4 research outputs found

    Determining over- and under-constrained systems of equations using structural constraint delta

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    Software Frameworks for Model Composition

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    A software framework is an architecture or infrastructure intended to enable the integration and interoperation of software components. Specialized types of software frameworks are those specifically intended to support the composition of models or other components within a simulation system. Such frameworks are intended to simplify the process of assembling a complex model or simulation system from simpler component models as well as to promote the reuse of the component models. Several different types of software frameworks for model composition have been designed and implemented; those types include common library, product line architecture, interoperability protocol, object model, formal, and integrative environment. The various framework types have different components, processes for composing models, and intended applications. In this survey the fundamental terms and concepts of software frameworks for model composition are presented, the different types of such frameworks are explained and compared, and important examples of each type are described

    Modèle de coopération entre calcul formel et calcul numérique pour la simulation et l'optimisation des systèmes

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    Après avoir étudié les collaborations établies aujourd'hui entre différents environnements de résolution de problèmes, le manuscrit propose un modèle de conception d'un système de calcul basé sur la coopération entre calcul formel et numérique. Cette coopération entre différents sous-systèmes de calcul est de type complémentaire : les rôles sont définis a priori. Suivant une démarche orientée modèle, le modèle de coopération est spécifié en UML 2.0 selon la vue structurelle et la vue comportementale. A partir du modèle conceptuel, nous définissons les règles de transformation pour produire le modèle d'implémentation spécifique de la "plate-forme" FORTRAN 90. Au vu des résultats d'études particulières en génie des procédés - la solvatation d'acides forts, et la distillation de Rayleigh- il apparaît que la démarche de calcul coopératif proposée : apporte plus d'expressivité lors de la modélisation; incite à modéliser les systèmes physiques à l'aide de fonctions, souvent implicites; permet la réutilisation de modèles par la composition et l'assemblage de fonctions; et apporte plus de fiabilité lors de la simulation, notamment grâce au calcul précis des dérivées des modèles. ABSTRACT : After investigating state-of-the-art collaborations between various environments aimed at system resolution, this paper presents a design model for a calculation system based on the co-operation of formal and numerical calculations. This co-operation between multiple sub-systems is complementary: the roles are defined a priori. Following an object-oriented approach, the model is specified via UML 2.0, in terms of the structural and behavioural views. From the conceptual model, we define the transformation rules required to create the implementation - specific model for the FORTRAN 90 platform. From the results witnessed within specific process engineering studies - namely the solvation of strong acids and Rayleigh's distillation - it can be seen that this co-operative approach: empowers us with an improved expressivity at the modelling stage; instigates physical modelling using (often implicit) functions; allows model re-use through function aggregation and assembly; and brings a greater reliability during simulation, notably as a result of the precise calculation of derivatives of the mode