5 research outputs found

    On Execution-Based Formalization for Sequential Consistency Verification

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    Abstract The adequacy of execution based formalizations in modeling and verifying shared memory systems is discussed. It is argued that unclear sentence.... not comparable. We claim that the decidability problem of sequential consistency for finite-state systems is an open problem, in contrast with the result o

    Automatable Verification of Sequential Consistency

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    Sequential consistency is a multiprocessor memory model of both practical and theoretical importance. Designing and implementing a memory system that efficiently provides a given memory model is a challenging and error-prone task, so automated verification support would be invaluable. Unfortunately, the general problem of deciding whether a finite-state protocol implements sequential consistency is undecidable. In this paper, we identify a restricted class of protocols for which verifying sequential consistency is decidable. The class includes all published sequentially consistent protocols that are known to us, and we argue why the class is likely to include all real sequentially consistent protocols. In principle, our method can be applied in a completely automated fashion for verification of all implemented protocols

    Automatable Verification of Sequential Consistency£ [Extended Abstract]

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