8 research outputs found

    OP2-Clang : a source-to-source translator using Clang/LLVM LibTooling

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    Domain Specific Languages or Active Library frameworks have recently emerged as an important method for gaining performance portability, where an application can be efficiently executed on a wide range of HPC architectures without significant manual modifications. Embedded DSLs such as OP2, provides an API embedded in general purpose languages such as C/C++/Fortran. They rely on source-to-source translation and code refactorization to translate the higher-level API calls to platform specific parallel implementations. OP2 targets the solution of unstructured-mesh computations, where it can generate a variety of parallel implementations for execution on architectures such as CPUs, GPUs, distributed memory clusters and heterogeneous processors making use of a wide range of platform specific optimizations. Compiler tool-chains supporting source-to-source translation of code written in mainstream languages currently lack the capabilities to carry out such wide-ranging code transformations. Clang/LLVM’s Tooling library (LibTooling) has long been touted as having such capabilities but have only demonstrated its use in simple source refactoring tasks. In this paper we introduce OP2-Clang, a source-to-source translator based on LibTooling, for OP2’s C/C++ API, capable of generating target parallel code based on SIMD, OpenMP, CUDA and their combinations with MPI. OP2-Clang is designed to significantly reduce maintenance, particularly making it easy to be extended to generate new parallelizations and optimizations for hardware platforms. In this research, we demonstrate its capabilities including (1) the use of LibTooling’s AST matchers together with a simple strategy that use parallelization templates or skeletons to significantly reduce the complexity of generating radically different and transformed target code and (2) chart the challenges and solution to generating optimized parallelizations for OpenMP, SIMD and CUDA. Results indicate that OP2-Clang produces near-identical parallel code to that of OP2’s current source-to-source translator. We believe that the lessons learnt in OP2-Clang can be readily applied to developing other similar source-to-source translators, particularly for DSLs

    Under the hood of SYCL - an initial performance analysis with an unstructured-mesh CFD application

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    As the computing hardware landscape gets more diverse, and the complexity of hardware grows, the need for a general purpose parallel programming model capable of developing (performance) portable codes have become highly attractive. Intel’s OneAPI suite, which is based on the SYCL standard aims to fill this gap using a modern C++ API. In this paper, we use SYCL to parallelize MGCFD, an unstructured-mesh computational fluid dynamics (CFD) code, to explore current performance of SYCL. The code is benchmarked on several modern processor systems from Intel (including CPUs and the latest Xe LP GPU), AMD, ARM and Nvidia, making use of a variety of current SYCL compilers, with a particular focus on OneAPI and how it maps to Intel’s CPU and GPU architectures. We compare performance with other parallelisations available in OP2, including SIMD, OpenMP, MPI and CUDA. The results are mixed; the performance of this class of applications, when parallelized with SYCL, highly depends on the target architecture and the compiler, but in many cases comes close to the performance of currently prevalent parallel programming models. However, it still requires different parallelization strategies or code-paths be written for different hardware to obtain the best performanc

    The VOLNA-OP2 tsunami code (version 1.5)

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    In this paper, we present the VOLNA-OP2 tsunami model and implementation; a finite-volume nonlinear shallow-water equation (NSWE) solver built on the OP2 domain-specific language (DSL) for unstructured mesh computations. VOLNA-OP2 is unique among tsunami solvers in its support for several high-performance computing platforms: central processing units (CPUs), the Intel Xeon Phi, and graphics processing units (GPUs). This is achieved in a way that the scientific code is kept separate from various parallel implementations, enabling easy maintainability. It has already been used in production for several years; here we discuss how it can be integrated into various workflows, such as a statistical emulator. The scalability of the code is demonstrated on three supercomputers, built with classical Xeon CPUs, the Intel Xeon Phi, and NVIDIA P100 GPUs. VOLNA-OP2 shows an ability to deliver productivity as well as performance and portability to its users across a number of platforms

    The VOLNA-OP2 tsunami code (version 1.5)

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    In this paper, we present the VOLNA-OP2 tsunami model and implementation; a finite-volume non-linear shallow-water equation (NSWE) solver built on the OP2 domain-specific language (DSL) for unstructured mesh computations. VOLNA-OP2 is unique among tsunami solvers in its support for several high-performance computing platforms: central processing units (CPUs), the Intel Xeon Phi, and graphics processing units (GPUs). This is achieved in a way that the scientific code is kept separate from various parallel implementations, enabling easy maintainability. It has already been used in production for several years; here we discuss how it can be integrated into various workflows, such as a statistical emulator. The scalability of the code is demonstrated on three supercomputers, built with classical Xeon CPUs, the Intel Xeon Phi, and NVIDIA P100 GPUs. VOLNA-OP2 shows an ability to deliver productivity as well as performance and portability to its users across a number of platforms.</p

    Productivity, performance, and portability for computational fluid dynamics applications

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    Hardware trends over the last decade show increasing complexity and heterogeneity in high performance computing architectures, which presents developers of CFD applications with three key challenges; the need for achieving good performance, being able to utilise current and future hardware by being portable, and doing so in a productive manner. These three appear to contradict each other when using traditional programming approaches, but in recent years, several strategies such as template libraries and Domain Specific Languages have emerged as a potential solution; by giving up generality and focusing on a narrower domain of problems, all three can be achieved. This paper gives an overview of the state-of-the-art for delivering performance, portability, and productivity to CFD applications, ranging from high-level libraries that allow the symbolic description of PDEs to low-level techniques that target individual algorithmic patterns. We discuss advantages and challenges in using each approach, and review the performance benchmarking literature that compares implementations for hardware architectures and their programming methods, giving an overview of key applications and their comparative performance

    Auto-vectorizing a large-scale production unstructured-mesh CFD application

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    For modern x86 based CPUs with increasingly longer vector lengths, achieving good vectorization has become very important for gaining higher performance. Using very explicit SIMD vector programming techniques has been shown to give near optimal performance, however they are difficult to implement for all classes of applications particularly ones with very irregular memory accesses and usually require considerable re-factorisation of the code. Vector intrinsics are also not available for languages such as Fortran which is still heavily used in large production applications. The alternative is to depend on compiler auto-vectorization which usually have been less effective in vectorizing codes with irregular memory access patterns. In this paper we present recent research exploring techniques to gain compiler auto-vectorization for unstructured mesh applications. A key contribution is details on software techniques that achieve auto-vectorisation for a large production grade unstructured mesh application from the CFD domain so as to benefit from the vector units on the latest Intel processors without a significant code re-write. We use code generation tools in the OP2 domain specific library to apply the auto-vectorising optimisations automatically to the production code base and further explore the performance of the application compared to the performance with other parallelisations such as on the latest NVIDIA GPUs. We see that there is considerable performance improvements with autovectorization. The most compute intensive parallel loops in the large CFD application shows speedups of nearly 40% on a 20 core Intel Haswell system compared to their nonvectorized versions. However not all loops gain due to vectorization where loops with less computational intensity lose performance due to the associated overheads