4 research outputs found

    Leveraging Anatomical Constraints with Uncertainty for Pneumothorax Segmentation

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    Pneumothorax is a medical emergency caused by abnormal accumulation of air in the pleural space - the potential space between the lungs and chest wall. On 2D chest radiographs, pneumothorax occurs within the thoracic cavity and outside of the mediastinum and we refer to this area as "lung+ space". While deep learning (DL) has increasingly been utilized to segment pneumothorax lesions in chest radiographs, many existing DL models employ an end-to-end approach. These models directly map chest radiographs to clinician-annotated lesion areas, often neglecting the vital domain knowledge that pneumothorax is inherently location-sensitive. We propose a novel approach that incorporates the lung+ space as a constraint during DL model training for pneumothorax segmentation on 2D chest radiographs. To circumvent the need for additional annotations and to prevent potential label leakage on the target task, our method utilizes external datasets and an auxiliary task of lung segmentation. This approach generates a specific constraint of lung+ space for each chest radiograph. Furthermore, we have incorporated a discriminator to eliminate unreliable constraints caused by the domain shift between the auxiliary and target datasets. Our results demonstrated significant improvements, with average performance gains of 4.6%, 3.6%, and 3.3% regarding Intersection over Union (IoU), Dice Similarity Coefficient (DSC), and Hausdorff Distance (HD). Our research underscores the significance of incorporating medical domain knowledge about the location-specific nature of pneumothorax to enhance DL-based lesion segmentation

    LINKS: Learning-based multi-source IntegratioN frameworK for Segmentation of infant brain images

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    Segmentation of infant brain MR images is challenging due to insufficient image quality, severe partial volume effect, and ongoing maturation and myelination processes. In the first year of life, the image contrast between white and gray matters of the infant brain undergoes dramatic changes. In particular, the image contrast is inverted around 6-8 months of age, and the white and gray matter tissues are isointense in both T1- and T2-weighted MR images and thus exhibit the extremely low tissue contrast, which poses significant challenges for automated segmentation. Most previous studies used multi-atlas label fusion strategy, which has the limitation of equally treating the different available image modalities and is often computationally expensive. To cope with these limitations, in this paper, we propose a novel learning-based multi-source integration framework for segmentation of infant brain images. Specifically, we employ the random forest technique to effectively integrate features from multi-source images together for tissue segmentation. Here, the multi-source images include initially only the multi-modality (T1, T2 and FA) images and later also the iteratively estimated and refined tissue probability maps of gray matter, white matter, and cerebrospinal fluid. Experimental results on 119 infants show that the proposed method achieves better performance than other state-of-the-art automated segmentation methods. Further validation was performed on the MICCAI grand challenge and the proposed method was ranked top among all competing methods. Moreover, to alleviate the possible anatomical errors, our method can also be combined with an anatomically-constrained multi-atlas labeling approach for further improving the segmentation accuracy

    Automated Segmentation of CBCT Image Using Spiral CT Atlases and Convex Optimization

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    Cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) is an increasingly utilized imaging modality for the diagnosis and treatment planning of the patients with craniomaxillofacial (CMF) deformities. CBCT scans have relatively low cost and low radiation dose in comparison to conventional spiral CT scans. However, a major limitation of CBCT scans is the widespread image artifacts such as noise, beam hardening and inhomogeneity, causing great difficulties for accurate segmentation of bony structures from soft tissues, as well as separating mandible from maxilla. In this paper, we presented a novel fully automated method for CBCT image segmentation. In this method, we first estimated a patient-specific atlas using a sparse label fusion strategy from predefined spiral CT atlases. This patient-specific atlas was then integrated into a convex segmentation framework based on maximum a posteriori probability for accurate segmentation. Finally, the performance of our method was validated via comparisons with manual ground-truth segmentations. ? 2013 Springer-Verlag.EI