915 research outputs found

    Semantics-based Automated Web Testing

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    We present TAO, a software testing tool performing automated test and oracle generation based on a semantic approach. TAO entangles grammar-based test generation with automated semantics evaluation using a denotational semantics framework. We show how TAO can be incorporated with the Selenium automation tool for automated web testing, and how TAO can be further extended to support automated delta debugging, where a failing web test script can be systematically reduced based on grammar-directed strategies. A real-life parking website is adopted throughout the paper to demonstrate the effectivity of our semantics-based web testing approach.Comment: In Proceedings WWV 2015, arXiv:1508.0338

    Automatic Software Repair: a Bibliography

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    This article presents a survey on automatic software repair. Automatic software repair consists of automatically finding a solution to software bugs without human intervention. This article considers all kinds of repairs. First, it discusses behavioral repair where test suites, contracts, models, and crashing inputs are taken as oracle. Second, it discusses state repair, also known as runtime repair or runtime recovery, with techniques such as checkpoint and restart, reconfiguration, and invariant restoration. The uniqueness of this article is that it spans the research communities that contribute to this body of knowledge: software engineering, dependability, operating systems, programming languages, and security. It provides a novel and structured overview of the diversity of bug oracles and repair operators used in the literature

    Identifying Patch Correctness in Test-Based Program Repair

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    Test-based automatic program repair has attracted a lot of attention in recent years. However, the test suites in practice are often too weak to guarantee correctness and existing approaches often generate a large number of incorrect patches. To reduce the number of incorrect patches generated, we propose a novel approach that heuristically determines the correctness of the generated patches. The core idea is to exploit the behavior similarity of test case executions. The passing tests on original and patched programs are likely to behave similarly while the failing tests on original and patched programs are likely to behave differently. Also, if two tests exhibit similar runtime behavior, the two tests are likely to have the same test results. Based on these observations, we generate new test inputs to enhance the test suites and use their behavior similarity to determine patch correctness. Our approach is evaluated on a dataset consisting of 139 patches generated from existing program repair systems including jGenProg, Nopol, jKali, ACS and HDRepair. Our approach successfully prevented 56.3\% of the incorrect patches to be generated, without blocking any correct patches.Comment: ICSE 201

    Classifying the Correctness of Generated White-Box Tests: An Exploratory Study

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    White-box test generator tools rely only on the code under test to select test inputs, and capture the implementation's output as assertions. If there is a fault in the implementation, it could get encoded in the generated tests. Tool evaluations usually measure fault-detection capability using the number of such fault-encoding tests. However, these faults are only detected, if the developer can recognize that the encoded behavior is faulty. We designed an exploratory study to investigate how developers perform in classifying generated white-box test as faulty or correct. We carried out the study in a laboratory setting with 54 graduate students. The tests were generated for two open-source projects with the help of the IntelliTest tool. The performance of the participants were analyzed using binary classification metrics and by coding their observed activities. The results showed that participants incorrectly classified a large number of both fault-encoding and correct tests (with median misclassification rate 33% and 25% respectively). Thus the real fault-detection capability of test generators could be much lower than typically reported, and we suggest to take this human factor into account when evaluating generated white-box tests.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figure

    Automatically Discovering, Reporting and Reproducing Android Application Crashes

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    Mobile developers face unique challenges when detecting and reporting crashes in apps due to their prevailing GUI event-driven nature and additional sources of inputs (e.g., sensor readings). To support developers in these tasks, we introduce a novel, automated approach called CRASHSCOPE. This tool explores a given Android app using systematic input generation, according to several strategies informed by static and dynamic analyses, with the intrinsic goal of triggering crashes. When a crash is detected, CRASHSCOPE generates an augmented crash report containing screenshots, detailed crash reproduction steps, the captured exception stack trace, and a fully replayable script that automatically reproduces the crash on a target device(s). We evaluated CRASHSCOPE's effectiveness in discovering crashes as compared to five state-of-the-art Android input generation tools on 61 applications. The results demonstrate that CRASHSCOPE performs about as well as current tools for detecting crashes and provides more detailed fault information. Additionally, in a study analyzing eight real-world Android app crashes, we found that CRASHSCOPE's reports are easily readable and allow for reliable reproduction of crashes by presenting more explicit information than human written reports.Comment: 12 pages, in Proceedings of 9th IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST'16), Chicago, IL, April 10-15, 2016, pp. 33-4

    Automatic Repair of Buggy If Conditions and Missing Preconditions with SMT

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    We present Nopol, an approach for automatically repairing buggy if conditions and missing preconditions. As input, it takes a program and a test suite which contains passing test cases modeling the expected behavior of the program and at least one failing test case embodying the bug to be repaired. It consists of collecting data from multiple instrumented test suite executions, transforming this data into a Satisfiability Modulo Theory (SMT) problem, and translating the SMT result -- if there exists one -- into a source code patch. Nopol repairs object oriented code and allows the patches to contain nullness checks as well as specific method calls.Comment: CSTVA'2014, India (2014

    A Critical Review of "Automatic Patch Generation Learned from Human-Written Patches": Essay on the Problem Statement and the Evaluation of Automatic Software Repair

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    At ICSE'2013, there was the first session ever dedicated to automatic program repair. In this session, Kim et al. presented PAR, a novel template-based approach for fixing Java bugs. We strongly disagree with key points of this paper. Our critical review has two goals. First, we aim at explaining why we disagree with Kim and colleagues and why the reasons behind this disagreement are important for research on automatic software repair in general. Second, we aim at contributing to the field with a clarification of the essential ideas behind automatic software repair. In particular we discuss the main evaluation criteria of automatic software repair: understandability, correctness and completeness. We show that depending on how one sets up the repair scenario, the evaluation goals may be contradictory. Eventually, we discuss the nature of fix acceptability and its relation to the notion of software correctness.Comment: ICSE 2014, India (2014

    Mapping the Structure and Evolution of Software Testing Research Over the Past Three Decades

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    Background: The field of software testing is growing and rapidly-evolving. Aims: Based on keywords assigned to publications, we seek to identify predominant research topics and understand how they are connected and have evolved. Method: We apply co-word analysis to map the topology of testing research as a network where author-assigned keywords are connected by edges indicating co-occurrence in publications. Keywords are clustered based on edge density and frequency of connection. We examine the most popular keywords, summarize clusters into high-level research topics, examine how topics connect, and examine how the field is changing. Results: Testing research can be divided into 16 high-level topics and 18 subtopics. Creation guidance, automated test generation, evolution and maintenance, and test oracles have particularly strong connections to other topics, highlighting their multidisciplinary nature. Emerging keywords relate to web and mobile apps, machine learning, energy consumption, automated program repair and test generation, while emerging connections have formed between web apps, test oracles, and machine learning with many topics. Random and requirements-based testing show potential decline. Conclusions: Our observations, advice, and map data offer a deeper understanding of the field and inspiration regarding challenges and connections to explore.Comment: To appear, Journal of Systems and Softwar
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