9 research outputs found

    Floorplan-aware automated synthesis of bus-based communication architectures

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    NoC Topology Synthesis for Supporting Shutdown of Voltage Islands in SoCs

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    In many Systems on Chips (SoCs), the cores are clustered in to voltage islands. When cores in an island are unused, the entire island can be shutdown to reduce the leakage power consumption. However, today, the interconnect architecture is a bottleneck in allowing the shutdown of the islands. In this paper, we present a synthesis approach to obtain customized application-speciïŹc Networks on Chips (NoCs) that can support the shutdown of voltage islands. Our results on realistic SoC benchmarks show that the re- sulting NoC designs only have a negligible overhead in SoC active power consumption (average of 3%) and area (average of 0.5%) to support the shutdown of islands. The shutdown support provided can lead to a signiïŹcant leakage and hence total power savings

    An Application-Specific Design Methodology for On-chip Crossbar Generation

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    Designing a power-efficient interconnection architec- ture for MultiProcessor Systems-on-Chips (MPSoCs) satisfying the application performance constraints is a nontrivial task. In order to meet the tight time-to-market constraints and to effec- tively handle the design complexity, it is essential to provide a computer-aided design tool support for automating this task. In this paper, we address the issue of “application-specific design of optimal crossbar architecture” satisfying the performance re- quirements of the application and optimal binding of the cores onto the crossbar resources. We present a simulation-based design approach that is based on the analysis of the actual traffic trace of the application, considering local variations in traffic rates, temporal overlap among traffic streams, and criticality of traffic streams. Our approach is physical design aware, where the wiring complexity of the crossbar architecture is also considered during the design process. This leads to detecting timing violations on the wires early in the design cycle and to having accurate estimates of the power consumption on the wires. We apply our methodology onto several MPSoC designs, and the synthesized crossbar plat- forms are validated for performance by cycle-accurate SystemC simulation of the designs. The crossbar matrix power consumption values are based on the synthesis of the register transfer level models of the designs, obtained using industry standard tools. The experimental case studies show large reduction in communication architecture power consumption (45.3% on average) and total wirelength (38% on average) for the MPSoC designs when com- pared with traditional design approaches. The synthesized cross- bar designs also lead to large reduction in transaction latencies (up to 7×) when compared with the existing design approaches

    Exploration architecturale de communications-sur-puce au niveau systĂšme

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    SystĂšme sur puce multiprocesseur -- Le besoin grandissant -- Le logiciel -- Le matĂ©riel -- MĂ©thodologies et plateformes de conception -- Les communication-sur-puce -- Les diffĂ©rentes architectures -- RĂ©seau sur puce -- Tchniques d'analyse -- MĂ©thodes d'exploration architecturale -- Exploration architecturale des communications sur puce -- La plateforme Space -- MĂ©thodologie d'exploration -- Les composants au niveau TF -- Les composants au niveau BCA -- MĂ©thode des fenĂȘtres dans les ponts -- Composants annexes pour aider Ă  amĂ©liorer le rĂ©seau multibus -- Analyse de l'exploration et des performances -- Outis de mesure -- Comparaison des estimations de simulation au niveau TF et BCA -- Performance Ă  travers la mĂ©thodologie dexploration -- Risques liĂ©s Ă  l'utilisation du pont direct

    Automated Bus Generation for Multiprocessor SoC Design

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    The performance of a system, especially a multiprocessor system, heavily depends upon the efficiency of its bus architecture. This paper presents a methodology to generate a custom bus system for a multiprocessor System-on-a-Chip (SoC). Our bus synthesis tool (BusSyn) uses this methodology to generate five different bus systems as examples: Bi-FIFO Bus Architecture (BFBA), Global Bus Architecture Version I (GBAVI), Global Bus Architecture Version III (GBAVIII), Hybrid bus architecture (Hybrid) and Split Bus Architecture (SplitBA). We verify and evaluate the performance of each bus system in the context of three applications: an Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) wireless transmitter, an MPEG2 decoder and a database example. This methodology gives the designer a great benefit in fast design space exploration of bus architectures across a variety of performance impacting factors such as bus types, processor types and software programming style. In this paper, we show that BusSyn can generate buses that achieve superior performance when compared to a simple General Global Bus Architecture (GGBA) (e.g., 41% reduction in execution time in the case of a database example). In addition, the bus architecture generated by BusSyn is designed in a matter of seconds instead of weeks for the hand design of a custom bus system

    Automated Bus Generation for Multiprocessor SoC Design

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    The performance of a system, especially a multiprocessor system, heavily depends upon the efficiency of its bus architecture. This paper presents a methodology to generate a custom bus system for a multiprocessor System-on-a-Chip (SoC). Our bus synthesis tool (BusSyn) uses this methodology to generate five different bus systems as examples: Bi-FIFO Bus Architecture (BFBA), Global Bus Architecture Version I (GBAVI), Global Bus Architecture Version III (GBAVIII), Hybrid bus architecture (Hybrid) and Split Bus Architecture (SplitBA). We verify and evaluate the performance of each bus system in the context of two applications: an Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) wireless transmitter and an MPEG2 decoder. This methodology gives the designer a great benefit in fast design space exploration of bus architectures across a variety of performance impacting factors such as bus types, processor types and software programming style. In this paper, we show that BusSyn can generate buses that achieve superior performance when compared to a simple General Global Bus Architecture (GGBA) (e.g., 16.44% performance improvement in the case of OFDM transmitter) or when compared to the CoreConnect Bus Architecture (CCBA) (e.g., 15.54% peformance improvement in the case of MPEG2 decoder). In addition, the bus architecture generated by BusSyn is designed in a matter of seconds instead of weeks for the hand design of a custom bus system

    Automated Bus Generation for Multiprocessor SoC Design

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    Abstract—The performance of a multiprocessor system heavily depends upon the efficiency of its bus architecture. This paper presents a methodology to generate a custom bus system for a multiprocessor System-on-a-Chip (SoC). Our bus synthesis tool, which we call BusSyn, uses this methodology to generate five different bus systems as examples: Bi-FIFO Bus Architecture (BFBA), Global Bus Architecture Version I (GBAVI), Global Bus Architecture Version III (GBAVIII), Hybrid bus architecture (Hybrid) and Split Bus Architecture (SplitBA). We verify and evaluate the performance of each bus system in the context of three applications: an Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) wireless transmitter, an MPEG2 decoder and a database example. This methodology gives the designer a great benefit in fast design space exploration of bus architectures across a variety of performance impacting factors such as bus types, processor types and software programming style. In this paper, we show that BusSyn can generate buses that, when compared to a typical General Global Bus Architecture (GGBA), achieve superior performance (e.g., 41 % reduction in execution time in the case of a database example). In addition, the bus architecture generated by BusSyn is designed in a matter of seconds instead of weeks for the hand design of a custom bus system. Index Terms—Bus architecture, bus generation, design space exploration, Intellectual Property (IP), System-on-a-Chip (SoC), synthesis

    Automated Bus Generation for Multiprocessor SoC Design

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    Dedicated to my wife, Hyejung Hyeon, my parents, and my parents-in-law iii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work could have not been finished without the support and sacrifice of many people I had to express my gratitude. First of all, I would like to deeply thank my adviser Vincent J. Mooney III. He has supported and encouraged me to develop my dissertation with his enthusiasm and professionalism throughout all stages of my Ph.D. program. He has been a great source of ideas and provided me with invaluable feedback. In addition, Dr. Mooney has been helping me improve my English skills with his consideration. I would also like to extend my appreciation to Dr. Jeffrey Davis, Dr. Sudhakar Yalamanchili, Dr. Paul Benkeser, and Dr. Thad Starner for serving on the committee and offering constructive comments. I have to thank all Hardware/Software Codesign group members for their helps and friendship. It is obvious that, without many helps by them, my long journey a