and to support quantitative measurement of polyp sizes using the image during a procedure. Results and validation studies presented within the thesis demonstrate how the developed algorithms perform on both general scenes and on clinical data. The feasibility of clinical translation is demonstrated for all of the models on endoscopic data from human participants during CRC screening examinations

    The intersection of video capsule endoscopy and artificial intelligence: addressing unique challenges using machine learning

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    Introduction: Technical burdens and time-intensive review processes limit the practical utility of video capsule endoscopy (VCE). Artificial intelligence (AI) is poised to address these limitations, but the intersection of AI and VCE reveals challenges that must first be overcome. We identified five challenges to address. Challenge #1: VCE data are stochastic and contains significant artifact. Challenge #2: VCE interpretation is cost-intensive. Challenge #3: VCE data are inherently imbalanced. Challenge #4: Existing VCE AIMLT are computationally cumbersome. Challenge #5: Clinicians are hesitant to accept AIMLT that cannot explain their process. Methods: An anatomic landmark detection model was used to test the application of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to the task of classifying VCE data. We also created a tool that assists in expert annotation of VCE data. We then created more elaborate models using different approaches including a multi-frame approach, a CNN based on graph representation, and a few-shot approach based on meta-learning. Results: When used on full-length VCE footage, CNNs accurately identified anatomic landmarks (99.1%), with gradient weighted-class activation mapping showing the parts of each frame that the CNN used to make its decision. The graph CNN with weakly supervised learning (accuracy 89.9%, sensitivity of 91.1%), the few-shot model (accuracy 90.8%, precision 91.4%, sensitivity 90.9%), and the multi-frame model (accuracy 97.5%, precision 91.5%, sensitivity 94.8%) performed well. Discussion: Each of these five challenges is addressed, in part, by one of our AI-based models. Our goal of producing high performance using lightweight models that aim to improve clinician confidence was achieved

    A Deep Learning Based Suggested Model to Detect Necrotising Enterocolitis in Abdominal Radiography Images

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    Despite decades of exploration into necrotising enterocolitis (NEC), we still lack the capacity to accurately diagnose the disease to improve outcomes in its management. Existing diagnostics struggle to delineate NEC from other neonatal intestinal diseases; it is also unable to highlight those likely to deteriorate to needing emergency life-saving surgery before it is too late. The diagnosis of NEC is heavily dependent on interpretation of radiological findings, especially abdominal radiography (AR) and abdominal ultrasound (AUS). Interexpert variability in interpreting AR imaging, and in the case of AUS, performing and interpreting the test, remains an unresolved challenge. With the compounding impact of the shrinking radiology workforce, a novel approach is imperative. Computer assisted detection (CAD) and classification of abnormal pathology in medical imaging is a rapidly evolving field of clinical and biomedical research. This technology is widely used as a preliminary screening tool. This research paper proposes a deep learning-based model to classify AR images in an automated manner, generating class activation maps (CAM) from various imaging features consistent with NEC pathology, as agreed by expert consensus papers (in neonatology and paediatric radiology). It also compares it with conventional machine learning methods. The suggested model aims to produce heatmaps for various imaging features to highlight NEC pathology in AR (or in future AUS). Once the model is trained, validation is done through quantitative measures and visually by the attending radiologist (clinician) reviewing the validity of the colour maps highlighting the pathology of the AR image (future extension to AUS). As the volume of imaging data is increasing year by year, CAD can be a key strategy to assist radiology departments meet service needs. This technology can greatly assist in screening for NEC, improving the detection of NEC and potentially aid in the earlier identification of disease. Furthermore, it can fast track research cost effectively by creating big data through the automatic labeling of imaging data to create big-data for NEC databases
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