2 research outputs found

    Completeness in Approximate Transduction

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    Symbolic finite automata (SFA) allow the representation of regular languages of strings over an infinite alphabet of symbols. Recently these automata have been studied in the context of abstract interpretation, showing their extreme flexibility in representing languages at different levels of abstraction. Therefore, SFAs can naturally approximate sets of strings by the language they recognise, providing a suitable abstract domain for the analysis of symbolic data structures. In this scenario, transducers model SFA transformations. We characterise the properties of transduction of SFAs that guarantee soundness and completeness of the abstract interpretation of operations manipulating strings. We apply our model to the derivation of sanitisers for preventing cross site scripting attacks in web application security. In this case we extract the code sanitiser directly from the backward (transduction) analysis of the program given the specification of the expected attack in terms of SFA