4,711 research outputs found

    Predicting Good Configurations for GitHub and Stack Overflow Topic Models

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    Software repositories contain large amounts of textual data, ranging from source code comments and issue descriptions to questions, answers, and comments on Stack Overflow. To make sense of this textual data, topic modelling is frequently used as a text-mining tool for the discovery of hidden semantic structures in text bodies. Latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) is a commonly used topic model that aims to explain the structure of a corpus by grouping texts. LDA requires multiple parameters to work well, and there are only rough and sometimes conflicting guidelines available on how these parameters should be set. In this paper, we contribute (i) a broad study of parameters to arrive at good local optima for GitHub and Stack Overflow text corpora, (ii) an a-posteriori characterisation of text corpora related to eight programming languages, and (iii) an analysis of corpus feature importance via per-corpus LDA configuration. We find that (1) popular rules of thumb for topic modelling parameter configuration are not applicable to the corpora used in our experiments, (2) corpora sampled from GitHub and Stack Overflow have different characteristics and require different configurations to achieve good model fit, and (3) we can predict good configurations for unseen corpora reliably. These findings support researchers and practitioners in efficiently determining suitable configurations for topic modelling when analysing textual data contained in software repositories.Comment: to appear as full paper at MSR 2019, the 16th International Conference on Mining Software Repositorie

    Translating Video Recordings of Mobile App Usages into Replayable Scenarios

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    Screen recordings of mobile applications are easy to obtain and capture a wealth of information pertinent to software developers (e.g., bugs or feature requests), making them a popular mechanism for crowdsourced app feedback. Thus, these videos are becoming a common artifact that developers must manage. In light of unique mobile development constraints, including swift release cycles and rapidly evolving platforms, automated techniques for analyzing all types of rich software artifacts provide benefit to mobile developers. Unfortunately, automatically analyzing screen recordings presents serious challenges, due to their graphical nature, compared to other types of (textual) artifacts. To address these challenges, this paper introduces V2S, a lightweight, automated approach for translating video recordings of Android app usages into replayable scenarios. V2S is based primarily on computer vision techniques and adapts recent solutions for object detection and image classification to detect and classify user actions captured in a video, and convert these into a replayable test scenario. We performed an extensive evaluation of V2S involving 175 videos depicting 3,534 GUI-based actions collected from users exercising features and reproducing bugs from over 80 popular Android apps. Our results illustrate that V2S can accurately replay scenarios from screen recordings, and is capable of reproducing \approx 89% of our collected videos with minimal overhead. A case study with three industrial partners illustrates the potential usefulness of V2S from the viewpoint of developers.Comment: In proceedings of the 42nd International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE'20), 13 page

    Y2K Interruption: Can the Doomsday Scenario Be Averted?

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    The management philosophy until recent years has been to replace the workers with computers, which are available 24 hours a day, need no benefits, no insurance and never complain. But as the year 2000 approached, along with it came the fear of the millennium bug, generally known as Y2K, and the computers threatened to strike!!!! Y2K, though an abbreviation of year 2000, generally refers to the computer glitches which are associated with the year 2000. Computer companies, in order to save memory and money, adopted a voluntary standard in the beginning of the computer era that all computers automatically convert any year designated by two numbers such as 99 into 1999 by adding the digits 19. This saved enormous amount of memory, and thus money, because large databases containing birth dates or other dates only needed to contain the last two digits such as 65 or 86. But it also created a built in flaw that could make the computers inoperable from January 2000. The problem is that most of these old computers are programmed to convert 00 (for the year 2000) into 1900 and not 2000. The trouble could therefore, arise when the systems had to deal with dates outside the 1900s. In 2000, for example a programme that calculates the age of a person born in 1965 will subtract 65 from 00 and get -65. The problem is most acute in mainframe systems, but that does not mean PCs, UNIX and other computing environments are trouble free. Any computer system that relies on date calculations must be tested because the Y2K or the millennium bug arises because of a potential for “date discontinuity” which occurs when the time expressed by a system, or any of its components, does not move in consonance with real time. Though attention has been focused on the potential problems linked with change from 1999 to 2000, date discontinuity may occur at other times in and around this period.

    Prompting Is All Your Need: Automated Android Bug Replay with Large Language Models

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    Bug reports are vital for software maintenance that allow users to inform developers of the problems encountered while using the software. As such, researchers have committed considerable resources toward automating bug replay to expedite the process of software maintenance. Nonetheless, the success of current automated approaches is largely dictated by the characteristics and quality of bug reports, as they are constrained by the limitations of manually-crafted patterns and pre-defined vocabulary lists. Inspired by the success of Large Language Models (LLMs) in natural language understanding, we propose AdbGPT, a new lightweight approach to automatically reproduce the bugs from bug reports through prompt engineering, without any training and hard-coding effort. AdbGPT leverages few-shot learning and chain-of-thought reasoning to elicit human knowledge and logical reasoning from LLMs to accomplish the bug replay in a manner similar to a developer. Our evaluations demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of our AdbGPT to reproduce 81.3% of bug reports in 253.6 seconds, outperforming the state-of-the-art baselines and ablation studies. We also conduct a small-scale user study to confirm the usefulness of AdbGPT in enhancing developers' bug replay capabilities.Comment: Accepted to 46th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2024

    Large Language Models for Software Engineering: A Systematic Literature Review

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    Large Language Models (LLMs) have significantly impacted numerous domains, notably including Software Engineering (SE). Nevertheless, a well-rounded understanding of the application, effects, and possible limitations of LLMs within SE is still in its early stages. To bridge this gap, our systematic literature review takes a deep dive into the intersection of LLMs and SE, with a particular focus on understanding how LLMs can be exploited in SE to optimize processes and outcomes. Through a comprehensive review approach, we collect and analyze a total of 229 research papers from 2017 to 2023 to answer four key research questions (RQs). In RQ1, we categorize and provide a comparative analysis of different LLMs that have been employed in SE tasks, laying out their distinctive features and uses. For RQ2, we detail the methods involved in data collection, preprocessing, and application in this realm, shedding light on the critical role of robust, well-curated datasets for successful LLM implementation. RQ3 allows us to examine the specific SE tasks where LLMs have shown remarkable success, illuminating their practical contributions to the field. Finally, RQ4 investigates the strategies employed to optimize and evaluate the performance of LLMs in SE, as well as the common techniques related to prompt optimization. Armed with insights drawn from addressing the aforementioned RQs, we sketch a picture of the current state-of-the-art, pinpointing trends, identifying gaps in existing research, and flagging promising areas for future study


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    Research on mining user reviews in mobile application (app) stores has noticeably advanced in the past few years. The main objective is to extract useful information that app developers can use to build more sustainable apps. In general, existing research on app store mining can be classified into three genres: classification of user feedback into different types of software maintenance requests (e.g., bug reports and feature requests), building practical tools that are readily available for developers to use, and proposing visions for enhanced mobile app stores that integrate multiple sources of user feedback to ensure app survivability. Despite these major advances, existing tools and techniques still suffer from several drawbacks. Specifically, the majority of techniques rely on the textual content of user reviews for classification. However, due to the inherently diverse and unstructured nature of user-generated online textual reviews, text-based review mining techniques often produce excessively complicated models that are prone to over-fitting. Furthermore, the majority of proposed techniques focus on extracting and classifying the functional requirements in mobile app reviews, providing a little or no support for extracting and synthesizing the non-functional requirements (NFRs) raised in user feedback (e.g., security, reliability, and usability). In terms of tool support, existing tools are still far from being adequate for practical applications. In general, there is a lack of off-the-shelf tools that can be used by researchers and practitioners to accurately mine user reviews. Motivated by these observations, in this dissertation, we explore several research directions aimed at addressing the current issues and shortcomings in app store review mining research. In particular, we introduce a novel semantically aware approach for mining and classifying functional requirements from app store reviews. This approach reduces the dimensionality of the data and enhances the predictive capabilities of the classifier. We then present a two-phase study aimed at automatically capturing the NFRs in user reviews. We also introduce MARC, a tool that enables developers to extract, classify, and summarize user reviews