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    Providers, as one of the basic elements of external microenvironment of an enterprise, greatly influence the activity of a trade network. In the general understanding the basic competitive edges of commodities which are offered by a network to the buyers depend on them. Determination and using of the providers' potential will allow a trade enterprise to raise the efficiency of its major activity, to create and support the desired competitive position. Scientific works of many Ukrainian and foreign authors are devoted to the problems of choice of providers and management of interaction with providers, but none of them examines the concept and structure of provider's potential of an enterprise and does not offer a methodical approach to its estimation. Methods offered by the authors only aim to justify the choice of providers and do not disclose all the elements of interaction of an enterprise and a provider, and do not take into account the features of organization and management of deliveries in a trade network. The major purposes of this article are to determine the features of co-operation with providers in trade networks, to justify the structure of providers' potential of trade networks, to develop methods of calculation of a combined providers' potential of a trade network. The analysis of management of interaction with providers at enterprises trading foodstuffs makes it possible to reveal the features of management of supplies in trade networks: firstly, trade networks use an automated system SRM to control co-operation with providers; secondly, each trade network has its own trademarks of food; thirdly, co-operation with providers ensures trade networks an additional trade profit from publicity and merchandising; fourthly, supplying with foodstuffs is carried out one time or two times a week on preliminary orders; the terms of delivery provide supply of products at the cost of a supplier and payment on delivery; fifthly, trade networks conduct a competition between providers on tender basis; sixthly, co-operation with providers implies penal sanctions against providers for any violation of delivery dates, quality or assortment and penal sanctions against a shop for nonavailability of a commodity in the proper place on the trading floor; seventhly, contracts with suppliers provide the return of a commodity with expiring dates. The article justifies the structure of providers' potential which includes economic and administrative components, provides a method of calculation of elements of providers' potential and cumulative providers' potential of a trade network and a coefficient of its use. To approbate the method, the providers' potential and a coefficient of its application was calculated for three leading networks trading in foodstuffs in Donetsk region

    Technology implementation barriers in the Malaysian herbal industry: A case study

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    Technology is an essential component in all types of organisations and most organisations have reasons to implement new technology. The most fundamental justification for new technology implementation is that the technology must be able to contribute to strong competitive advantages and also increase or create long-term profit. In most small and medium enterprises (SMEs), there are barriers or obstacles in implementing these technologies. This article report a study aimed in investigating barriers faced by the Malaysian herbal industry in implementing technologies in their factory. Most of the local herbal manufacturing firms are categorised as SMEs which are usually considered to be lagged behind larger companies in technology usage. As this was an exploratory research, a case study method was used as it gave in-depth explanation of the main barriers of technology implementation. The results suggested that the main constraint in implementing technologies are lack of technical specialists and financial, aid commitment from top management, low wage rate, and future demand uncertainties