8 research outputs found

    Performance Tuning of Database Systems Using a Context-aware Approach

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    Database system performance problems have a cascading effect into all aspects of an enterprise application. Database vendors and application developers provide guidelines, best practices and even initial database settings for good performance. But database performance tuning is not a one-off task. Database administrators have to keep a constant eye on the database performance as the tuning work carried out earlier could be invalidated due to multitude of reasons. Before engaging in a performance tuning endeavor, a database administrator must prioritize which tuning tasks to carry out first. This prioritization is done based on which tuning action would yield highest performance benefit. However, this prediction may not always be accurate. Experiment-based performance tuning methodologies have been introduced as an alternative to prediction-based performance tuning approaches. Experimenting on a representative system similar to the production one allows a database administrator to accurately gauge the performance gain for a particular tuning task. In this paper we propose a novel approach to experiment-based performance tuning with the use of a context-aware application model. Using a proof-of-concept implementation we show how it could be used to automate the detection of performance changes, experiment creation and evaluate the performance tuning outcomes for mixed workload types through database configuration parameter changes

    Context-Aware Framework for Performance Tuning via Multi-action Evaluation

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    Context-aware systems perform adaptive changes in several ways. One way is for the system developers to encompass all possible context changes in a context-aware application and embed them into the system. However, this may not suit situations where the system encounters unknown contexts. In such cases, system inferences and adaptive learning are used whereby the system executes one action and evaluates the outcome to self-adapts/self-learns based on that. Unfortunately, this iterative approach is time-consuming if high number of actions needs to be evaluated. By contrast, our framework for context-aware systems finds the best action for unknown context through concurrent multi-action evaluation and self-adaptation which reduces significantly the evolution time in comparison to the iterative approach. In our implementation we show how the context-aware multi-action system can be used for a context-aware evaluation for database performance tuning

    CM-CASL: Comparison-based Performance Modeling of Software Systems via Collaborative Active and Semisupervised Learning

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    Configuration tuning for large software systems is generally challenging due to the complex configuration space and expensive performance evaluation. Most existing approaches follow a two-phase process, first learning a regression-based performance prediction model on available samples and then searching for the configurations with satisfactory performance using the learned model. Such regression-based models often suffer from the scarcity of samples due to the enormous time and resources required to run a large software system with a specific configuration. Moreover, previous studies have shown that even a highly accurate regression-based model may fail to discern the relative merit between two configurations, whereas performance comparison is actually one fundamental strategy for configuration tuning. To address these issues, this paper proposes CM-CASL, a Comparison-based performance Modeling approach for software systems via Collaborative Active and Semisupervised Learning. CM-CASL learns a classification model that compares the performance of two given configurations, and enhances the samples through a collaborative labeling process by both human experts and classifiers using an integration of active and semisupervised learning. Experimental results demonstrate that CM-CASL outperforms two state-of-the-art performance modeling approaches in terms of both classification accuracy and rank accuracy, and thus provides a better performance model for the subsequent work of configuration tuning

    Self-adaptation via concurrent multi-action evaluation for unknown context

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    Context-aware computing has been attracting growing attention in recent years. Generally, there are several ways for a context-aware system to select a course of action for a particular change of context. One way is for the system developers to encompass all possible context changes in the domain knowledge. Other methods include system inferences and adaptive learning whereby the system executes one action and evaluates the outcome and self-adapts/self-learns based on that. However, in situations where a system encounters unknown contexts, the iterative approach would become unfeasible when the size of the action space increases. Providing efficient solutions to this problem has been the main goal of this research project. Based on the developed abstract model, the designed methodology replaces the single action implementation and evaluation by multiple actions implemented and evaluated concurrently. This parallel evaluation of actions speeds up significantly the evolution time taken to select the best action suited to unknown context compared to the iterative approach. The designed and implemented framework efficiently carries out concurrent multi-action evaluation when an unknown context is encountered and finds the best course of action. Two concrete implementations of the framework were carried out demonstrating the usability and adaptability of the framework across multiple domains. The first implementation was in the domain of database performance tuning. The concrete implementation of the framework demonstrated the ability of concurrent multi-action evaluation technique to performance tune a database when performance is regressed for an unknown reason. The second implementation demonstrated the ability of the framework to correctly determine the threshold price to be used in a name-your-own-price channel when an unknown context is encountered. In conclusion the research introduced a new paradigm of a self-adaptation technique for context-aware application. Among the existing body of work, the concurrent multi-action evaluation is classified under the abstract concept of experiment-based self-adaptation techniques

    Avoiding Bad Query Mixes to Minimize Unsuccessful Client Requests Under Heavy Loads

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    In three-tiered web applications, some form of admission control is required to ensure that throughput and response times are not significantly harmed during periods of heavy load. We propose Q-Cop, a prototype system for improving admission control decisions that computes measures of load on the system based on the actual mix of queries being executed. This measure of load is used to estimate execution times for incoming queries, which allows Q-Cop to make control decisions with the goal of minimizing the number of requests that are not serviced before the client, or their browser, times out. Using TPC-W queries, we show that the response times of different types of queries can vary significantly, in excess of 50% in our experiments, depending not just on the number of queries being processed but on the mix of other queries that are running simultaneously. The variation implies that admission control can benefit from taking into account not just the number of queries being processed, but also the mix of queries. We develop a model of expected query execution times that accounts for the mix of queries being executed and integrate that model into a three-tiered system to make admission control decisions. This approach makes more informed decisions about which queries to reject, and our results show that it significantly reduces the number of unsuccessful client requests. Our results show that this approach makes more informed decisions about which queries to reject and as a result significantly reduces the number of unsuccessful client requests. For comparison, we develop several other models which represent related work in the field, including an MPL-based approach and an approach that considers the type of query but not the mix of queries. We show that Q-Cop does not need to re-compute any modelling information in order to perform well, a strong advantage over most other approaches. Across the range of workloads examined, an average of 47% fewer requests are denied than the next best approach

    Query Interactions in Database Systems

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    The typical workload in a database system consists of a mix of multiple queries of different types, running concurrently and interacting with each other. The same query may have different performance in different mixes. Hence, optimizing performance requires reasoning about query mixes and their interactions, rather than considering individual queries or query types. In this dissertation, we demonstrate how queries affect each other when they are executing concurrently in different mixes. We show the significant impact that query interactions can have on the end-to-end workload performance. A major hurdle in the understanding of query interactions in database systems is that there is a large spectrum of possible causes of interactions. For example, query interactions can happen because of any of the resource-related, data-related or configuration-related dependencies that exist in the system. This variation in underlying causes makes it very difficult to come up with robust analytical performance models to capture and model query interactions. We present a new approach for modeling performance in the presence of interactions, based on conducting experiments to measure the effect of query interactions and fitting statistical models to the data collected in these experiments to capture the impact of query interactions. The experiments collect samples of the different possible query mixes, and measure the performance metrics of interest for the different queries in these sample mixes. Statistical models such as simple regression and instance-based learning techniques are used to train models from these sample mixes. This approach requires no prior assumptions about the internal workings of the database system or the nature or cause of the interactions, making it portable across systems. We demonstrate the potential of capturing, modeling, and exploiting query interactions by developing techniques to help in two database performance related tasks: workload scheduling and estimating the completion time of a workload. These are important workload management problems that database administrators have to deal with routinely. We consider the problem of scheduling a workload of report-generation queries. Our scheduling algorithms employ statistical performance models to schedule appropriate query mixes for the given workload. Our experimental evaluation demonstrates that our interaction-aware scheduling algorithms outperform scheduling policies that are typically used in database systems. The problem of estimating the completion time of a workload is an important problem, and the state of the art does not offer any systematic solution. Typically database administrators rely on heuristics or observations of past behavior to solve this problem. We propose a more rigorous solution to this problem, based on a workload simulator that employs performance models to simulate the execution of the different mixes that make up a workload. This mix-based simulator provides a systematic tool that can help database administrators in estimating workload completion time. Our experimental evaluation shows that our approach can estimate the workload completion times with a high degree of accuracy. Overall, this dissertation demonstrates that reasoning about query interactions holds significant potential for realizing performance improvements in database systems. The techniques developed in this work can be viewed as initial steps in this interesting area of research, with lots of potential for future work

    Automated Experiment-Driven Management of (Database) Systems

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    In this position paper, we argue that an important piece of the system administration puzzle has largely been left untouched by researchers. This piece involves mechanisms and policies to identify as well as collect missing instrumentation data; the missing data is essential to generate the knowledge required to address certain administrative tasks satisfactorily and efficiently. We introduce the paradigm of experiment-driven management which encapsulates such mechanisms and policies for a given administrative task. We outline the benefits that automated experiment-driven management brings to several long-standing problems in databases as well as other systems, and identify research challenges as well as initial solutions