2,877 research outputs found

    Automated Machine Learning for Deep Recommender Systems: A Survey

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    Deep recommender systems (DRS) are critical for current commercial online service providers, which address the issue of information overload by recommending items that are tailored to the user's interests and preferences. They have unprecedented feature representations effectiveness and the capacity of modeling the non-linear relationships between users and items. Despite their advancements, DRS models, like other deep learning models, employ sophisticated neural network architectures and other vital components that are typically designed and tuned by human experts. This article will give a comprehensive summary of automated machine learning (AutoML) for developing DRS models. We first provide an overview of AutoML for DRS models and the related techniques. Then we discuss the state-of-the-art AutoML approaches that automate the feature selection, feature embeddings, feature interactions, and system design in DRS. Finally, we discuss appealing research directions and summarize the survey

    Personalized Ranking in eCommerce Search

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    We address the problem of personalization in the context of eCommerce search. Specifically, we develop personalization ranking features that use in-session context to augment a generic ranker optimized for conversion and relevance. We use a combination of latent features learned from item co-clicks in historic sessions and content-based features that use item title and price. Personalization in search has been discussed extensively in the existing literature. The novelty of our work is combining and comparing content-based and content-agnostic features and showing that they complement each other to result in a significant improvement of the ranker. Moreover, our technique does not require an explicit re-ranking step, does not rely on learning user profiles from long term search behavior, and does not involve complex modeling of query-item-user features. Our approach captures item co-click propensity using lightweight item embeddings. We experimentally show that our technique significantly outperforms a generic ranker in terms of Mean Reciprocal Rank (MRR). We also provide anecdotal evidence for the semantic similarity captured by the item embeddings on the eBay search engine.Comment: Under Revie

    LambdaOpt: Learn to Regularize Recommender Models in Finer Levels

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    Recommendation models mainly deal with categorical variables, such as user/item ID and attributes. Besides the high-cardinality issue, the interactions among such categorical variables are usually long-tailed, with the head made up of highly frequent values and a long tail of rare ones. This phenomenon results in the data sparsity issue, making it essential to regularize the models to ensure generalization. The common practice is to employ grid search to manually tune regularization hyperparameters based on the validation data. However, it requires non-trivial efforts and large computation resources to search the whole candidate space; even so, it may not lead to the optimal choice, for which different parameters should have different regularization strengths. In this paper, we propose a hyperparameter optimization method, LambdaOpt, which automatically and adaptively enforces regularization during training. Specifically, it updates the regularization coefficients based on the performance of validation data. With LambdaOpt, the notorious tuning of regularization hyperparameters can be avoided; more importantly, it allows fine-grained regularization (i.e. each parameter can have an individualized regularization coefficient), leading to better generalized models. We show how to employ LambdaOpt on matrix factorization, a classical model that is representative of a large family of recommender models. Extensive experiments on two public benchmarks demonstrate the superiority of our method in boosting the performance of top-K recommendation.Comment: Accepted by KDD 201

    Continuous Input Embedding Size Search For Recommender Systems

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    Latent factor models are the most popular backbones for today's recommender systems owing to their prominent performance. Latent factor models represent users and items as real-valued embedding vectors for pairwise similarity computation, and all embeddings are traditionally restricted to a uniform size that is relatively large (e.g., 256-dimensional). With the exponentially expanding user base and item catalog in contemporary e-commerce, this design is admittedly becoming memory-inefficient. To facilitate lightweight recommendation, reinforcement learning (RL) has recently opened up opportunities for identifying varying embedding sizes for different users/items. However, challenged by search efficiency and learning an optimal RL policy, existing RL-based methods are restricted to highly discrete, predefined embedding size choices. This leads to a largely overlooked potential of introducing finer granularity into embedding sizes to obtain better recommendation effectiveness under a given memory budget. In this paper, we propose continuous input embedding size search (CIESS), a novel RL-based method that operates on a continuous search space with arbitrary embedding sizes to choose from. In CIESS, we further present an innovative random walk-based exploration strategy to allow the RL policy to efficiently explore more candidate embedding sizes and converge to a better decision. CIESS is also model-agnostic and hence generalizable to a variety of latent factor RSs, whilst experiments on two real-world datasets have shown state-of-the-art performance of CIESS under different memory budgets when paired with three popular recommendation models.Comment: To appear in SIGIR'2

    Analytical Challenges in Modern Tax Administration: A Brief History of Analytics at the IRS

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    AutoMLP: Automated MLP for Sequential Recommendations

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    Sequential recommender systems aim to predict users' next interested item given their historical interactions. However, a long-standing issue is how to distinguish between users' long/short-term interests, which may be heterogeneous and contribute differently to the next recommendation. Existing approaches usually set pre-defined short-term interest length by exhaustive search or empirical experience, which is either highly inefficient or yields subpar results. The recent advanced transformer-based models can achieve state-of-the-art performances despite the aforementioned issue, but they have a quadratic computational complexity to the length of the input sequence. To this end, this paper proposes a novel sequential recommender system, AutoMLP, aiming for better modeling users' long/short-term interests from their historical interactions. In addition, we design an automated and adaptive search algorithm for preferable short-term interest length via end-to-end optimization. Through extensive experiments, we show that AutoMLP has competitive performance against state-of-the-art methods, while maintaining linear computational complexity.Comment: Accepted by WWW'2