48 research outputs found

    GeneTrees: a phylogenomics resource for prokaryotes

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    The GeneTrees phylogenomics system pursues comparative genomic analyses from the perspective of gene phylogenies for individual genes. The GeneTrees project has the goal of providing detailed evolutionary models for all protein-coding gene components of the fully sequenced genomes. Currently, a database of alignments and trees for all protein sequences for 325 fully sequenced and annotated prokaryote genomes is available. The prokaryote database contains 890 000 protein sequences organized into over 100 000 alignments, each described by a phylogenetic tree. An original homology group discovery tool assembles sets of related proteins from all versus all pairwise alignments. Multiple alignments for each homology group are stored and subjected to phylogenetic tree inference. A graphical web interface provides visual exploration of the GeneTrees database. Homology groups can be queried by sequence identifiers or annotation terms. Genomes can be browsed visually on a gene map of each chromosome or plasmid. Phylogenetic trees with support values are displayed in conjunction with the associated sequence alignment. A variety of classes of information can be selected to label the tree tips to aid in visual evaluation of annotation and gene function. This web interface is available at

    Berkeley Phylogenomics Group web servers: resources for structural phylogenomic analysis

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    Phylogenomic analysis addresses the limitations of function prediction based on annotation transfer, and has been shown to enable the highest accuracy in prediction of protein molecular function. The Berkeley Phylogenomics Group provides a series of web servers for phylogenomic analysis: classification of sequences to pre-computed families and subfamilies using the PhyloFacts Phylogenomic Encyclopedia, FlowerPower clustering of proteins sharing the same domain architecture, MUSCLE multiple sequence alignment, SATCHMO simultaneous alignment and tree construction and SCI-PHY subfamily identification. The PhyloBuilder web server provides an integrated phylogenomic pipeline starting with a user-supplied protein sequence, proceeding to homolog identification, multiple alignment, phylogenetic tree construction, subfamily identification and structure prediction. The Berkeley Phylogenomics Group resources are available at http://phylogenomics.berkeley.edu

    Models, algorithms, and programs for phylogeny reconciliation

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    International audienceGene sequences contain a gold mine of phylogenetic information. But unfortunately for taxonomists this information does not only tell the story of the species from which it was collected. Genes have their own complex histories which record speciation events, of course, but also many other events. Among them, gene duplications, transfers and losses are especially important to identify. These events are crucial to account for when reconstructing the history of species, and they play a fundamental role in the evolution of genomes, the diversification of organisms and the emergence of new cellular functions. We review reconciliations between gene and species trees, which are rigorous approaches for identifying duplications, transfers and losses that mark the evolution of a gene family. Existing reconciliation models and algorithms are reviewed and difficulties in modeling gene transfers are discussed. We also compare different reconciliation programs along with their advantages and disadvantages

    Scoredist: A simple and robust protein sequence distance estimator

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    BACKGROUND: Distance-based methods are popular for reconstructing evolutionary trees thanks to their speed and generality. A number of methods exist for estimating distances from sequence alignments, which often involves some sort of correction for multiple substitutions. The problem is to accurately estimate the number of true substitutions given an observed alignment. So far, the most accurate protein distance estimators have looked for the optimal matrix in a series of transition probability matrices, e.g. the Dayhoff series. The evolutionary distance between two aligned sequences is here estimated as the evolutionary distance of the optimal matrix. The optimal matrix can be found either by an iterative search for the Maximum Likelihood matrix, or by integration to find the Expected Distance. As a consequence, these methods are more complex to implement and computationally heavier than correction-based methods. Another problem is that the result may vary substantially depending on the evolutionary model used for the matrices. An ideal distance estimator should produce consistent and accurate distances independent of the evolutionary model used. RESULTS: We propose a correction-based protein sequence estimator called Scoredist. It uses a logarithmic correction of observed divergence based on the alignment score according to the BLOSUM62 score matrix. We evaluated Scoredist and a number of optimal matrix methods using three evolutionary models for both training and testing Dayhoff, Jones-Taylor-Thornton, and Müller-Vingron, as well as Whelan and Goldman solely for testing. Test alignments with known distances between 0.01 and 2 substitutions per position (1–200 PAM) were simulated using ROSE. Scoredist proved as accurate as the optimal matrix methods, yet substantially more robust. When trained on one model but tested on another one, Scoredist was nearly always more accurate. The Jukes-Cantor and Kimura correction methods were also tested, but were substantially less accurate. CONCLUSION: The Scoredist distance estimator is fast to implement and run, and combines robustness with accuracy. Scoredist has been incorporated into the Belvu alignment viewer, which is available at

    Exact reconciliation of undated trees

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    Reconciliation methods aim at recovering macro evolutionary events and at localizing them in the species history, by observing discrepancies between gene family trees and species trees. In this article we introduce an Integer Linear Programming (ILP) approach for the NP-hard problem of computing a most parsimonious time-consistent reconciliation of a gene tree with a species tree when dating information on speciations is not available. The ILP formulation, which builds upon the DTL model, returns a most parsimonious reconciliation ranging over all possible datings of the nodes of the species tree. By studying its performance on plausible simulated data we conclude that the ILP approach is significantly faster than a brute force search through the space of all possible species tree datings. Although the ILP formulation is currently limited to small trees, we believe that it is an important proof-of-concept which opens the door to the possibility of developing an exact, parsimony based approach to dating species trees. The software (ILPEACE) is freely available for download

    DODO: an efficient orthologous genes assignment tool based on domain architectures. Domain based ortholog detection

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Orthologs are genes derived from the same ancestor gene loci after speciation events. Orthologous proteins usually have similar sequences and perform comparable biological functions. Therefore, ortholog identification is useful in annotations of newly sequenced genomes. With rapidly increasing number of sequenced genomes, constructing or updating ortholog relationship between all genomes requires lots of effort and computation time. In addition, elucidating ortholog relationships between distantly related genomes is challenging because of the lower sequence similarity. Therefore, an efficient ortholog detection method that can deal with large number of distantly related genomes is desired.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>An efficient ortholog detection pipeline DODO (DOmain based Detection of Orthologs) is created on the basis of domain architectures in this study. Supported by domain composition, which usually directly related with protein function, DODO could facilitate orthologs detection across distantly related genomes. DODO works in two main steps. Starting from domain information, it first assigns protein groups according to their domain architectures and further identifies orthologs within those groups with much reduced complexity. Here DODO is shown to detect orthologs between two genomes in considerably shorter period of time than traditional methods of reciprocal best hits and it is more significant when analyzed a large number of genomes. The output results of DODO are highly comparable with other known ortholog databases.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>DODO provides a new efficient pipeline for detection of orthologs in a large number of genomes. In addition, a database established with DODO is also easier to maintain and could be updated relatively effortlessly. The pipeline of DODO could be downloaded from <url></url></p

    Integration of sequence-similarity and functional association information can overcome intrinsic problems in orthology mapping across bacterial genomes

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    Existing methods for orthologous gene mapping suffer from two general problems: (i) they are computationally too slow and their results are difficult to interpret for automated large-scale applications when based on phylogenetic analyses; or (ii) they are too prone to making mistakes in dealing with complex situations involving horizontal gene transfers and gene fusion due to the lack of a sound basis when based on sequence similarity information. We present a novel algorithm, Global Optimization Strategy (GOST), for orthologous gene mapping through combining sequence similarity and contextual (working partners) information, using a combinatorial optimization framework. Genome-scale applications of GOST show substantial improvements over the predictions by three popular sequence similarity-based orthology mapping programs. Our analysis indicates that our algorithm overcomes the intrinsic issues faced by sequence similarity-based methods, when orthology mapping involves gene fusions and horizontal gene transfers. Our program runs as efficiently as the most efficient sequence similarity-based algorithm in the public domain. GOST is freely downloadable at http://csbl.bmb.uga.edu/~maqin/GOST