328 research outputs found

    Medical image computing and computer-aided medical interventions applied to soft tissues. Work in progress in urology

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    Until recently, Computer-Aided Medical Interventions (CAMI) and Medical Robotics have focused on rigid and non deformable anatomical structures. Nowadays, special attention is paid to soft tissues, raising complex issues due to their mobility and deformation. Mini-invasive digestive surgery was probably one of the first fields where soft tissues were handled through the development of simulators, tracking of anatomical structures and specific assistance robots. However, other clinical domains, for instance urology, are concerned. Indeed, laparoscopic surgery, new tumour destruction techniques (e.g. HIFU, radiofrequency, or cryoablation), increasingly early detection of cancer, and use of interventional and diagnostic imaging modalities, recently opened new challenges to the urologist and scientists involved in CAMI. This resulted in the last five years in a very significant increase of research and developments of computer-aided urology systems. In this paper, we propose a description of the main problems related to computer-aided diagnostic and therapy of soft tissues and give a survey of the different types of assistance offered to the urologist: robotization, image fusion, surgical navigation. Both research projects and operational industrial systems are discussed

    Label-driven weakly-supervised learning for multimodal deformable image registration

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    Spatially aligning medical images from different modalities remains a challenging task, especially for intraoperative applications that require fast and robust algorithms. We propose a weakly-supervised, label-driven formulation for learning 3D voxel correspondence from higher-level label correspondence, thereby bypassing classical intensity-based image similarity measures. During training, a convolutional neural network is optimised by outputting a dense displacement field (DDF) that warps a set of available anatomical labels from the moving image to match their corresponding counterparts in the fixed image. These label pairs, including solid organs, ducts, vessels, point landmarks and other ad hoc structures, are only required at training time and can be spatially aligned by minimising a cross-entropy function of the warped moving label and the fixed label. During inference, the trained network takes a new image pair to predict an optimal DDF, resulting in a fully-automatic, label-free, real-time and deformable registration. For interventional applications where large global transformation prevails, we also propose a neural network architecture to jointly optimise the global- and local displacements. Experiment results are presented based on cross-validating registrations of 111 pairs of T2-weighted magnetic resonance images and 3D transrectal ultrasound images from prostate cancer patients with a total of over 4000 anatomical labels, yielding a median target registration error of 4.2 mm on landmark centroids and a median Dice of 0.88 on prostate glands.Comment: Accepted to ISBI 201

    Adversarial Deformation Regularization for Training Image Registration Neural Networks

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    We describe an adversarial learning approach to constrain convolutional neural network training for image registration, replacing heuristic smoothness measures of displacement fields often used in these tasks. Using minimally-invasive prostate cancer intervention as an example application, we demonstrate the feasibility of utilizing biomechanical simulations to regularize a weakly-supervised anatomical-label-driven registration network for aligning pre-procedural magnetic resonance (MR) and 3D intra-procedural transrectal ultrasound (TRUS) images. A discriminator network is optimized to distinguish the registration-predicted displacement fields from the motion data simulated by finite element analysis. During training, the registration network simultaneously aims to maximize similarity between anatomical labels that drives image alignment and to minimize an adversarial generator loss that measures divergence between the predicted- and simulated deformation. The end-to-end trained network enables efficient and fully-automated registration that only requires an MR and TRUS image pair as input, without anatomical labels or simulated data during inference. 108 pairs of labelled MR and TRUS images from 76 prostate cancer patients and 71,500 nonlinear finite-element simulations from 143 different patients were used for this study. We show that, with only gland segmentation as training labels, the proposed method can help predict physically plausible deformation without any other smoothness penalty. Based on cross-validation experiments using 834 pairs of independent validation landmarks, the proposed adversarial-regularized registration achieved a target registration error of 6.3 mm that is significantly lower than those from several other regularization methods.Comment: Accepted to MICCAI 201

    Validation Strategies Supporting Clinical Integration of Prostate Segmentation Algorithms for Magnetic Resonance Imaging

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    Segmentation of the prostate in medical images is useful for prostate cancer diagnosis and therapy guidance. However, manual segmentation of the prostate is laborious and time-consuming, with inter-observer variability. The focus of this thesis was on accuracy, reproducibility and procedure time measurement for prostate segmentation on T2-weighted endorectal magnetic resonance imaging, and assessment of the potential of a computer-assisted segmentation technique to be translated to clinical practice for prostate cancer management. We collected an image data set from prostate cancer patients with manually-delineated prostate borders by one observer on all the images and by two other observers on a subset of images. We used a complementary set of error metrics to measure the different types of observed segmentation errors. We compared expert manual segmentation as well as semi-automatic and automatic segmentation approaches before and after manual editing by expert physicians. We recorded the time needed for user interaction to initialize the semi-automatic algorithm, algorithm execution, and manual editing as necessary. Comparing to manual segmentation, the measured errors for the algorithms compared favourably with observed differences between manual segmentations. The measured average editing times for the computer-assisted segmentation were lower than fully manual segmentation time, and the algorithms reduced the inter-observer variability as compared to manual segmentation. The accuracy of the computer-assisted approaches was near to or within the range of observed variability in manual segmentation. The recorded procedure time for prostate segmentation was reduced using computer-assisted segmentation followed by manual editing, compared to the time required for fully manual segmentation

    A novel NMF-based DWI CAD framework for prostate cancer.

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    In this thesis, a computer aided diagnostic (CAD) framework for detecting prostate cancer in DWI data is proposed. The proposed CAD method consists of two frameworks that use nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF) to learn meaningful features from sets of high-dimensional data. The first technique, is a three dimensional (3D) level-set DWI prostate segmentation algorithm guided by a novel probabilistic speed function. This speed function is driven by the features learned by NMF from 3D appearance, shape, and spatial data. The second technique, is a probabilistic classifier that seeks to label a prostate segmented from DWI data as either alignat, contain cancer, or benign, containing no cancer. This approach uses a NMF-based feature fusion to create a feature space where data classes are clustered. In addition, using DWI data acquired at a wide range of b-values (i.e. magnetic field strengths) is investigated. Experimental analysis indicates that for both of these frameworks, using NMF producing more accurate segmentation and classification results, respectively, and that combining the information from DWI data at several b-values can assist in detecting prostate cancer

    A review of artificial intelligence in prostate cancer detection on imaging

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    A multitude of studies have explored the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in providing diagnostic support to radiologists, pathologists, and urologists in prostate cancer detection, risk-stratification, and management. This review provides a comprehensive overview of relevant literature regarding the use of AI models in (1) detecting prostate cancer on radiology images (magnetic resonance and ultrasound imaging), (2) detecting prostate cancer on histopathology images of prostate biopsy tissue, and (3) assisting in supporting tasks for prostate cancer detection (prostate gland segmentation, MRI-histopathology registration, MRI-ultrasound registration). We discuss both the potential of these AI models to assist in the clinical workflow of prostate cancer diagnosis, as well as the current limitations including variability in training data sets, algorithms, and evaluation criteria. We also discuss ongoing challenges and what is needed to bridge the gap between academic research on AI for prostate cancer and commercial solutions that improve routine clinical care

    Transrectal ultrasound image processing for brachytherapy applications

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    In this thesis, we propose a novel algorithm for detecting needles and their corresponding implanted radioactive seed locations in the prostate. The seed localization process is carried out efficiently using separable Gaussian filters in a probabilistic Gibbs random field framework. An approximation of the needle path through the prostate volume is obtained using a polynomial fit. The seeds are then detected and assigned to their corresponding needles by calculating local maxima of the voronoi region around the needle position. In our experiments, we were able to successfully localize over 85% of the implanted seeds. Furthermore, as a regular part of a brachytherapy cancer treatment, patient’s prostate is scanned using a trans-rectal ultrasound probe, its boundary is manually outlined, and its volume is estimated for dosimetry purposes. In this thesis, we also propose a novel semi-automatic segmentation algorithm for prostate boundary detection that requires a reduced amount of radiologist’s input, and thus speeds up the surgical procedure. Saved time can be used to re-scan the prostate during the operation and accordingly adjust the treatment plan. The proposed segmentation algorithm utilizes texture differences between ultrasound images of the prostate tissue and the surrounding tissues. It is carried out in 5 the polar coordinate system and it uses three-dimensional data correlation to improve the smoothness and reliability of the segmentation. Test results show that the boundary segmentation obtained from the algorithm can reduce manual input by the factor of 3, without significantly affecting the accuracy of the segmentation (i.e. semi-automatically estimated prostate volume is within 90% of the original estimate)

    Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Prostate Cancer Patient Management-Current Trends and Future Perspectives

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    Artificial intelligence (AI) is the field of computer science that aims to build smart devices performing tasks that currently require human intelligence. Through machine learning (ML), the deep learning (DL) model is teaching computers to learn by example, something that human beings are doing naturally. AI is revolutionizing healthcare. Digital pathology is becoming highly assisted by AI to help researchers in analyzing larger data sets and providing faster and more accurate diagnoses of prostate cancer lesions. When applied to diagnostic imaging, AI has shown excellent accuracy in the detection of prostate lesions as well as in the prediction of patient outcomes in terms of survival and treatment response. The enormous quantity of data coming from the prostate tumor genome requires fast, reliable and accurate computing power provided by machine learning algorithms. Radiotherapy is an essential part of the treatment of prostate cancer and it is often difficult to predict its toxicity for the patients. Artificial intelligence could have a future potential role in predicting how a patient will react to the therapy side effects. These technologies could provide doctors with better insights on how to plan radiotherapy treatment. The extension of the capabilities of surgical robots for more autonomous tasks will allow them to use information from the surgical field, recognize issues and implement the proper actions without the need for human intervention
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