6 research outputs found

    Data fusion by using machine learning and computational intelligence techniques for medical image analysis and classification

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    Data fusion is the process of integrating information from multiple sources to produce specific, comprehensive, unified data about an entity. Data fusion is categorized as low level, feature level and decision level. This research is focused on both investigating and developing feature- and decision-level data fusion for automated image analysis and classification. The common procedure for solving these problems can be described as: 1) process image for region of interest\u27 detection, 2) extract features from the region of interest and 3) create learning model based on the feature data. Image processing techniques were performed using edge detection, a histogram threshold and a color drop algorithm to determine the region of interest. The extracted features were low-level features, including textual, color and symmetrical features. For image analysis and classification, feature- and decision-level data fusion techniques are investigated for model learning using and integrating computational intelligence and machine learning techniques. These techniques include artificial neural networks, evolutionary algorithms, particle swarm optimization, decision tree, clustering algorithms, fuzzy logic inference, and voting algorithms. This work presents both the investigation and development of data fusion techniques for the application areas of dermoscopy skin lesion discrimination, content-based image retrieval, and graphic image type classification --Abstract, page v

    Data fusion techniques for biomedical informatics and clinical decision support

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    Data fusion can be used to combine multiple data sources or modalities to facilitate enhanced visualization, analysis, detection, estimation, or classification. Data fusion can be applied at the raw-data, feature-based, and decision-based levels. Data fusion applications of different sorts have been built up in areas such as statistics, computer vision and other machine learning aspects. It has been employed in a variety of realistic scenarios such as medical diagnosis, clinical decision support, and structural health monitoring. This dissertation includes investigation and development of methods to perform data fusion for cervical cancer intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) and a clinical decision support system. The general framework for these applications includes image processing followed by feature development and classification of the detected region of interest (ROI). Image processing methods such as k-means clustering based on color information, dilation, erosion and centroid locating methods were used for ROI detection. The features extracted include texture, color, nuclei-based and triangle features. Analysis and classification was performed using feature- and decision-level data fusion techniques such as support vector machine, statistical methods such as logistic regression, linear discriminant analysis and voting algorithms --Abstract, page iv

    Automatic Detection of Arrow Annotation Overlays in Biomedical Images

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    Images in biomedical articles are often referenced for clinical decision support, educational purposes, and medical research. Authors-marked annotations such as text labels and symbols overlaid on these images are used to highlight regions of interest which are then referenced in the caption text or figure citations in the articles. Detecting and recognizing such symbols is valuable for improving biomedical information retrieval. In this research, image processing and computational intelligence methods are integrated for object segmentation and discrimination and applied to the problem of detecting arrows on these images. Evolving Artificial Neural Networks (EANNs) and Evolving Artificial Neural Network Ensembles (EANNEs) computational intelligence-based algorithms are developed to recognize overlays, specifically arrows, in medical images. For these discrimination techniques, EANNs use particle swarm optimization and genetic algorithm for artificial neural network (ANN) training, and EANNEs utilize the number of ANNs generated in an ensemble and negative correlation learning for neural network training based on averaging and Linear Vector Quantization (LVQ) winner-take-all approaches. Experiments performed on medical images from the imageCLEFmed\u2708 data set, yielded area under the receiver operating characteristic curve and precision/recall results as high as 0.988 and 0.928/0.973, respectively, using the EANNEs method with the winner-take-all approach

    Automatic Detection of Arrow Annotation Overlays in Biomedical Images

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    Images in biomedical articles are often referenced for clinical decision support, educational purposes, and medical research. Authors-marked annotations such as text labels and symbols overlaid on these images are used to highlight regions of interest which are then referenced in the caption text or figure citations in the articles. Detecting and recognizing such symbols is valuable for improving biomedical information retrieval. In this research, image processing and computational intelligence methods are integrated for object segmentation and discrimination and applied to the problem of detecting arrows on these images. Evolving Artificial Neural Networks (EANNs) and Evolving Artificial Neural Network Ensembles (EANNEs) computational intelligence-based algorithms are developed to recognize overlays, specifically arrows, in medical images. For these discrimination techniques, EANNs use particle swarm optimization and genetic algorithm for artificial neural network (ANN) training, and EANNEs utilize the number of ANNs generated in an ensemble and negative correlation learning for neural network training based on averaging and Linear Vector Quantization (LVQ) winner-take-all approaches. Experiments performed on medical images from the imageCLEFmed\u2708 data set, yielded area under the receiver operating characteristic curve and precision/recall results as high as 0.988 and 0.928/0.973, respectively, using the EANNEs method with the winner-take-all approach

    Use of Software Tools to Implement Quality Control of Ultrasound Images in a Large Clinical Trial

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    Research Question This thesis aims to answer the question as to whether software tools might be developed for automating the analysis of images used to measure ovaries in transvaginal sonography (TVS) exams. Such tools would allow the routine collection of independent and objective metrics at low cost and might be used to drive a programme of continuous Quality Improvement (QI) in TVS scanning. The tools will be assessed by processing images from thousands of TVS exams performed by the United Kingdom Collaborative Trial of Ovarian Cancer Screening (UKCTOCS). Background This research is important because TVS is core to any ovarian cancer (OC) screening strategy yet independent and objective quality control (QC) metrics for this procedure are not routinely obtained due to the high cost of manual image inspection. Improving the quality of TVS in the National Health Service (NHS) would assist in the early diagnosis of the disease and result in improved outcome for some women. Therefore, the research has clear translational potential for the >1.2 million scans performed annually by the NHS. Research Findings A study performed to process images from 1,000 TVS exams has shown the tool produces accurate and reliable QC metrics. A further study revealed that over half of these exams should have been classified as unsatisfactory as an expert review of the images showed that that the sonographer had mistakenly measured a structure that was not an ovary. It also reported a correlation between such ovary visualisation and a novel metric (DCR) measured by the tools from the examination images. Conclusion The research results suggest both a need to improve the quality of TVS scanning and the viability of achieving this objective by introducing a QI programme driven by metrics gathered by software tools able to analyze the images used to measure ovaries