6 research outputs found

    A Comprehensive Survey on Database Management System Fuzzing: Techniques, Taxonomy and Experimental Comparison

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    Database Management System (DBMS) fuzzing is an automated testing technique aimed at detecting errors and vulnerabilities in DBMSs by generating, mutating, and executing test cases. It not only reduces the time and cost of manual testing but also enhances detection coverage, providing valuable assistance in developing commercial DBMSs. Existing fuzzing surveys mainly focus on general-purpose software. However, DBMSs are different from them in terms of internal structure, input/output, and test objectives, requiring specialized fuzzing strategies. Therefore, this paper focuses on DBMS fuzzing and provides a comprehensive review and comparison of the methods in this field. We first introduce the fundamental concepts. Then, we systematically define a general fuzzing procedure and decompose and categorize existing methods. Furthermore, we classify existing methods from the testing objective perspective, covering various components in DBMSs. For representative works, more detailed descriptions are provided to analyze their strengths and limitations. To objectively evaluate the performance of each method, we present an open-source DBMS fuzzing toolkit, OpenDBFuzz. Based on this toolkit, we conduct a detailed experimental comparative analysis of existing methods and finally discuss future research directions.Comment: 34 pages, 22 figure

    Una aproximación evolucionista para la generación automática de sentencias SQL a partir de ejemplos

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    En la actualidad, el uso de las tecnologías ha sido primordial para el avance de las sociedades, estas han permitido que personas sin conocimientos informáticos o usuarios llamados “no expertos” se interesen en su uso, razón por la cual los investigadores científicos se han visto en la necesidad de producir estudios que permitan la adaptación de sistemas, a la problemática existente dentro del ámbito informático. Una necesidad recurrente de todo usuario de un sistema es la gestión de la información, la cual se puede administrar por medio de una base de datos y lenguaje específico, como lo es el SQL (Structured Query Language), pero esto obliga al usuario sin conocimientos a acudir a un especialista para su diseño y construcción, lo cual se ve reflejado en costos y métodos complejos, entonces se plantea una pregunta ¿qué hacer cuando los proyectos son pequeñas y los recursos y procesos son limitados? Teniendo como base la investigación realizada por la universidad de Washington[39], donde sintetizan sentencias SQL a partir de ejemplos de entrada y salida, se pretende con esta memoria automatizar el proceso y aplicar una técnica diferente de aprendizaje, para lo cual utiliza una aproximación evolucionista, donde la aplicación de un algoritmo genético adaptado origina sentencias SQL válidas que responden a las condiciones establecidas por los ejemplos de entrada y salida dados por el usuario. Se obtuvo como resultado de la aproximación, una herramienta denominada EvoSQL que fue validada en este estudio. Sobre los 28 ejercicios empleados por la investigación [39], 23 de los cuales se obtuvieron resultados perfectos y 5 ejercicios sin éxito, esto representa un 82.1% de efectividad. Esta efectividad es superior en un 10.7% al establecido por la herramienta desarrollada en [39] SQLSynthesizer y 75% más alto que la herramienta siguiente más próxima Query by Output QBO[31]. El promedio obtenido en la ejecución de cada ejercicio fue de 3 minutos y 11 segundos, este tiempo es superior al establecido por SQLSynthesizer; sin embargo, en la medida un algoritmo genético supone la existencia de fases que amplían los rangos de tiempos, por lo cual el tiempo obtenido es aceptable con relación a las aplicaciones de este tipo. En conclusión y según lo anteriormente expuesto, se obtuvo una herramienta automática con una aproximación evolucionista, con buenos resultados y un proceso simple para el usuario “no experto”.Actuellement l'usage des technologies est primordial pour l'avance de la société, celles-ci ont permis que des personnes sans connaissances informatiques ou des utilisateurs appelés "non expert" s'intéressent à son usage. C'est la raison pour laquelle les enquêteurs scientifiques se sont vus dans la nécessité de produire les études qui permettent l'adaptation des systèmes à la problématique existante à l'intérieur du domaine informatique. Une nécessité récurrente pour tout utilisateur d'un système est la gestion de l'information, que l’on peut administrer au moyen d'une base de données et de langage spécifique pour celles-ci comme est le SQL (Structured Query Language), mais qui oblige à l'utilisateur à chercher un spécialiste pour sa conception et sa construction, et qui représente des prix et des méthodes complexes. Une question se pose alors, quoi faire quand les projets sont petites et les ressources et les processus limités ? Ayant pour base la recherche de l'université de Washington [39], ce mémoire automatise le processus et applique une différente technique d'apprentissage qui utilise une approche évolutionniste, où l'application d'un algorithme génétique adapté génère des requêtes SQL valides répondant aux conditions établies par les exemples d'entrée et de sortie donnés par l'utilisateur. On a obtenu comme résultat de l’approche un outil dénommé EvoSQL qui a été validé dans cette étude. Sur les 28 exercices employés par la recherche [39], 23 exercices ont été obtenus avec des résultats parfaits et 5 exercices sans succès, ce qui représente 82.1 % d'effectivité. Cette effectivité est supérieure de 10.7 % à celle établie par l'outil développé dans [32] SQLSynthesizer et 75% plus haute que l'outil suivant le plus proche Query by Output QBO [31]. La moyenne obtenue dans l'exécution de chaque exercice a été de 3 min et 11sec, ce qui est supérieur au temps établi par SQlSynthesizer, cependant dans la mesure où un algorithme génétique suppose que l'existence de phases augmente les rangs des temps, le temps obtenu est acceptable par rapport aux applications de ce type. Dans une conclusion et selon ce qui a été antérieurement exposé nous avons obtenu un outil automatique, avec une approche évolutionniste, avec de bons résultats et un processus simple pour l'utilisateur « non expert ».At present the use of the technologies is basic for the advance of the society; these have allowed that persons without knowledge or so called "non expert" users are interested in this use, is for it that the researchers have seen the need to produce studies that allow the adjustment of the systems the existing at the problematic inside the area of the technology. A need of every user of a system is the management of the information, which can be manage by a database and specific language for these as the SQL (Structured Query Language), which forces the user to come to a specialist for the design and construction of this one, which represents costs and complex methods, but what to do when they are small investigations where the resources and processes are limited? Taking as a base the research of the university of Washington [32], this report automates the process and applies a different learning technique, for which uses an evolutionary approach, where the application of a genetic adapted algorithm generates query SQL valid that answer to the conditions established by the given examples of entry and exit given by the user. There was obtained as a result of the approach a tool named EvoSQL that was validated in the same 28 exercises used by the investigation [32], of which 23 exercises were obtained by ideal results and 5 not successful exercises, which represents 82.1 % of efficiency, superior in 10.7 % to the established one for the tool developed in [32] SQLSynthesizer and 75% higher than the following near tool Query by Output QBO [26]. The average obtained in the execution of every exercise was of 3 min and 11seg that is superior to the time established by SQlSynthesizer, Nevertheless, being a genetic algorithm where the steps existence makes that the ranges of times are extended, the obtained one is acceptable with relation to the applications of this type. In conclusion et according to previously exposed, we have obtained an automatic tool, with an evolutionary approach, with good results and a simple process for the « not expert » user

    Delayed failure of software components using stochastic testing

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    The present research investigates the delayed failure of software components and addresses the problem that the conventional approach to software testing is unlikely to reveal this type of failure. Delayed failure is defined as a failure that occurs some time after the condition that causes the failure, and is a consequence of long-latency error propagation. This research seeks to close a perceived gap between academic research into software testing and industrial software testing practice by showing that stochastic testing can reveal delayed failure, and supporting this conclusion by a model of error propagation and failure that has been validated by experiment. The focus of the present research is on software components described by a request-response model. Within this conceptual framework, a Markov chain model of error propagation and failure is used to derive the expected delayed failure behaviour of software components. Results from an experimental study of delayed failure of DBMS software components MySQL and Oracle XE using stochastic testing with random generation of SQL are consistent with expected behaviour based on the Markov chain model. Metrics for failure delay and reliability are shown to depend on the characteristics of the chosen experimental profile. SQL mutation is used to generate negative as well as positive test profiles. There appear to be few systematic studies of delayed failure in the software engineering literature, and no studies of stochastic testing related to delayed failure of software components, or specifically to delayed failure of DBMS. Stochastic testing is shown to be an effective technique for revealing delayed failure of software components, as well as a suitable technique for reliability and robustness testing of software components. These results provide a deeper insight into the testing technique and should lead to further research. Stochastic testing could provide a dependability benchmark for component-based software engineering